A dissenting view from Mark Lynas. But the results are the same.
Category: Politics
I hear John’s voice
I know, he’s dead.
But in response to this news (first this) (then this) all I can hear is “It couldna happened to a nicer guy.” No, I do not condone the pitching of tourist chachkas at political leaders. No, I do not condone violence as my personal means of effecting political change. I prefer mockery and bribery, personally, but that’s just me. When one of the most media savvy and scummy politicians of the modern era gets injured in this way, I know that he has access to the best pain killers on the planet, and he’s gonna come out okay.
Looking around at the world
The perfect library job for somebody…. Archivist for the Grateful Dead.
Too long, didn’t read.
Heart heart heart Bruce Schneier
Talking sense again, as he so frequently does. With bonus crypto feminism.
Derailing for Dummies
Or, how to teach privileged people to win arguments against marginalized people.
hours and hours and hours and hours of tv related video
Check it out! It’s interviews with huge names in US TV.
In other news, Tommy Douglas is the man, and the US health care system is in CRISIS. This article flat out disgusted and angered me.
Two minds
I am of two minds about this article.
Part of me says, Oh this is great it’s really helping people.
The other part says, “What she is doing is still easier than lobbying for better public transportation in the land of the Great God Car.”
I applied for a job yesterday. I am already having second thoughts about a year off. I may forget how to work for others entirely if I don’t get going.
A whole lot of saying nothing
BCCLA update
The BC Civil Liberties Association, which, Darwin aid me, I gave money to last year, has requested through Freedom of Information to have the street closures for the Olympics publicly available. They’ve requested three times and the Integrated Security Unit has told them to suck wind.
I AM FLEEING THE CITY FOR THE OLYMPICS. Jeff, you can stay here if you want to, but this is boned.
David Schreck has a few things to say about the HST
While the legislature wasn’t sitting;
two months after an election;
and on the basis of one flawed study….
The BC Liberals introduced a Harmonized Sales Tax.
If you’re not reading this on 20th August you will have to into the archives to read it.
What he said – Barney Frank pwns someone at a town hall
Long quote from Kropotkin’s The Spirit of Revolt
The need for a new life becomes apparent. The code of established morality, that which governs the greater number of people in their daily life, no longer seems sufficient. What formerly seemed just is now felt to be a crying injustice. The morality of yesterday is today recognized as revolting immorality. The conflict between new ideas and old traditions flames up in every class of society, in every possible environment, in the very bosom of the family. The son struggles against his father, he finds revolting what his father has all his life found natural; the daughter rebels against the principles which her mother has handed down to her as the result of long experience. Daily, the popular conscience rises up against the scandals which breed amidst the privileged and the leisured, against the crimes committed in the name of the law of the stronger, or in order to maintain these privileges. Those who long for the triumph of justice, those who would put new ideas into practice, are soon forced to recognize that the realization of their generous, humanitarian and regenerating ideas cannot take place in a society thus constituted; they perceive the necessity of a revolutionary whirlwind which will sweep away all this rottenness, revive sluggish hearts with its breath, and bring to mankind that spirit of devotion, self-denial, and heroism, without which society sinks through degradation and vileness into complete disintegration.
In periods of frenzied haste toward wealth, of feverish speculation and of crisis, of the sudden downfall of great industries and the ephemeral expansion of other branches of production, of scandalous fortunes amassed in a few years and dissipated as quickly, it becomes evident that the economic institutions which control production and exchange are far from giving to society the prosperity which they are supposed to guarantee; they produce precisely the opposite result. Instead of order they bring forth chaos; instead of prosperity, poverty and insecurity; instead of reconciled interests, war; a perpetual war of the exploiter against the worker, of exploiters and of workers among themselves. Human society is seen to be splitting more and more into two hostile camps, and at the same time to be subdividing into thousands of small groups waging merciless war against each other. Weary of these wars, weary of the miseries which they cause, society rushes to seek a new organization; it clamors loudly for a complete remodeling of the system of property ownership, of production, of exchange and all economic relations which spring from it.
The machinery of government, entrusted with the maintenance of the existing order, continues to function, but at every turn of its deteriorated gears it slips and stops. Its working becomes more and more difficult, and the dissatisfaction caused by its defects grows continuously. Every day gives rise to a new demand. “Reform this,” “reform that,” is heard from all sides. “War, finance, taxes, courts. police, everything must be remodeled, reorganized, established on a new basis,” say the reformers. And yet all know that it is impossible to make things over, to remodel anything at all because everything is interrelated; everything would have to be remade at once; and how can society be remodeled when it is divided into two openly hostile camps? To satisfy the discontented would be only to create new malcontents.
Incapable of undertaking reforms, since this would mean paving the way for revolution, and at the same time too impotent to be frankly reactionary, the governing bodies apply themselves to halfmeasures which can satisfy nobody, and only cause new dissatisfaction. The mediocrities who, in such transition periods, undertake to steer the ship of State, think of but one thing: to enrich themselves against the coming débâcle. Attacked from all sides they defend themselves awkwardly, they evade, they commit blunder upon blunder, and they soon succeed in cutting the last rope of salvation; they drown the prestige of the government in ridicule, caused by their own incapacity.
Such periods demand revolution. It becomes a social necessity; the situation itself is revolutionary.
Thought provoking article on the REAL basis for the modern evangelical right
This is unbelievable news for Middle East peace!
The inverse surveillance society
Who watches the watchmen? Everybody.