an ordinary day

called Peggy, found out that Tom is not having a great time, but he’s alive and kicking, so there’s that, and ran two loads of laundry including my new favourite cloth masks, and emptied and refilled the dishwasher, and found out there is another rat in the wall and the rat Buster caught didn’t help, and practiced and possibly wrote another instrumental on the ukelele, and watched some TV, and ate the Burger Den Mushroom burger Jeff got me, and now I’m wrassling with my bedding, since I washed my bedding like a sensible person.

I am still thinking about best roommate, there’s a scene I keep writing and rewriting in my brain but it’s really heavy in terms of the power relationship between our two knuckleheads and I want it to be incredibly light and airy and delicately emotional and I haven’t felt my way to it yet.

I even broshed my toofs

Damn I love timmy ho’s coffee

Jeff got some yesterday and we never do it two days running, but oh the mighty urge.

Yesterday I ran the dishes, practiced, cooked up the last of the chicken, kept my driving skills current in Paul’s car, paid the rest of the dentist bill (thank you mOm and pOp) and enjoyed a lovely walk in Fraser Foreshore. Other than that I didn’t do a damned thing, but I had a great day.

Right now the rumble and crash of the trash truck is making its way through the alley.

Relatives are re-reconsidering their holiday options, given that Alberta has gone spare and the case rate is rising AGAIN in BC, what the fuck, people. I was thinking about Victoria again. I know it seems weird given that Jeff and Keith have both visited but my fears are real and not subject to just being switched into a corner.

Of course my allergies are bad right now so I’m sneezling a lot, and that makes me think about what exactly in the way of fomites and aerosols of unusual pathology I’m spraying around….