letter to the BC Liberals this am

To whom it may concern;

I was appalled to see the ad the BC Liberals are running regarding the homeless in BC.

For your party to state that you will ‘protect’ citizens from homeless encampments when the BC Liberals’ failure to keep housing affordable, build more social housing and prevent Chinese oligarchs from using BC as a place to launder money are the major reasons homeless encampments currently exist in BC is so disingenuous, cruel and possibly evil that I am left hoping for your complete electoral destruction.

Given Whelpkinson’s gleekish performance and the entire gong show of not knowing which of your ‘candidates’ thinks abortion and contraception should be taken away from those nasty, nasty women who have nasty, nasty vaginas, it’s a good thing to wish for.

Also, congrats on formulating ads that are likely to repulse the young people you need to join your party if you’re to survive.

Fail soon,

Allegra Sloman


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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

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