
So instead of showing my transit pass when I got on the bus at the ungodly hour of 8:10 (am, on a Sunday morning? puhleeze) I had to pull out my mandolin and play it. I got through the first 3 verses of Buy Me A Beer before somebody else got on the bus.

Then, when I got to church, Tom got ‘that look’ in his eye and started playing “Buy me a Beer” so we ENDED UP SINGING IT in the ingathering at church, which still strikes me as being a “take your glasses off and clean them thoughtfully” moment. And I had banjo, twelve string, six string, piano, vocal AND stand up bass accompaniment. Long live the Masticating Ungulates! (The band formerly known as MU).

Very good to see Lady Miss Banjola on her pins agin. Afterwards, Dim Sum.

One of my friends, speaking to me on the phone the other night, said, “Well I know how you are from your blog, but how are you REALLY!?” You asked for it.

1. My back hurts all the time, but I don’t complain about it because it’s BORING.

2. I really wish I was having more sex with the people I want to be having sex with. Quality is not the issue. I don’t talk about that shit here – mostly because just reading this paragraph made my mother’s face screw up really hard. And Parental Strength Mental Bleach is v. difficult to find.

3. No matter how hard I try, I can’t forgive somebody I really shouldn’t be wasting any emotional time and space on. I will keep trying. It’s hard.

4. I wish someone would come along and kick my ass about my songs, as in getting them written down.

5. I need to eat more vegetables, and no, this does not loop back to item 2.

6. After years of being told I’m not a team player and that I’ve got problems with anger, I’ve learned that neither of those things are true. I’m actually a happy person; I rarely get angry about anything any more. Emotionally abusive relationships have subtle and lingering effects.

7. I know I have to lose weight for my health and longevity. It’s an ongoing irritant.

8. I haven’t had a cigarette in just over a week.

There’s more, but that hits the high notes.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to watch the “Happy Feet” part of King of Jazz again.

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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

7 thoughts on “Bizaaaaarrre.”

  1. Re: #2, it’s probably harder for children to imagine their parents having sex than it is for parents vice versa. Parental Strength Mental Bleach isn’t all that hard to come by, and why would it be needed in this case anyway? It’s composed mostly of astonishment at having made genetic contributions to these magical creatures, children. That doesn’t go away.

    Did the bus driver enjoy Buy Me a Beer?

  2. The bus driver was non-committal in a coldly iconic, Clint Eastwood kinda way. He said it was a beautiful instrument, and made no comment about the tune. I think he would have preferred that I remain silent. Did you like the notion of Parental Strength Mental Bleach?

  3. >>instead of showing my transit pass… I had to pull out my mandolin and play it.

    I think that was a fair trade off.

    Is that is what they mean when it says “this vehicle is a fair-payed zone” ?

  4. Nautilus3, as a parent I agree — I am happy when Jenny is happy. However, I wish my Dad would keep all references about sex to himself. I don’t want to hear about his sex life — they is no bleach strong enough to handle this job.

  5. Don’t know why, but this made me think of the old saying that you have to keep the shortest rope on the oldest goat.

  6. I lived with the man for 20 years and _I_ never heard that line. The things you learn on the inertnests!

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