Keith Here

Keith is here, letting me know about his recent comic acquisitions.  With the end of Strangers in Paradise, I’m casting about for a new jones, and I have decided to go for Fables, which he is currently telling me all about.  He’s a dear lad but he didn’t bring me the next Aubrey Maturin book so I growled at him.
I have to go in to New West to get my hairs cut and meet with the Number One Daughter for lunch.  Keith will join us after his workout.

I am going in to work tomorrow, but I realized I committed to going to church, too, so I’m double booking myself…. again.  I should go in around 2 pm.  I really do have to go, it’s the last time we’re in that building before we start up in the Gathering Place in the fall.

I had four wishes

That the house sell fast. That it be owner occupied.  That we get our asking price.  That the closing date be swift.

And I got my wishes.  The house sold for 540K and with hardly any subject to’s and the folks were glad to get a place with a legal suite and it all happened with blinding speed.

Obviously until the subjects come off I should not dance up and down too hard, but I am anyway.  Paul and I had a celebratory meal at the Himalayan Peaks.


1.  Sorry about the spoilers.  I figured only Dr. Filk and Mike would care.  I suck, but you love me anyway, right?  And besides, when you see the expressions on Katchoo’s face (oh god, and CASEY, you will CROAK when you see it –  you’ll forgive me.

2.  TWO offers on the house, one serious, one not.  We may get full price for this puppy.  Wish us luck.  The family that Paul showed through the place absolutely loved it – they spent more time in the legal rental suite than they did in the upstairs, where they would be living.  All the time I spent cleaning that f/cking apartment has come into sharp focus as being, you know, a good thing. (Also all of Janice and Paul’s hard work). Real Estate Magician we hired is working on moving in the removal dates (of the subject-tos) but we may be hopping from one foot to the other for another week.  I have no doubts but that the house will clear the building inspection, and the financing on the solid offer is just that, solid. Fingers crossed.  Oh, forgot to mention that closing date is a month from now!

Great evening

went straight to Metrotown from work, riding down the hill with Patricia and Scary Clown, then a meal in the food court (U Grill) and then bought myself a summer jacket with all the latest hardware detailing, drooled all over some fet gear in that weird shop with the dragon out front at Silver City, then Pirates of the Caribbean, (LTGW said it was an art film and he was mostly right) & then a meal.  Keith cued it up so that Paul came to the movie as well and we had a very civilized and comradely evening, including a stopover at Chong Lum Hin (where else) where Sue gave us a rapturous welcome, and I got to read episode ninety – the last – the very last – of Strangers in Paradise.  It has a happy ending!!! Me so happy!!! they Both get pregnant and live happily ever after.  Okay, this will only mean something to maybe two people who read my blog, but I was terrified Terry Moore was going to kill off Tambi, and he didn’t.  And I gave Paul back the Powerpack and a piece of mail that somehow got included in my mail forwarding.  And somebody saw the house, but no offer.  Open house this weekend, wish us luck.

I’m glad my evening was so great, because work sucks a Greyhound Bus Station Men’s Restroom Mop right about now.  Not people, just work to the ceiling.

Waiting is

I am burning with impatience to find out how the showing went last night, as I am not so foolish as to hope that it will result in an offer; but hopefully it will provide feedback about what the next steps are for making the place saleable.

RobofNine and his partner have put in an offer on a house in Langley, two blocks from his mother’s hangar (yes, his mother owns an aircraft….) and he went off to inspect the house yesterday.  I am expecting a full report at lunch today.

Gasp! I am actually cooking something (curried chickpeas) for a change.  Cheap, nourishing and, uh, plentifully fragrant.

The song is stalling on me.  I need to think of some more verses.

Lodge report – and earworms note

Chipper says she has Gezillions of fireflies at Red Deer Lodge.  Or is it Bazillions?  Enquiring minds want to know.  First no blackflies, now tons fireflies.  Oh, and she’s 95% full for July and August.  It’s shaping up to be a decent year.

I keep meaning to mention that I have the two WORST EARWORMS evar.  An earworm, for those of you who may not know the technical name for this hideous disorder, is a song you CANNOT get out of your head.  One is Mika’s Grace Kelly, and the other is Champion’s No Heaven.  The two are seesawing through my mind like a toddler on meth.

Feeling fine

Got up around 4, called my girlfriend Tammy, and then washed my dishes and my kitchen floor.  Had a cup of tea, nuked some home fries that I made yesterday, and then looked in my microwave and went FEH and hosed it down.  Serves me right for not covering up that Vindaloo when I nuked it.

Somebody is coming to look at the Augur Inn tonight, or so sez Paul.  I was going to do some more work, as per earlier blogs, but now that I’ve been released from durance vile I can wander over to the SFU library and get a library card.  I haven’t had a university library card in 30 years.  Maybe Katie will come over, she bailed on last night.
Spoke to my mum, Chipper and one of my oldest and dearest buds, Toronto Dave D last night – which Chipper will find amusing when she reads this as they too go back to the First Age of the World – he called out of the blue when I was already feeling extremely connected and contented with the unimyverse.

The sun’s come up all glorious.

It’s 2:51 in the morning

I went to bed super early – like when I got home last night – and of course now I’m hopelessly awake. I spent an hour with Patrick O’Brian and the Mauritius Command – how odd to be reading a book in part about Reunion, where cousin Lexi did part of her growing up – and I think the reason I had to crash so hard was because the chemicals from the oven cleaner really messed me up.

I know I said, one last widdy, but after I did the touch up paint and the oven I realized that there’s floors to wash downstairs – or I should say damp mop – and the whole place needs yet another vacuuming and when I inspected the fridges I realized that they should definitely get wiped up. It’s not like they are filthy, but they are just not quite clean enough. I will go Tuesday night, Katie’s supposed to be coming over for the last whack at her course completion before she grads. Oh blissful month of June, that has a graduation in it.

I will try to get off my duff and take and crop a picture of the quilt. I’m so used to doing everything in Paint in Microsoftland that I’m at a loss to even figure out which program I need to be in to crop a picture… although my wordpress toolbar works again thanks to RobofNine so I will have no difficulties posting it once I’ve quit putzing with it.

I light a candle for Riverbend, the ‘Iraqi girl blogger’. I light a candle for those who did experience flooding and a candle of thanksgiving that we managed to get through the worst of it thanks to the weather, so no BIG floods this year.  Although the Provincial emergency dude says usually you get through what you think is the worst of it and it comes back and kicks you again.  Sixty percent of the snowpack is there.  I light a candle for all the folks on boil water advisories.
I asked Paul what he’s doing for Father’s Day and he said he was going to Casey’s birthday party (and he is actually working that day too). I was trying to orchestrate getting both of the kids in one place for him but I should stop being a busybody and just let him do it.

I have one more week of hell and then I go on vacation (and the only reason I’m having Hell at Work is because I’m covering somebody’s planned medical leave). Vacation will include Making Sure the House is Just So and Getting my Apartment so it doesn’t Look Like a Bear Pit and applying for a passport and visiting my Mother and hopefully my bro, and applying to the Car Coop and hopefully having something resembling a relaxing time and maybe even playing around with Garage Band a bit more.

I think my back is getting better. I know it sounds weird, I should be able to tell, but it’s such an incremental thing. It definitely appreciates walking, and me sitting properly. Sleeping is fine (although I only have two useful positions for sleeping and in one of them I snore like (to use a massively indelicate phrase) a chainsaw in a bucket of snot.

I owe Chipper a phone call…. the TOURIST SEASON has begun in Madawaska. The most extraordinary thing happened this year though, according to her. A combination of heat and wet destroyed the blackfly crop. What a shame, hunh? I remember we went up there one time and the fly bites made me sick as hell. And poor Katie….. she gets bit by everything.

Speaking of getting bit, Katie’s bedbug situation, by dint of her heroic efforts, plus the exterminators, has been fixed.