6 thoughts on “Who’s crazy now?”

  1. Well, “its all in your head” is standard croaker doublespeak for “I haven’t a clue what is wrong with you and I have no intention of making the slightest effort to find out.”

  2. Now, go die in a fire before you can sue me.

    With apologies to any doctors who may be reading this blog -(

  3. EXACTLY, LOKI! From age 7 to 11, I took Jenn from one doctor to the next due to incapacitating, unending migraines (24/7, 365 days of the year). Many, many doctors told me that it was “All in Jenn’s head” to which I responded “Yes, it is in her head, but it’s not in her imagination”. I never gave up and finally we got a diagnosis. Jenn has TMJ caused by an tobogganing accident when she was 7 years old. Repeatedly, I told doctors that the headaches started after this accident and the standard reply “that’s just a co-incidence”. Jenn received extensive head, neck & jaw physiotherapy and her jaw was re-aligned using braces. However, she still have tiny bone fragments in her jaw joint AND gets 1 or 2 migraines per month.

  4. Ah yes, I was sent to a psychiatrist because of chronic back pain, and intermittent abdominal pain. The shrink said if everyone were as sane as I she would be out of work. Later on I was diagnosed to have TMJ. Funny, both are gone. Back pain was from chicken and pork (different parts of back), magnesium supplementation cured TMJ overnight, inability to lift arms (bursitis) cured by not eating seafood any more except squid and scallop, and hives (another sign of head problems) only show up when I eat shrimp. Black pepper makes stomach and headache. Soy causes spacey behaviours. Corn upsets stomach and produces radical personality change (I can always tell when someone has slipped cornstarch in as a thickener, thinking I won’t notice).
    One of my clients fed me last night, and after a year and a half of explaining that some foods make me sick, some for a day, some for a week, there was cornstarch and black pepper, from the looks of the reaction, in large amounts. I also drank a cooler, which didn’t help things any.
    Yup, I am probably certifiable now, because of years of distress, persevering, and succeeding, at least with my own physical maladies. They were all apparently in my head, because no pathology could be found. I was tested and assessed and tested and assessed, and told I couldn’t work, then told I had to because there was no money for me otherwise. Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, CFS, TMJ, stomach migraines, IBS, bursitis, low thyroid, low iron, high triglycerides, panic disorder, and then back to blaming my head because none of the diseases would materialize to fit the diagnosis.
    Oh, and since changing food to blood type compatibility, my foot problems have also disappeared. And stomach acid problem. And tinia versicolor, tinia pedis, and dandruff are gone.
    So, you see, the misdiagnosis does not surprise me. The only part I find surprising is that it is a man that got that kind of (mis)treatment. It only means that the problem with medical diagnoses has become worse.

  5. To be fair to the croakers, if you have an obvious mechanical problem like I had such as my spinal stenosis, they can do an absolutely wonderful job of fixing you.

  6. Absolutely! The medical guys are great at trauma, and repair of broken parts. A lot of the other mysteries of metabolism are way beyond anything they can deal with though. Even common illnesses often do better with ‘alternative’ practitioners.
    I went to a medically certified nutritionist first before I figured out what was going on, and her advice reallllllly made me sick.
    Note that recent news has reported that women have been gaining too much weight with pregnancy for the last 15 years, the amount suggested by doctors, and now those children have a higher likelihood of diabetes.

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