Category: Cute
One think and another
I just messaged one of my coworkers and instead of a cute little caffeine deficient owl I sent him a photoshopped bodybuilder which is candidly a very disturbing pic.
Yesterday’s homily went great – it was sparsely attended but I must not have been doing a good job of making it a worshipful experience because there was applause at the end (this is NOT a good thing in homiletics – respectful and silent attentiveness is de rigueur.) It’s posted on this site now. Ralph came up to me, twinkling, afterwards and said, “I was going to tell you what a nice homily that was but I figured you’d kill me”. I heart Ralph and Ivy so much.
Katie K, Lard be praised, came along (she may have attended one other, I can’t remember, but my friends never come so it was a red letter day!) and since I didn’t have the car we jumped on the Skytrain and went to International Village for lunch. We wound up at Kentizen, which for $16 tax in provides a lunch buffet reminiscent of the lamentably fallen off but still extant Grand Buffet. There was loads of nice sushi and acceptably acceptable Chinese food, although the reviewer who says you can get Chinese food like that in a small town in rural BC is a moonbat. I love the decor and ambiance for a Chinese restaurant and it was a welcome respite from the wall to wall noise in the Village concourse. We shot the breeze in a most delightful fashion and she toddled off to Metrotown to hang with her daughter. What a GLORIOUS day it was yesterday, the weather couldn’t have been improved on.
Then to Imaginarius Fantasticus, from whence, 300 dollars poorer, I emerged. I bought two pieces of steampunk jewellery, an additional cambric top, a pink and black confection of a corset for daugher Katie (I had taken her measurements so her absence wasn’t an issue, and it did fit her – and corsets were $60 on special, so ya can’t beat that with a stick and I was so happy that my evil plan to pick her up a nice and relatively inexpensive corset worked), a BEAUTIFUL dark blue half circle Regency style cloak with ribbon closure and the most AWESOME hood (it is so flattering it’s amazing), a bunch of ceramic nametags (hey, they had Allegra, Tish, Terry, Hank and Katie so I bought them) and I came THIS CLOSE to buying Paul the Spock costume from The Voyage Home, which he would have looked f*cking awesome in. Man, so so tempted.
There were carnivorous plants, and Viking (no, really, antique) belt buckles, and medieval armor demos and evil female pirates and kids dressed up like fairy princesses. And aura readers. I would have preferred a steampunk tarot reading, but ya can’t have everything….
Keith and Paul ran into Mike and Rozo at the Quay about the same time I was releasing the last of my money into the wild, so we all had quite the nice day…and then Lost Girl, which was okay, and now work….
Watched the 2008 film Revanche and loved it.
octopi Wall Street!
Supplemental: Getting on and staying on are two different things.
On another subject entirely = with Scott to the Pole.
Elephant seal pups love bomb journo
Miss Margot Slurps is now live
A man in black leather with a gun and a knife attacked me
Saturday round up with extra moose
Considering that I think marriage is a crock I don’t know ‘zactly how to feel about this.
Disturbing pic of a kid done up Clockwork Orange style.
I’m only posting this in the hopes that pOp will forward a story about his childhood, maybe with an optional explosion.
Man, I didn’t know there was a floor show for the ferry line up. Ocean floor, that is. You can all tell me what a crappy pun that is later.
Very happy to have her back. Jeff and I were worried about her.
Moose go back to school, get edumacated.
I ignore the dog and play with the ball, for I AM MOOSE.
I make weird noises, ’cause I am a MOOSECALF.
SMG is back on TV. We’ll see. I’ve started watching Lost Girl so I don’t know if I’ve room on my TV plate.
I HAVE UPDATED the Red Deer link… check out the pics.
Who knew an octowollopot could be so Cyute?
Canadians are lucky. We could be Libyans or Bahrainis or Japanese, but we’re not.
Watched this last night. Appalling. Then I read this. And ya wonder why I’m a feminist.
So as a chaser. Something cute. Something excessive.
Bean, bean, you are SUCH a handsome lad
I can haz proof. He is very attractive in pics, but in person he’s just meltingly cute.
We arrived safe in Victoria yesterday afternoon and repaired to the home of my folks with Katie in tow. We have today been for a drive in the remarkably snowy back roads and we have also visited the Butterfly House and I hope to post pics after I get home. I figured out how to get butterflies to sit on me, and entertained a number of small children with my new knowledge. Might come in handy if I ever have grandchildren, sigh.
Yesterday I inspected baby Bean, Lady Miss Banjola’s offspring, who’s two months old more or less. He meets all criteria for cute and normal; being who he is he could hardly miss the cute, but the normal is almost worrisome. Katie got to cuddle him for a bit, and Lady Miss B stuffed him into his knitted yellow duck feet, which are squee-renderingly adorable.
I am looking at the facsimile of the journal of my great great grandfather Henry Thomas Wake. There has been a terrible railway accident, 15 dead, and I am very very happy to see that my ancestor spent money on beer.
Having a lovely time. Also, saw this, and loved it, highly recommended.
What’s the mileage on this thing like?
Ettore Bugatti quotes:
My cars are supposed to go, not stop (when somebody complained about the brakes).
A gentleman should have a heated carriage house (when somebody complained that the cars were cranky in cold weather).
Nothing is too beautiful, nothing is too expensive.
Sounds like a privileged white guy…. but that’s really the hankie calling the bread white I spose.
I don’t think it’s right to make costumes for animals
But you can’t argue with the results.
Example 3. Previously posted, the amazing site.
Example 4. Not precisely a costume, but definitely hoomin triggered.
Example 5. You have to scroll all the way down to the beginning of Feb to get the chinchillas in hats, but by that time you’ve read some Sleep Talkin Man and thus my aim is accomplished. You’ve also seen a deformed monkey, but I’m not mocking the monkey.
Now some pigs.
Example 6. Shopped but amusing.
Example 7. A modern classic, previously posted.
Example 8. Ditto.