—original Star Trek theme —

Okay, now that I’ve cognitively set you up for this request, look what came through my inbox just now….

Loki, I know you never sign petitions but this is a MUST.

Hello from two CICLOPS Alliance members and fellow fans of Cassini!

For those of you who may have missed the big news, CICLOPS imaging director Carolyn Porco recently served as a science consultant on this year’s blockbuster feature-length film, Star Trek. In subsequent posts to the CICLOPS message boards (see the comments at http://ciclops.org/view_event.php?id=109), a few of you brought up the idea of petitioning to get Carolyn a cameo spot in the sequel, which is currently in pre-production and will likely release in 2011. In response to those comments, a couple of us put our brains together and decided to draft a real petition! We showed this to Carolyn, and she loved the idea, saying she’d be “honored to wear the Federation uniform.”

To move things along, she graciously agreed to let us send this note to her friends and supporters, fans of Cassini, and all CICLOPS Alliance members as a call to action. You will see that the petition says–and I’m sure you would all agree–that there are many reasons why Carolyn deserves a spot in front of the camera. So I urge you to please get out there and make your voices heard! If we can get 10,000 people to heed our call, I don’t think there’s any way that producer J.J. Abrams (with whom Carolyn worked on the 2009 film) will be able to ignore it!

To sign the petition (and leave a comment, if you like!), simply go to:


and sign up. And be sure to spread the word to everyone and anyone you know!

Thanks in advance for your support.

Let’s make it so!

Maia Weinstock
David Holmes

Dream about John

Actually, it was a nightmare; I don’t feel strong enough to recount it.  It was not a visitation dream; there was nothing positive about it.  After the main part of the dream I drank colloidal silver in a bar and everybody wanted to know what I was having; the drink had a remarkable texture and would form a skin unless you gently shook it once in a while.  I still feel disgusted and shaky about the dream, though; if this is what going back on a vitamin regimen does I may be in for a rough couple of nights.

Bob Dylan’s New Year’s Day is done

I have always been much more fond of the lyrics than the tune on this one, but I don’t mind. …. I remember the day I wrote it… on the subway, coming back on New Year’s Day from crashing at Dave’s the night before.  Toronto seems so very far away from me now.  And yet thither must I go.

The landpeers are power washing the back deck preparatory to painting it.

I had lunch at Himalayan Peak with Hardeep, Trevor, ScaryClown and Robof9 yesterday, and hung with the folks in the cafeteria after that.  LTGW encouraged me to go to the 4:24 showing of District 9, but I wanted to get home and make dinner.

and now for some math tattoos.

Wonderful dream

I haven’t had a decent dream that I can remember in months, and I just had a splendid one.

I was living in a third storey walk up and got involved in a drug bust.  This is all because Jeff and I blasted through a couple of episodes of Homicide last night.  Man, that was a GREAT show.  The writing, the acting; and John Waters was the bartender in one episode, what more could you want?  Anyway, huge drug bust in one show, tiny drug bust in Allegra’s dream.

I swiped the evidence while my neighbour was being busted so of course they had to let him go (serves the cop right for busting the guy without backup) and then he came looking for me.  I just handed it back to him, so he was somewhat startled (it was only weed; I would hardly have helped the guy if it was something stronger).  My feelings of paranoia and discomfort while waiting for him to get back from the cop shop were NOT pleasant; nor was realizing he’d shaved off his dreads between the time he was busted in the time he got back so he got real close to me without me recognizing him.  Man, hair is a major disguise element.  Dreams are wild, hunh?  Anyway he was all happy and then I woke up.

Rumi and Dylan

I know it’s ludicrous, but I read Rumi, and I cry and cry and cry, and then I pick up the book and start reading again.  He’s just the most amazing creature – a living breathing ecstatic poet, 800 years dead.

Enough of that.  I have determined that Bob Dylan’s New Year’s Day is the next tune I will be writing down, in honour of his ‘detention’ in Jersey.  Murphy, but I hope he writes a song about it.

The little list of biases.

As I do research on atheism and cognition, I am finding all kinds of wonderful things.

For discussion and reference, here’s a list of cognitive biases from “Born to Believe” by Andrew Newburg and Mark Robert Waldman.

The first bias made me snort.  Now why didn’t I think of that?

  1. Family bias.  We are more likely to believe what our family members tell us.
  2. Authoritarian bias.  We are more likely to believe what authority figures tell us.
  3. Attractiveness bias.  Why are crippled ugly people not used in advertising? We are more likely to believe what nice looking people tell us.
  4. Confirmation bias.  The text for this bias, in its quiet, unemotional way, speaks volumes, so I am going to quote it directly. “We have a tendency to emphasize information that supports our beliefs, while unconsciously ignoring or rejecting information that contradicts them.  Since beliefs become embedded in our neural circuitry, contradictory evidence often cannot break through the existing connections of the brain.”
  5. Self-Serving Bias.  That’s kinda obvious.  If this information suits me, I will like it better, I will believe it.
  6. In-Group Bias.  People we like get preferential treatment (the ‘hall pass’ of song and legend) when it comes to their beliefs.
  7. Out-Group Bias.  We discount the beliefs of others outside our group.
  8. Group Consensus Bias.  If  everyone around you agrees with you, the more likely you will be to assume that your beliefs are valid.
  9. Bandwagon Bias.  If you walk into a room full of people who believe something, the more likely you will be to tailor your beliefs to theirs. Frequently seen in Vancouver during playoffs.
  10. Projection Bias. Everybody thinks like you.  (Except when they don’t, and your projection gets you into serious crap).
  11. Expectancy Bias.  The reason double-blind studies were invented; you’re trying to learn what is THERE not what you EXPECT to be there
  12. “Magic Number” Bias. Guilty!!  Your brain, unless you are very cognitively disturbed, is designed to do math.  Big numbers make for big emotions, and emotions help code beliefs.  It’s all very neatly intertwingled, isn’t it?
  13. Probability Bias.  “Never tell me the odds” as Han Solo once famously remarked.  Particularly prominent cognitive bias in teenagers and gamblers.  This bias causes you to believe that you are luckier than others.  Bias aside, in my case, it’s true.
  14. Cause-and-Effect Bias.  Oh, sugar.  Wish I had a buck for everytime nautilus3 called me on this bias; I’d be living in the British Properties.  Since our brains love to see a cause for an effect, without necessarily understanding all the factors that went into that effect, humans consistently bugger up what caused what.
  15. Pleasure Bias.  Pleasure = a higher truth.
  16. Personification Bias.  Things get names and personalities.  Unidentified incoming information gets ‘turned into’ something.  Raw data does NOT stay raw for very long.
  17. Perceptual Bias.  We assume that what we think, perceive and believe is somehow an objective reflection of the world.  Beeg misstek.
  18. Perseverance Bias.  Once it is in, it doesn’t come out without effort.  A belief ingrained in our neural circuitry, bolstered by habit, in-group bias, family bias, what have you, is freaking near impossible to get out.  In my view it will not come out without psychological trauma.
  19. False-Memory Bias.  I had no idea that false memories stay in the brain longer than true ones.  This accounts for many events in my life that were simply impossible to explain at the time they happened.
  20. Positive-Memory Bias.  When we look back, it’s better, brighter and happier.
  21. Logic Bias.  If you think it’s logical you’re more likely to believe it.  I personally think this lays over logic a meaning a professional philosopher would find scandalous.  The authors quote William James: “As a rule we disbelieve all the facts and theories for which we have no use.”
  22. Persuasion Bias.  Great speakers who emote get our poor old cognitive goat.  If you look at the difference between a Baptist minister and a scientist presenting findings….  yeah.
  23. Primacy Bias.  Allegra gets more kicks at the can than Zoe.  Information at the top of the list is more easily remembered and more heavily weighted.
  24. Uncertainty Bias.  Human beings do not enjoy uncertainty.  People prefer to believe or disbelieve something and get out of the nasty feeling that accompanies uncertainty.
  25. Emotional Bias.  Anger means I’m right, depression means I can’t see the positive, and anxiety means I’m wrong.
  26. Publication Bias.  Wow, it was printed, so it’s true.  The authors say that editors are biased towards positive rather than negative findings, but that bias must stop at the newsroom door.
  27. Blind-Spot Bias.  The worst bias of all.  The knowing that we don’t have biases, never fall prey to them, and can readily identify them in other people without seeing the humor in that.

Now don’t get me wrong, cognitive biases all serve us biologically, as individuals.  Where they get wacky is when they get writ large onto public policy.  Anyway, this book is providing LOTS to think about, and I also got The Essential Rumi by Coleman Barks with John Moyne (burst into tears on the first page, I’m SUCH a sap), Hardcore Zen by Brad Warner (punk rocker + Buddhism), and Spark (why exercise is important to cognition) by John J Ratey with Eric Hagerman.  Can ya tell what my cognitive biases are from this small sampling???

Oh, the zombanity

Apparently there was a zombie walk this weekend.  I was busy….  not stuff I can blog about ….. but here’s a little zombie flavourin’ agent for your day.

True Blood S2E9 was extremely enjoyable; thank you Mike for getting all the remotes to work.  I fed him turkey and chicken sausage with fennel and cherry PIE – that plus the True Blood made for an excellent evening.  I am going to get another tutorial from Jeff.

Today, I go to the library.

Jeff and Keith will be back from Courtenay this afternoon.