nothing but funny pics and weird news


scanged from @luckyma_man

There is an EXPLOSION THEMED PARK in FINLAND …. every time I think I can’t love Finland more, look what they do. For more details look it up on youtube.


“FENCING: The Perfect COVID Sport” *Masks *Gloves *If anybody gets closer than 6′ of you, you stab them @NeilLowenthal1


I laughed. @sjvn

Whoever made a gator chase a laser pointer, thank you.

This isn’t funny, but it points out how hard it is to infiltrate anarchists when you’re mostly going to be commuting and making coffee for office workers



various domestic

11041 total on the fic

ANOTHER walk in the park yesterday, it was lovely, I picked up trash and called the Parks department in Burnaby about maskholes pulling the signs down. Paul said he was going back to the portapotty and then peed in the bushes, TOTALLY STANDARD lol. Lots of maskholes. Piss me off. But the breeze was nice.

Cleaned out the decade+ spices, but I’ll be doing more of that today.

I bought enough fish day before yesterday for Jeff and I to get a supper out of it again, so that was pleasant.

Made cinnamon buns but they were a little doughy.

Gave the landlady the first squash off the pile of squash.

people can’t read

added later:




So there’s signage at Deer Lake Park equivalent to ‘walk this way’ and no, not like Aerosmith, but nobody seems able to read it. Paul and I went for a walk, saw frogs, got halibut and chips and fed ourselves and Jeff lunch.

Today I’m hoping to mount a small shopping expedition.

Advice from @Maria_Tureaud on twitter for a pitch session:

To write a Twitter pitch: 1. Who is your MC? 2. What is their normal? 3. But when X happens, MC faces *stakes so dire* 4. And then MC will/might lose Y/Z

  1. George
  2. Hiding
  3. Not hiding… the world practically blows up
  4. and then he might lose his kids

eh, doesn’t really work for me


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