Category: Cute
must….have…. puppies
The only thing wrong with this video… and other random posts all sfw
Is that it isn’t mashed up with Thomas Dolby’s Wind Power.
(spectacular failure under load of a commercial wind turbine in Denmark).
An old post from boingboing, reminiscent in many ways of a Monty Python sketch.
A copyright picture of an F-16 intake vortex. Hath coolness!
Buffy’s going to Paleyfest???? ho lee chow!
wOOt, real time satellite tracking!
Ooh, slashfic. Where was I again? Actually, this is fanfic, but you get the point. For those of us who love SF and don’t understand slash, it’s where you rewrite the stories so all the right, or all the wrong, people actually have sex. Throw in some Buffy, Pirates of the Caribbean and Terminator, and … well, it’s a bad idea, but everybody’s doing it, including me (Jayne and Zoe??????). The difference between me and all the other slashficcers is that I DON’T PUBLISH IT, and you thank his noodly appendage for that. Ooh, an all cast photo….
Physics continues to operate for this unfortunate pole vaulter.
I’m up, might as well drink coffee.
Is it the world’s cutest lizard? It’s plenty cute!
Some guy did a cartoon of this, and next thing you know, the power of the internet made it so.
If you got this far, go look at some Mitch Hedberg on youtube. I just want you to understand that I think he is one of the sexiest men who ever lived. Yes, I am sick. That haircut! All the guys in my high school had that haircut! Heart Heart.
Look what I found on a contemporary feminism site!
Happy Valentines Day, Canada – Harper rams one past us YET AGAIN.
Now I’m really mad. I have to write a letter to somebody.
Sundry & Various
Obama vs Clinton…. detailed legislative lists. I was more interested in the emotional content, but that’s just me.
Best sellers in Canada this week. John Grisham continues his stranglehold on the reading public.
I think this stuffed bear thing has gone TOO FAR Not safe for prudes
I’m doing my best to work this pic into a story, but I’m drawing a blank so far. All ages pic.
Funny story about what dogs will do to get attention… and food. Language.
Took me a second to figure out what was going on here. Then I burst out laughing. All ages pic.
The Old Testament in Lego. Not safe for prudes.
Ho lee crap. All ages.
Father’s Day is coming! language.
Probably fake, but still very funny. Passport application letter. Language.
It’s raining. A crow just flew past my window. I have to buy printer ink today. I’d like to call Keith but it’s too early still. And my thoughts are just bouncing around gently.
I think I’ll make a big list of things to do this weekend… I have no commitments, and that feels good.
It is all connected
Catherine told me about Selkirk Rex kitties. I couldn’t find the one she was telling me about so this one will have to do. I love the fur, and the enormous eyes. Then she told me that there’s a video of a kitten getting into a Rottie’s face; I couldn’t find that either but check out the following.
Cause cats pwning dogs never gets old….
Okay, more disparity in size, same principle.
Change of pace:
Yeah, I don’t like Cosmo either.
The Luddite sent me this one…
A duo performing I WILL SURVIVE in a way that will RENDER IT IMPOSSIBLE for you to ever hear that song without snickering, ever, again.
I am streaming with tears, having watched this lovely cross post from the Luddite. What’s Opera Doc brought into the 21st century.
I’m waiting for my biscotti to cool. I’ve done all of my valentine cards and now I just need a quick shower and I’ll be ready for work. Sundae this afternoon in the caf!!!
DIE DIE DIE of the cuteness
OMG it’s the catbus
If you get this, you will squee! If you don’t, I feel sorry for you.
Amusing links for a lazy Sunday
I can has LOLcat?
I couldn’t help it. I was trying to find Joss’s Blues in my archives, as I am getting ready for the con in January and there was Mike’s pic of Winky and Spud.
This is not a dog
puppy power
Royal Vancouver Pornographic Society
Yes, I can has invite!!!! I will be going to one of their by invitation only events on Thursday. Strictly for research purposes, of course.
And for those of you who can’t deal with porn, herewith Crying baby and Howling dog.
Baby cries. Dog howls, most affectedly and musically. Baby shuts up to watch the dog. Dog shuts up because baby has stopped crying. Baby starts crying again. Rinse, repeat. A classic demonstration of a feedback loop.
Ain’t it the truth
Been to parties like that.
Had a very pleasant conversation with a former coworker today. Man, if there is anything funnier than taking a return authorization for a refurbished product when the person you’re giving the return authorization to DESIGNED the product, it doesn’t exist in the tech world. AND we’re getting together for beers next week. I love the guy, but as much as he likes me, it isn’t THAT way. And I wish it was. He’s the nicest, funniest, smartest, classiest, techiest, artiest and bestest cookingest guy evar. Cute too, at least by my standards. One time, he made country style French apple pie when he had me and Paul over for dinner, and Paul and I were still making “Wasn’t that a pie!?” comments six months later. And he cooked us Pad Thai once, too. Mmmmmm.
My kind of crazy. From Fark.
It’s the strangest thing. I could not get my new TV to play DVDs back in colour no matter how hard I tried. It’s amazing what happens when you actually put the connectors in the right jacks. All is good now. You know what did it? I couldn’t STAND the idea of watching House without seeing Hugh Laurie’s blue eyes. He’s so incredibly yummy….
I now have the complete Asterix and Tin Tin comics. Long live digital media. I heart Obelix. I remember when the kids were little, and somebody said something supremely obvious, we’d all yell, “Does TinTin have a COWLICK??? Does Captain Haddock have a DRINKING PROBLEM???” and then we’d fall about laughing.
nautilus3’s radiation treatments have started. She’s about a quarter of the way through. Her continuing good humour is a great comfort to me. Life is still good!
Cats in an exercise wheel. I love Bengals.
Science meets anthropomorphism
Anyway, this time tomorrow I’ll be winging my way to “still recovering from Noel” La Republica Dominicana. Just to give you an idea of how cool the Canadian anthem is, here’s a portion of a really really bad translation of the national anthem of the DR.
- Compatriots, let us proudly
- Show our face, from today prouder than ever;
- Quisqueya may be destroyed
- But a slave again, never!
- Please note Quisqueya is what the native peoples called Hispaniola. That’s one of the closing verses. The version that is on Wikipedia is so bad I suspect Haitians put it on Wikipedia just to poke the Quisqueyanos in the eye.
- I’m packed. Do I want to take my mandolin, that’s the question that’s bugging me.
- I heart Hugh Laurie. Omar Epps isn’t exactly Mr. Uggly either.