SO cute. Just disgustingly cute.
Category: Baby Animals
It’s so cute….but not very small
I especially like how this baby (who’s like, two meters from fintip to fintip) came out rolled up like a rock star poster then unfolded its wings and started swimming around.
Love knows no boundaries part III
She’s nursing three tiger kits and her own puppy. Sigh.
Brayden’s face says it all.
You sure this thing is safe, Gramps?
Keep a straight face and watch this
Lady Miss Banjola as a small child.
Isn’t it amazing what you can do with unskilled labour.
Rob of Nine suggested I post this link as a stern reminder to folks why they DON’T want children.
Need to feed an aardvark? Perhaps a zebra?
Everybody else has posted a link
Will Ferrell in the Internet hit THE LANDLORD If you don’t think toddlers screaming obscenities is funny, just skip it.
More baby animals
Vets said this was definitely a miracle baby, so she’s called Miracle. She was born very premature and she IS a miniature horse, and she’s only six days old in this picture. Don’t you just want to bring her home and see if you could housetrain her?
Speaking of which, it IS possible to housetrain a horse. You need about three years, a pretty much indestructible house, and the ability to stand outside in the rain for hours waiting for the horse to ‘go’ before you bring it inside. According to the woman who described the process on the CBC (as best as I recollect) when the light bulb finally went on the horse went, “Oh THAT’s what I have to do if I want to go inside where it’s warm. Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”
more big aw pix
What is the primate drive for loving pix like this? I’m not the only one….
Over the top cuteness
Okay, so they are stupid pictures
I <3 susie bright
Quit saying NSFW and start saying NSFP……
Scary Clown makes a fish for me
This is kinda what happens when Scary Clown falls asleep and dreams of Nemo. Either that or in honour of International Women’s Day he’s telling me I smell like a fish. You never know with that guy.
photo credit Dalai Jarmo, and don’t blame him for the image quality, it’s from a cell phone cam…
All your laundry are belong to us