an observation

Let’s just say, you mouldering pile of cloth-hearted lickspittles known as ‘economists’, that a lot more epidemiologists predicted an economy-crashing pandemic than you did. Fuck all y’all.

and from my fave ER nurse, this gem, half of which I don’t even get:



The foregoing image is a bingo card of ER drugs and their uses/personalities.


Andexxa is when you actually need the patient’s blood to clot

TDaP is actually a vaccine – tetanus

Rocuronium is a muscle relaxant of choice for intubation


Acetylcysteine for Acetominophen overdose and also loosens mucous

Succinylcholine Also for intubation



Remote consultation document for the UK / Covid-19


I’ve been asking and asking for a *portion* of this useful doc, which is ***when to go to hospital***.
Temp over 38 C;
Resps over 20 per minute;
pulseox ≤94;
heart rate over 100




If I open the above doc in a new tab it blows up to a readable size.

what it’s like to be a nurse on the front lines

Nurse M  (a nurse in the UK)

Mar 31

I vomited inside my face mask today because I felt unwell so when I asked for another at work they told me “that was your mask for the week, sanitize it because you need 6 more days out of it”. I’m 100% convinced I will get coronavirus. I just hope when it happens it’ll be mild
I am going to make coffee and have a shower, like I plan to have a day today.

today for sure I make masks

The 40 second Philippino style mask will work in a pinch but I need ones I can tie.

Katie’s promised a social distancing walk on Sunday, I’m so looking forward to it.

Another agent has rejected me. It’s okay. I’ll be dead before any of these books take off, it’s kinda how things are going to work with me. I already got issued all my luck, I can’t expect more.


above-noted link goes to a frog knocking a bug off a wall. IT IS SO FUNNY

below-noted link goes to a visualization of the cause of death stats in the US


copied from Twitter:
George Hulston


Last night I certified far more deaths than I can ever remember doing in a single shift. The little things hit you: a book with a bookmark in, a watch still ticking, an unread text message from family. Pandemic medicine is hard.
He’s a doc in London UK
Leora Horwitz a doc in NYC says and I quote
I kept underestimating their exertional hypoxia. Learned my lesson when I transferred one pt to lower acuity floor and he had a syncopal event getting from wheelchair to new bed. Walked all patients with pulse ox prior to d/c.


Curioser and curioser


My name in Ascii font ‘Graffitti’

   _____  .__  .__                              
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      |       _/  \  \/ // __ \   __\   __\     
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  \_____  \ |  |  /  _ \ /     \\__  \  /    \  
  /        \|  |_(  <_> )  Y Y  \/ __ \|   |  \ 
 /_______  /|____/\____/|__|_|  (____  /___|  / 
         \/                   \/     \/     \/
800000 infected as of this morning