
I knew that Katie’s boyfriend’s court date was Monday, but apparently with the move (Katie and her mom in common-law are moving again) and the Grad and everything it slipped everybody’s mind, so nobody went to court.  To bring everybody up to date, Dax laid a beating on Katie for her birthday last year.  This is a matter of established fact and he already entered a guilty plea, so it’s not like I’m jumping the guilty until proven innocent gun.  The court date has now been set for the 3rd of July.  I am perhaps alone in the family in wishing this were over?

Grad tonight.  Weather right now is mixed wind and sun with your big fluffy clouds.

I slept about 12 hours yesterday; I suspect I’m trying to throw off a bug.  I bailed on Jericho – I just slept and slept.
Anybody who wants to see a very cute baby skunk, click here.

More baby animals

Vets said this was definitely a miracle baby, so she’s called Miracle.  She was born very premature and she IS a miniature horse, and she’s only six days old in this picture.  Don’t you just want to bring her home and see if you could housetrain her?

Speaking of which, it IS possible to housetrain a horse.  You need about three years, a pretty much indestructible house, and the ability to stand outside in the rain for hours waiting for the horse to ‘go’ before you bring it inside. According to the woman who described the process on the CBC (as best as I recollect) when the light bulb finally went on the horse went, “Oh THAT’s what I have to do if I want to go inside where it’s warm.  Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”