restless anal syndrome is now a thing


I ordered mask braces today, including a size that will fit Alex.

I am a happy girl, somebody vacuumed the games room. Someone named Suzanne.

I hope to a) do a shop and b) visit Tom today. We shall see.

I try not to comment on shit Trudeau does because mine is not an informed opinion but I literally and honestly believe that him holidaying in Tofino for Truth and Reconciliation day was specifically and vindictively aimed at JWR (Jody) for having the nerve to not be his house NDN.

I wore an Anishnaabe design on my chest for yesterday. I want to uphold Indigenous joy as well as sorrow. It was solemn for me, seeing how many people of different racial backgrounds were wearing Every Child Matters gear at Lougheed yesterday when I went walking there with Paul.

Paul is … more like Paul than ever. He spent ten minutes trying to get his vaxx card up on his phone and I asked him to print it out. Watching him deal with his phone at all is extra crispy difficult.







Selyf Roberts

Mae’n brydgell ac mae’r brochgim stwd
Yn gimblo a gyrian yn y mhello:
Pob cólomrws yn féddabwd,
A’r hoch oma’n chwibruo.

‘Gwylia’r hen Siaberwoc, fy mab!
Y brathiad llym a’r crafanc tynn!
A rhed pan weli’r Gwbigab
A’r ofnynllyd Barllyn!’

Cym’rodd ei gleddyf yn ei law
I geisio ei fanawaidd brae–
A gorffwys ger y goeden Taw,
I feddwl–fel pe tae.

A thra pendronai ymhlith y coed
Y Siaberwoc a’i lygaid fflam
A ddaeth, mor wallgof ag erioed
Gan ffrwtian gam a cham!

Un, dau! Un, dau! drwy’r awyr oer
Aeth min y cledd ysgiw, ysgôl!
Fe’i lladdodd, a chan gludo’i ben
Hwblamodd yn ei ôl.

‘A lleddaist ti y Siaberwoc?
Tyrd yma, hapllon fachgen!
O jiwblus ddydd! Hwrê! Hwroc!’
Gan wenu arno’n llawen.

Mae’n brydgell ac mae’r brochgim stwd
Yn gimblo a gyrian yn y mhello:
Pob cólomrws yn féddabwd,
A’r hoch oma’n chwibruo.

rainy blowy weather

I think about getting up, but the house is freezing – we try to wait until the beginning of October to turn the furnace on, but if the wind keeps blowing as is, where is, I may cave earlier. So right now, tea is a hunnert miles away and I want some brung to me.

Last night there was one of those lovely overlaps… Jeff played a TikTok video of Ryan Reynolds and Will Ferrell singing the chorus of “Grace Kelly” by Mika in multipart harmony. And I said to Jeff, “Play Mika’s Grace Kelly, then you get some more context.” Ryan and Will were obviously having a blast dragging their singing voices out of the tickle trunk (Will has an eerie falsetto, quite nice but also WTF.) And Ryan made an uwu smile (more slang, means like when a cat smiles with their eyes closed, super cute) at the end that was so unforced I just wanted to pick him up and snuggle him and pat him. But that would be gross, good thing he’s such a good sport about his fans. He was fantastic in Free Guy, which is a very entertaining film.

I absolutely love Grace Kelly, and played it many dozens of times the year it came out. The kids exposed me to it of course… if it wasn’t for the kids I wouldn’t have new music like Billie Eilish in my life.

Suzanne will be cleaning today. I dreamed about the house being tidier last night. Smirk.

Speaking of smirks, Lee Pace’s (as Empire) smirk at Jared Harris (as Hari Seldon) in Foundation was epic. He’s a hateful character, and we’re supposed to hate him, and we do.


Kaossilator: L12, G10, 90 bpm, HeL, top C. Hold left thumb in bottom left corner while moving right index finger randomly through top right quadrant. Evokes the motion of butterflies.

and they all went away

amazing how when I put my picture up in the top left hand corner the hits drop away to nothing…. thanks I guess anonymous blog visitors! I have heard your unspoken words and will change it to something more appropriate.

Mike’s dinner migrated home with me and Jeff got some of that tuna, plus the brown rice with cilantro plus the green beans and red peppers, so it was very nice to share it.

Going to see Tom today if the fates are propitious. I may call Paul.

Jeff’s car comes home from the krankenhaus today. It’s been a while.

Today biscotti and brown bread.

Drug interactions

I hate my ADD meds. I’d adjusted to everything else but it doesn’t seem to do anything except make my heart rate 20 bpm faster than normal, my head hurt and it hard to eat anything but yummy carbs …. without giving me any cognitive boost. I’m stopping, it just doesn’t seem to be worth it.

I keep trying to make biscotti for Peggy (Tom apparently can’t eat them) and I just can’t. I’ve learned that if I’m not baking them with love in my heart they don’t turn out properly, at least not to my standards, and I am really struggling with how I said I would do it and now I’m standing around like a fool waiting for a message of some sort or other.

The bright spot (apart from Jeff, the kids the parental units etc) is that I’m seeing Mike today; he and I are finally both well enough at the same time to get together. I can hardly wait to see what diabetes friendly delights he plans on whomping up for me. Last time I didn’t take any of my usual gear, but I’m definitely taking the laptop and the uke this time. I intend to play, “The Friend Who Gave Me This Ukelele” for him, I’ve been practicing.



Dishwasher is running thanks to me, tea is seeping thanks to Jeff, and I just realized that I didn’t get my goddamned bloodwork done because I was about to go in to Lifelabs and I got an email that Tom is sick and it literally (THANKS FOR NUTHIN ADD and also may I just mention that not getting a fucking email reminder of your pending requisition from the doctors office doesn’t exactly fucking help even if you don’t have ADD) knocked doing that out of my mind. So I must must do that today. Which means I have to walk over to 6th and 10th anyway, maybe I can mail the 9 page (large print) letter I wrote to Mary over the last week, and pick up a coffee for Jeff on the way back since he was hankering for one.

weather is frickin GLORIOUS  I mean seriously.

I have a list as long as my hair (which reminds me, I need to tie it up again or Jeff’s going to be spitting out my hairs reproachfully while watching tv as they drift over his face (sometimes he goes GAAAH and flaps his hands because it’s like having a spider web land on you and then OH THE REPROACHFUL LOOK)) and slightly more motivation than yesterday for attacking it. More laundry, working on Finale writing down songs and messing with the voicing, tidying up the music/guest room, working on a couple of new fanfics, responding to Tish’s letter, actually reading the rent increase notice and diarizing it. A small fraction of the goo sticking to me.

I have subscribed to the NYT for a year, it was 1/20th the normal price so I actually thought that was fair. Jeff, it was the article about Jared Harris that made me subscribe, I am such a celebri-fluffer.

Crows called for food this morning, but I put out sunflower seeds instead of roasted unsalted peanuts so they are sulking. (later, there they go again. It’s four-call, whoever she is)

Keith has apparently had an excellent visit with the grandparents in Victoria. I’ll be meeting up with Paul at some point today to walk and possibly visit Tom and exchange stuff, since items keep migrating between our two households.

Jeff’s car is still in the krankenhaus. The problem can’t be replicated, so we’re beginning to think it’s bad fuel.

I think I have blown through yet another set of orthotics, so that’s going on the list as well. NO DO NOT WANT. I mean I want comfy feet but I do not want to spend 400 dollars even if my fOlks are underwriting it with my remittance woman stipend.

ADD meds day two. I AM ITCHY. Is it allergies? is it medication? LOL who knows. Much imitating of the Archer character Woodhouse saying in his crackly voice, “It’s going to be an itchy weekend.”

I bought some Red Racer Street Legal Pilsner and IPA for Paul so I have something festive to drink while I’m over there. Got some for myself as well. It’s about the equivalent of a piece of bread, for carbs.

I now have a nightgown for every night of the week. And okay, enough potchkeying around on my blog, I have to go have a phlebotomist stab me, baby.

No difference

Took ADD meds this morning. I can’t feel any difference, honestly.


This is the busking info for New Westminster. Portions of it are unintentionally amusing. DO NOT BUSK MIT CHAINSAWS. DO NOT!

Canadian Blood Services is going to TERMINATE employees who do not get the COVID vaccine. I wish every health care organization and provider would follow suit.

Nobody wants to know

If you’re feeling low.

Unfortunately Peggy’s biscotti won’t bake ’emselves. I have other stuff to bake as well.

It’s a Wittgenstein kinda day: (and here’s me thinking this was Nietzsche

“Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent”

Fortunately I have lots of friends and family to talk to… I’m low, but I’m not lonely.

NO just no please no

we voted yesterday

And while the electoral fairies didn’t give us what we wanted, a Liberal minority government is close enough, given that electoral politics is gross no matter who’s involved.

I topped up my compass card; after I came back from seeing Tammy it was tapped out, and that will never do. Can’t take the bus without a compass card.

Today I hope to mind my own business and avoid the people wandering around the lower mainland who are threatening each other with fake weapons, running each other down with real SUVs etc. Also may circumstances give the incoming BC Nurses’ Union president enough ovarian muscle to back a vaccine mandate. The fact the outgoing one didn’t means that I for one am NOT thanking Christine Sorenson for her service. Every nurse in BC should be vaccinated and the fact she didn’t support a vaccine mandate IS MORE THAN ENOUGH REASON for the board to want her departure. Riddance to Rubbish!


ad responses suck

Looking for a cultural competence reader sucks and the people who’ve responded suck even harder. One of them could barely type English and was using a phone from a Venezuelan phone system (IKR???) and the other one said it’s great that you’re looking for a creative writer …. when the ad said I needed a reader and described the work to be done.

so…. no comprehension. REALLY GOING TO DO WELL WITH MY SUPER COMPLEX PLOT which is written out with the totality of my vocabulary, fair, foul recondite and vernacular, not to mention all the words of art.

FML and I’m still just crushed from the not-family but close-friends news, I should probably make that clear.

I made election night chicken wings and I’m not even going to be aware of the results until I wake up tomorrow.

There has been dreadful news in the family

But I will not speak of it here. Those who should know already and those who do not know will learn from the right people first.

I had the most lovely and wonderful time with Tammy, we had a great (if physically challenging for both of us) time at the LGBTQ2S Vancouver walking tour. So much I knew and so much MORE I did not know, it was great for mind body and soul. So many names I have to look up now!

Then we got the cutest waiter I’ve ever seen in my life (he was cute with a mask on cute) at Mary’s on Davie where I regarded Tammy’s Moscow Mule with bilious fury (alcohol and my cabasa full of pills no longer on speaking terms) which resolved into happiness as I got two enormous pots of tea, and then a steak, PERFECTLY cooked veggies, and frites, which I brought home to Jeff, parted in front of the pedicure joint, and then I walked all the frickin way back to Granville station although I stopped at a cannabis joint and FINALLY reupped on CBD gummies, it was driving me crazy not having pain relief that didn’t make me high.

I spoke to Katie, and Dave, and my mOm, because after the news I needed friendly voices.

I cooked lean ground pork with cumin, garlic and cayenne (and a bit of salt, I can’t lie) and had it over green salad.

Now I’ve taken my last pill of the day and I bid you all a good night in which I hope you have the chance to snuggle with someone wonderful. Tonight, apart from the 100 trillion microbes I’m hosting at any given moment, I am sleeping alone.

quiet day

I don’t think I did anything about house today besides make tea and a salad and take my pills and a nice long nap. (I’m allowed to be tired when I’m tired, I’ve got Daim Branage. I worked on about half a dozen destiel fics, tidying mostly, getting names consistent, that kind of editable stuff. 9 words on one fic 318 on another, that kind of thing.

THEN around 6 the THUNDER started … for about an hour, every ten minutes or so there was the longest, most histrionical, excessive, over-the-top, can’t-stop-won’t-stop thunderclap you could imagine. Long pause and then explosion noise-overlaid with a helicopter landing on the house noise – overlaid with brO’s apparently epic fart from yesterday  – and then cannonades in the distance fading to a repetitive coda. Jeff and I were impressed as hell.

Watched Cry Macho, had no expectations of it being great, and enjoyed it because to my mind it was entertaining. Some of Eastwood’s reaction shots will live as memes long after he’s dead, I predict.

feelin’ good

It is a fine day to thank the MST peoples for the good fortune to dwell on their land.

Many kudos waiting for me this morning on Archive of Our Own, which is very pleasant.

Trees blew down all over the lower mainland but we didn’t lose power here as far as I can tell.

I am recollecting that Jim was talking about some books about BC I should probably read. I need to email him about that.

I owe Paul a promised pedicure, I should probably get my shit together today and schedule it.

Side effects have dropped off to a dull roar.

Made whole wheat buns yesterday. Jeff and I made a good divot in them.

I got a phone call from Mike (he’s bought diabetes cookbooks to feed me!!!) asking for clarification on my diet. I DO NOT DESERVE MY FRIENDS. Or rather, what must I do to deserve my friends?

I handwrote a letter to my parents and they couldn’t read one of the words so I think I’m going to print letters in future. It goes faster and it’s easier to read. I’m just scared I’ll reuse parts of one letter for other people if I don’t hand write them.