I did absolutely as little as possible yesterday. I did not help with the move, I did about 500 words on the current UPSUN chapter, I put clean laundry back in my room, I made really runny rice pudding the way Jeff prefers it, I wrote a blistering email to a family member which I sent to a friend instead, I did not practice, I did not get dressed, I booked my next recording session on the 1st next month, ever supposing that Brutal Asshole currently pres of the US doesn’t nuke Vancouver for taking the sign off the Tr&mp tower in Downtown.
Today I’m going to make a list and review my habit schedule, I can feel my good habits slipping away from me in the doomscrolling carnage subsequent to the coup attempt. I’m also hoping to convince Jeff to go shopping.
Protests in front of various high tech office headquarters by MAGAts are expected all this week. The leadup to the inauguration is going to be fireworky, I’m sure.
This image is for mOm, relating to an amusing conversation we had earlier this week.

Clippy, the long despised Word assistant says ‘It looks like you’re trying to fuck around Would you like to find out YES NO