Fish and chips for dinner

Not exactly a diabetes friendly meal but I am uncaring at the moment.

Conservatives got stomped hard in the AB election. Yay I guess.

Much laundry is being done. I have taken my Metformin and brushed my teeth, and the world seems to be flinging itself round on its axis as normal.

Update on the fucking asshole naturopath who’s endangering children. And for when the article disappears, a quote.

Bethany Lindsay · CBC News · Posted: Oct 19, 2021 4:00 AM PT

Jason Klop is fighting an order from the College of Naturopathic Physicians of B.C. to stop producing fecal microbiota transplants (FMT) at a facility in the Fraser Valley for use on autistic children at a clinic in Mexico.

He filed a petition in B.C. Supreme Court last month, alleging the college doesn’t have the power to stop him. The college has now disputed that in a legal response.

The college’s response provides new details about a complaint from a former employee that led to this action, saying the alleged whistleblower reached out in April using the pseudonym “Molly Rylene” to express her concerns.

The former employee “alleged the stool donors for the FMT materials being produced at the petitioner’s laboratory were the petitioner’s nephews who ‘bring their stool down to the basement and someone down there freeze dries it and makes it into capsules,’ ” the Oct. 12 court document reads.

“She alleged the ‘household lab’ had no quality assurance or quality control measures and there was no analysis conducted of what was contained in the FMT materials being produced.”

still feeling sleepy

but also a good deal more cheerful, and I have no idea why, given that nothing much has changed. I wrote another letter to aunt Mary. I made coffee and a hearty healthy breakfast of Holy Crap cereal with Greek yogurt and a smidge of maple syrup. I have a couple of phone calls to make and of course there are always things to clean and put away….

Colin Powell, noted warmonger and war criminal, died today of complications from COVID. He was already immunocompromised, so Republican polices enabled his death.

Slept most of the day

The atmospheric river pouring down on our heads is quite something. The weather warning expires just after dawn.

I don’t know exactly what’s going on with me, I’ve been feeling quite sluggish. I’d better get my shit together or I won’t be hosting any grandbabies next weekend. It’s possible I’ve picked up another small cold.

Much thanks for Jeff getting pizza last night.

I’ve learned that a friend’s cancer has recurred and my thoughts go out to them very often. They aren’t likely to die of it but it’s still nervewracking for them, and treatment will leave them immunosuppressed during a pandemic.

I am currently planning to get a flu shot sometime in the next little while.

(about an hour later)
The weather is severe enough for a warning, and Jeff got an advisory of his own this morning when he found something that looked like a small piece of poop on his mouse pad —— and it was a SLUG which Buster had transferred from his fur to Jeff’s mouse pad. As a sign for how dreffle wet it is out there it’s quite amusing. Jeff, beaming, displayed it to me and then released it back into the Stygian tempest from which it emerged.

so late with the post today

I may or may not (by which I mean we, since Jeff is involved as well) get Alex for a sleepover next weekend.
Planning has commenced.

I am more content with the world than I have been. I am working on getting better quality food into me, being much more strict about medication timing and eating with meds, and trying not to explode with anger or despair when I see something that displeases me. BURRITOS ARE MY FRIEND.

Suzanne was here!

Bathrooms are shiny again!


I ATE half a chocolate bar and entire pack of scottish shortbread and half a box of cookies.

I also ate a very healthy refried bean burrito. I may reprise supper, with eggs.

I should feel like crap today having eaten like a galoot, but in fact I do not and I feel awesome.

However better food choices today.

No Mike

Mike was sick. He never leaves his apartment, or so rarely that it’s like never, so he must have caught the ‘lurgy in the elevator. Not COVID symptoms.

Today I get my massage table back. It was on long term loan to someone from church. Yes, I know, stuff coming back in is WRONG but it’s going to end up at Caspell Junction since there’s more humans who need it there, so it’s going back out again.

Unless Jeff says different, we’re not handing out candy this Halloween. Diabetics shouldn’t buy candy, it’s just…. too extra.

@GrievingOgre on twitter if anyone cares.

Big slug of Indian food for breakfast, and I made coffee in our brand new french press.


muuuuuch better tks

A lovely woman named Tania, stepmom to a  plus sized 16 year old, just came to my door to fetch all my halloween costumes and cosplay stuff. It made a big bag and I hope the girl has a great time with it all.

an updated version of the craigslist FREE SHIT  ad:

I’m old and I’m dejunking. I’ll never wear this stuff again and I want a younger plus sized woman to have these and my family and friends aren’t very halloweenie. Please email me back and tell me why you want these awesome costume components between now and 8 pm Sunday the 10th October, and you may be the proud new owner of:

Blood red lab coat (originally men’s sizing I believe, it’s chonky)

a ‘peaceful villager’ costume from Stargate Atlantis picked up when the costume house on Boundary closed (unfortunately the tag fell off so I can’t prove it)

Pigskin suede pants, zipper closing, lined (these are worn and likely need drycleaning, size 16)

a Victorian style long beige skirt with elastic waist made by a local costumer, some wear

a dark green underbust corset with green ribbons made by a local costumer

brightly coloured pantyhose including tie dye

2 leis

a jingly scarf for belly dancing

a black and silver belt

BONUS HELLO KITTY BAG – how she will squeal when she sees it.

2 forearm cuffs in dark brown figured leather with red ribbons

an 18th century style men’s costume house jacket in red and black, very suitable for vampire costuming

a very sparkly MC/toastmistress style jacket in black velvet

Black mask

black lace fan

dark blue knee length hooded wool cloak with ribbon closure, made by a BC costumer, absolutely gorgeous but… moth holes. Patch or embroidery mending with flowers would be cute. People get the hell out of your way when you wear this.

special non clothing bonus – 3 sheets of Buffy the Vampire Slayer character stickers from 2003, postage stamp size

I’m 200 pounds and all of this fits me except the pants. No picking and choosing, take it all please. I don’t have a cell phone or a camera at the moment so sorry there’s no pics. Pick up at my place or I can drop it off if you’re close to Edmonds. Be creative with your response — I will enjoy it! Broke ass cosplayers represent!


and now it’s gone


And I have fulfilled my “bag or box a week outta my house to better digs” tickbox.

biscotti and grief

Later this morning after Jeff’s conference call I’ll be taking Alex’s birthday present and some burnt almond biscotti (they are not burnt but they are definitely crispy) to Paul and Katie and Keith and Alex, and then I’ll mail a letter to my fOlks and then I’ll take biscotti (unburnt) to Peggy.

I put graphite in all the door locks except the garage door, I’ll try to remember that today. What a difference, phew!

I hope to do some more laundry today. I feel very stuffingless and sad and I’m trying really hard to give myself a shake and acknowledge my privileges but dang it’s hard right now.

truncated day

After spending about three hours girding myself up mentally I got myself out the door to see Tom this am. He is thin as a rail and not greatly responsive. I have had my last exchange of words with him unless I am unduly fortunate.

The last thing he did for me was leave food on my porch.

Jeffrey C from Seattle came up to see him. There were already three rellies in Tom’s room when I arrived so I departed after giving him a very hearty and very sincere hug.

I was going to go to Brown’s after but I saw that there were taxis at the stand and said fck it I’m for home. We watched some TV and I ordered fish&chips from Cockney Kings.

Leaving the house is not psychologically easy.

Someone answered my ad for a cultural competence read and while they are a super awesome creative human being with great taste they are alas not what I’m looking for but he gave me some leads which was awesome.

Fantastic night of sleep

I slept almost 10 hours, which is fantastic.

Today the weather has turned cold and wet again, after a glorious day full of sunshine. Paul and I walked the Foreshore again yesterday, and while there were no interesting birds we heard a raven call repeatedly and the trails were almost deserted, which was pleasant.

I managed to squeeze out about four words on a fanfic about a brewpub owner who’s all butthurt about a review by a noted food critic. I find fanfics are a lot easier to write if you get how people make a living squared away first. I’ve only ever worked on one where everyone involved is in the film business and I absolutely love it ….and then story problemed my way into a big mess which I’m going to have to fix at some point before I can write an additional 10k and finish it, but I don’t have the energy. Now to talk myself into a trek down to the hospital to visit Tom. And also eat, I’m not particularly hungry.

Spoke to Katie on the phone and heard Alex in the background. All are well. Katie is still planning a homebirth. Jeff is off to the dentist… the day is begun.


Jeffrey and Jeri Lynn are visiting from Seattle to see Tom.

I am glad they’re here in town but the circumstances are hard.

Let us love each other while we can.

Spoke to Mike yesterday. Strangely he and I both had a horrible night’s sleep, night before last. Last night was much better. Even so my mood is somewhere between spiky and sad. Perhaps coffee? We actually purchased ground coffee so maybe that’s what I can do to lift the mood.