Oh dod

Three frrrriiiicking years til the Winter Olympics.  Ain’t it charmin’ to have something so great to look forward to?  And I can’t really complain because I didn’t actively try to do anything to stop it.  Worse, it’s helping prop up the value of the house….

Garbage Day redux

Katie and I went to Eastburn Park yesterday and policed up all the garbage.  There was one piece of garbage that made me laugh.  It was a receipt from 7-11 for 15 bucks worth of candy; the time on it was about 2 am.  We washed our hands thoroughly when we got home, which remindeth me, I should put gloves in the car.  Picking up soggy paper bleeeeaugh.

a note from my MP

Dear Allegra, Thank you for your recent email about copyright legislation in Canada. Please be assured your views are valued as all emails received are read, considered and reported. I appreciate your input, which is vital to better understanding the concerns and issues of constituents in Burnaby-New Westminster.

I have been concerned about this direction of the former Liberal government and the current Conservative government to inhibit users’ rights. For that reason, I was the first MP to table petitions expressing this concern in Parliament. Continue reading a note from my MP

Mean-spirited, yes, but o so funny

Let’s just say that the OTHER comics were really funny. What I find entertaining most of all is that I made an effort (a small one) to you know, show up on time, write new material, and push my boundaries. Some of the folks I went through David Granirer’s course with have not written any significantly new material in a year. I write new material for every gig; it’s a damned good thing I’m only going out once a year, but it’s hard to claim you do standup if you sit around the house every night whinging about what a coward you are. Continue reading Mean-spirited, yes, but o so funny


East Burnaby is very subject to fog; if you look at it, it makes sense.  You can’t see the Fraser in this map but it’s due south, about 2 klicks and about a 140 metre drop down the hill.  The hills in New Westminster are pretty dramatic.

The contours hold the fog as it creeps up from the Fraser.  You couldn’t see across the alleyway at 7 this morning; now it’s twenty after 8 and the fog has crept down the hill; it’s a dayfull of glorious sunshine (and everything covered in rime.)

I read to Paul and the kids last night from my pOp’s letters to his parents; it was hilarious how my father didn’t think I beat my children enough.  However his descriptions of the children’s psychomotor development left me whooping with hysterics and Katie’s comment was, “See, See!!!! I was put on earth to destroy things.”  Ah, me own widdle nihilist.
Watched the latest rev of Pride and Prejudice last night.  It was pleasant – having recently re-read it – to be able to tell the folks which of the amazing lines of dialogue were straight from the book and which weren’t.