My brain hurts

Rotating 4D hypercube.

I’m out of the old apartment and have turned in my keys.  I am getting my whole deposit back – less the carpet cleaning – so I am really happy and I called Katie to split it with her because it simply wouldn’t have happened without her. 

Now I have four evenings to entirely bust ass on unpacking, dejunking, orgalizing, and making canapés for Friday.  Yee haw!

faw down go boom

it ain’t all bad news

Somebody left a set of red figured velour drapes – like stage curtains – sitting in the square next to where I used to live.  I walked through them and thought of Chipper, as they sort of reminded me of puppet theater curtains….

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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

4 thoughts on “My brain hurts”

  1. Re: It ain’t all bad news – Yeah. Spain legislates for offshore wind farms; a company tried that near here and the people on shore complained about the damage to their view.
    I think those towers are beautiful. I think they would enhance any view.

  2. Red velvet puppet curtains? Well, Pepi had them, but I don’ t know that you saw that. Red velvet was the curtain of many a mainstage in a bygone era though.

  3. With our great expanses of wind swept plain etc there is no reason for a wind farm to obscure anyone’s view. Hydro supply wires weave across unpopulated areas; what’s wrong with putting wind farms where no one will care?

  4. You would think, logically, that you put the windfarms in the places where the transmission costs vs the best possible average wind speed intersect for best price and availability. Doesn’t always work like that. There’s been a lot of jawboning in the blogosphere lately about how Ted Kennedy, despite his support of the environment, is opposing a wind farm in Martha’s Vineyard. It’s in his favourite sailing area, don’t you know. The ‘reason’ is that it will interfere with ships’ radar. This is arrant bullshit but that’s what’s playing to the constituency.

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