Sang froid, hot butt

The sang froid is her – she rocks the uneven bars.

The hot butt is me after Paul’s delayed family Indian dinner at Best Quality Sweets on Main St.  I am suffering today, although I didn’t yesterday.  Yes, it’s Too Much Information.  I told Jeff he should be happy there were no leftovers for him or he’d be suffering too.  I noticed neither of the kids put their hands up for the check, but since neither of them read my blog, they won’t feel the rebuke.  For 60 bucks including tip we ate like ogres.  This is a lacto vegetarian restaurant.  The mango lassi was suPERB, the chai tea kinda whatever with weird spice sludge at the end.  I ate so much I had no room for Indian sweets for dessert, which is FULL.

I am about ready to quit being a Unitarian, having reached my load line on denominational bullshit. I won’t of course, it’s just all part of my engagement with the faith.  Nothing’s perfect, including me, and if people want to nice me to death, I can always back away before that last soft word turns into a killing blow.  Also, I am one moody individual, so I just need the mood to die back and I’ll be fine.  A foolish consistency is what’s asked of us when we believe that organized religion is necessary or even possible.

I am NOT a nice person.  I’m nice to my my mother, but so what?  Even the guy who kept two women as sex slaves was nice to his mother.  It’s not a good test…. What I want more than anything else is to keep all my bad behaviours and still be categorized as nice, and that’s when the crazy train really starts to pick up speed.  Woo woo!

Speaking of train whistles, I ran across this article which made me very happy.   My room is at a sonic collection point for train noise (it hits the neighbour’s house, bounces against the garage and then slams into my window) so even though the whistles are 2.5 kilometres away sometimes I feel like I am right on Columbia St.  If NW Council can make it stop I’ll do handsprings.  Mentally of course, I couldn’t even do that when I was little.

There’s a new species of waterbear, from Antarctica.  How sweet is that?

My symphysis pubis spasmed in sympathy.  Ow ow ow ow ow.




Plugging away

Jeff Keith and Paul took me for a walk down at the Quay yesterday, and that was lovely.  Dentist appointment today, and continuing to plug away at projects.  George has gone quiet so I worked on Tarot for Atheists and continued on working on a couple of new airs, plus we’re trying to get caught up on Bones.

I’ve made some lovely rice pudding, and we had pork patties and other noms for dinner.

They are all ratfuckers. Every one.

My email to Ableton.

I am really disappointed in the Ableton 9 demo. The only reason I downloaded it was for a specific feature. You say it’s a fully functional version, and it isn’t. Melody to Midi is turned off.

Please quit lying about the demo version in your ads. TELL PEOPLE what is turned off, and if you have a reason, why. If you’re just having a little giggle at the customer’s discomfort, you might want to mention that too.

Let’s review my experience.

Download. Can’t get the authorization. “Oh use Chrome” “I was using Chrome” “Okay use Firefox”. Manage to download it. Feature I want isn’t present. CURSES. Then I get a push email saying I can have the software for 30 percent off. Which means, candidly, that you know the software is overpriced, right out of the gate. And the UI is a nightmare, although I imagine if I had nothing better to do I could get used to it.

So here’s a suggestion. Why don’t you unlock the feature on my version of the software for 48 hours so I can test it, and THEN I buy it? at a 30 percent discount? If it works as advertised?

Also, I have watched videos on the internet in which the video commences with somebody saying “I just downloaded the Ableton 9 demo” and they show off this feature, that one feature which is what I want. I assume this is all some error, but it was one of the reasons I put 2 gigs of your ‘software’ on my computer in the first place, so you might want to ask the gent to stop saying that it’s a demo version in his video, unless of course Ableton put him up to it.

I suspect that unlocking Melody to Midi for 48 hours so I can test it is not part of your repertoire of customer responses, and I’m not hoping it will happen, because nasty crybaby customers who are all butthurt because, hey, you lied, are so easy to ignore when you’re not mocking them. I do know that I won’t purchase the product without being able to test the one thing about it I wanted, and that my anger and disappointment on learning that I can’t use it the way I wanted to is only lightly hinted at in this email.


TL:DR Fuck you fuck you all, may you step out of your office and be clarned by a turtle, may the local police make an example of you, may scary clowns cut off your beards with pinking shears, may the worst doctors treat you and your children, may you catch something horrific and lingering, may sentient anal warts grace your pudendum, may chimps bite off your face and naughty bits, may every finale be marred by spoilers, may you never again find a parking space, may children drop rocks on you from an overpass, may your whole life be audits not plaudits, may you be on a first name basis with every bailiff in town, may the local council make a mistake and demolish your house and then tell you that you didn’t read the posting, may you be drunk like a glass of water, may you swallow plutonium, may asteroids hit you and nobody notice that you’re dead.

Google Adsense

I will be adding advertisements to the site to help pay for it.  Please only click through if it’s something you’re interested in. Otherwise please feel free to ignore them.

Friday the 13th and the Liberals are in power in Ontario.  Sandy says it never works well for Ontarians when the parties running the country and province are the same, but I think it will work out pretty much the same anyway.  I am a cynic at this point.  She also says that for the last election only PC voters got onto the rolls.  I don’t like living in a country that is getting used to low levels of election fraud, cause that shit never turns out well either.


For a couple of people

I struggle with wanting you all the time, so please don’t mistake my silence for indifference. It’s just I have to hold myself back because I feel too much. Too often. Too wildly out of my control.
–Tina Tran, “My words don’t say much at all”

Katie quoted John Hiatt on facebook this morning, that’s never a good sign.  I hope she’s okay.

Today I am going to look at the clock and wonder why I’m awake.  Then I’ll check the moon phases and understand that the moon is doing it….

I’m probably going to Ontario 1st week of July or thereabouts.  Depends on my teeth situation. And employment situation, but it’s going to take months for the right job to pop up, so patience is good.

No responses from any job applications yet, but that’s really no surprise.

Haven’t had the chance to go ramble and look at salamanders up at SFU as planned earlier this week.

I’ve started taking vitamin D again.

Pork chops for breakfast!

Well of course you are

Katie posted on facebook today that she is feeling fat.


no duh

Of course you are.  You’re expecting!

Jeff got Ableton 9 working on my PC laptop and I’ll be playing with it today.  The idea of just being able to SING into a computer and get a midi file out the other end is amazing.  We shall see. Also it’s on sale… it’s actually dropped enough in price that I can THINK about buying it.



I may be heading to Ontario in July; that’s the current plan but I have some appointments to get through first.

There is ice cream!

Across Canada people are wearing red to commemorate the Mounties who were killed in Moncton.  It was horrible that it happened, and I really wish the Mounties gave better firearms training to their staff.

Today, laundry, writing and practicing.  I’ve already done my applying for jobs for the day.

unchurch was delightful

/// but I still had to wash dishes, LOL.

I am feeling kind of icky still but definitely better than late last week, when all I wanted to do was take to my bed.

I’ve been practicing a lot. Otto sounds great.  The housefilk on Saturday evening was fun even if I bailed early.  If I was going to sleep over that would have been different. Jeri Lynn and Jeff were there which meant there was cello (SO AWESOME ON THE HERE THEY COME ZOMBIE SONG!!!) and Appalachian dulcimer, which is just the sweetest sounding instrument.

Jeff and I bought another awning and sprayed it with anti UV goop in a hopefully successful attempt to get the material to survive more than four years.

This week… job applications and selling more stuff, I hope. Also a walk around Burnaby Mountain and a quote for a replacement awning.


We’re off to Crappy Tire to buy an awning – the awning we bought to shelter Headwater for the birthday gig they did for Jeff has gone the way of all awnings. I may retain a friend to make another cover as there’s nothing wrong with the frame on the old one.


I’m into the list of Human Universals.  The Sixers share many of the human universals but where they are different from us it’s like the bottom dropped out.  They aren’t materialists because they don’t need anything and can’t be made to need anything they can’t get from their environment, unless their thinking is disordered by religious fanaticism. They don’t experience the incest taboo, or groups larger than about 5 people living in one place, although they gather in groups to mate because it’s convenient.  They don’t care about sharing food. There are no tabooed utterances or hierarchies; males and females travel the same amount over their lifespans and are equally likely to take leadership roles on the rare occasions enough Sixers agree that a leader is required – mostly it’s when Bossypants decides to take action and then grinds conspecifics  into agreeing.  They don’t have proper names, they don’t have polysemetic words (at least in the social linkage language) and part of George’s sophistication is that he recognizes puns.  I’m having a gas with the list because it’s allowing me to see just how different the Sixers are from us, and how similar.

My facebook buddy Sean Haugh is a libertarian running for office.  Fox News just found out about him. They hate him because OH NOES He’s a WORKING CLASS LIBERTARIAN.  I didn’t think I could hate Fux Newsishness more.

He’s principled, funny, an SF fan, and a feminist libertarian (for realsies).  And he drinks beer.  If I lived in his district I’d work for his campaign.  If I was a US citizen I’d donate to his campaign.  I will be sending him funds earmarked for beer for his campaign workers after the results are in.

I feel somewhat less burdened by physical ickiness today.  What I want more than anything is a really long road trip.

Not feeling well

My innards are being quite rude to me, but that probably has something to do with all the arrowroot biscuits I ate over the last two days.  I’m also super tired.  I walked to the dentist, where I THOUGHT I was going to get my teeth cleaned and didn’t because their appointment booking software sucks. Instead I got shot full of xrays and told to come back in July.  Gee, thanks.

I bought food (I finally remembered to bring the wooden shopping bag handles) and walked, rather slowly, back and now I just feel really really tired. On the way a woman went by me YELLING AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS HOW JESUS ALL SHE WANTED WAS A GODDAM DRINK AND A GODDAM BITE TO EAT.  Well now if you’re in the middle of a psychotic episode (signs definitely pointing that way…) you might have a little trouble getting seated at the café.

And I have to mow the lawn, although I am going to wait until it is just barely light enough out and do it then.  I should probably do some weed whacking too but I’ll see what happens to my energy level.  I am having some other symptoms too which I am too kind to worry you all with, but it’s all consistent with early onset dementia, so that’s very jolly making.  Losing my ability to think and talk!  It’s what I was put on earth for.

I tried to nap and a friend phoned just as I was falling asleep.  Friend, shaky fisty!


We are going to have unchurch on Sunday and I can hardly wait.  It will be very different than what I am used to.  I decided to bail on Sasamat camp; without campfires, wacky tabacky and beer, plus at least the possibility of illicit sex and a musical jam, it all seems rather pointless; I don’t imagine most people really frame church camps in those terms, though. They always have a no talent night but it’s all so dreadfully earnest, and the older I get the clearer I am in my own mind about what I really think is fun as opposed to what the prescribed forms of fun are.

Lexi, bless her, fed me a super easy but tasty meal (cannellini beans and grape tomatoes with herbs and garlic baked under half a dozen or so fresh chicken thighs) and got me to the point where I can consistently do a single crochet.  It was lovely to see her, Darwin, and Rob.  Darwin is a mischievous lad but he really is good at keeping himself entertained, especially when all he got for his birthday was Lego.  You know, the really complicated ones meant for kids two years older than him and up.


People are still asking me how the cafe is going.  I wonder how many times I will have to patiently tell them that I’d rather talk about something else, like how fucking stupid they are.



My inner racist got taken for a thorough run this morning, when I received a barely literate and yet pun-enlivened email from the Taxi company subsequent to my angry complaint.

I can’t repeat it because that would be racist.  (Oh look, a really bad pun, which ties into the race of the person writing it, of which the person writing it is COMPLETELY unaware).  But the temptation to be a smart ass and recount the whole epistolary extravaganza is almost killing me.  I sent it to someone who won’t judge me, just so we can both appreciate it.  The thing about racism is that you think you’re doing a good job of fighting it and you turn out to be kidding yourself.  Again.  I’ll have to meditate on this one a good long while.

Lovely time in Victoria, I return refreshed and ready to attack the job market again.

I don’t think my dad is ever going to ask what is bothering me again though… although I’m thrilled to recount that he has now heard Lemming’s Twofer.