Day: January 9, 2021
Today, while the blossoms still — hey waitaminute
Today I’m going over to Planet Bachelor to assist with moving activities. I have no idea what form that assistance will take but something must be done. Called Keith last night and he said AFTER LunCH so that’s when I am going.
If Nancy Pelosi wasn’t such an aged and normative coward none of the shit in the US would have happened. Trump took advantage and Pelosi cheerfully let him.
Hey mumma!
Baby Yoda is messing with EVANGELICALS and CATHOLICS now.
Now I know you walk beside me
Now I know you walk beside me / invocation of the ancestors
I really like this song. Sometimes you write a song and never feel the urge to keep playing it but this one is not like that.
Settler Saturday #2
May I introduce you to the far flung collective Salmon Nation?
Give if you feel moved.
Is it time to re-read the recommendations of the Reconciliation Report? It’s a time commitment, but so is reconciliation.