Up at 2:45 this morning

This early rising business MUST stop.  So I guess it’s time for a roundup.

Adult onset diabetes foreshadowing in rising level of 5 proteins.  Link here.

Lots of lawsuits won’t necessarily help your case.  Righthaven screwed up, but fair use rights have been protected.

A very commonly used contemporary chart about radiation exposure, which I only link to on the off chance one of my readers hasn’t seen it yet.  Here.

The “serpent storm” on Saturn.  via Nasa/Cassini.

The assault of the Repulsigans on women’s rights continues.  Honestly, though, the “Harper Government” would do the same thing if they thought they could get away with it; fortunately the Bloc Québecois would have a collective seizure if they tried to pass something like this.

The assault of the Repulsigans against anybody who dislikes factory farming continues.  In what universe is it illegal to take a picture of a farm? (link removed for security reasons).

From chipper, an ad for what she termed a ‘proofreader’s delight’.

Also from chipper, some lovely ‘supermoon’ pix from England.

I have no idea how church went yesterday, I was in the kitchen helping Peggy with coffee. Gave Carol a ride home and picked up some frozen fruit so I can make fruit toppings for pancakes a bit at a time.


Brian Eno talk

Last night at the Vogue, Eno gave an illustrated talk (with some truly charming and useful on the spot illustrations) about art and his relationship to it.  A number of interesting points came up, most of which will probably lose their sharpness for you because they were filtered through me.

He said that English is missing a word.  We had theatre, and then we had film, and those two disciplines are quite separate.  They have their own words and their own understandings both aesthetic and technical.  When performance music split from recorded music we got no such division in words, which is a loss.   I was immediately thinking about filk, and the emphasis on performance.  Anyway, he believes that they are two different disciplines and should be as distinct as theatre and film in how we speak of them as well.

Another thing he said is that art has been shaped very dramatically by three pivotal changes in the human world view, at least as expressed as an outgrowth of ‘Western thought’.

One was Copernicus; hey guess what, we’re not the center of the universe.  One was Darwin; we are at the top of the food chain because of evolution, not God.  The last was the development of complexity theory, including cellular automata which allow you to see without equivocation how complexity can proceed – in fact, must proceed – from extremely simple rules.

At the end he talked about how his work slides along the Control at one end and Surrender at the other end Axis.  Once again, a good working image.

He talked for two hours and Jeff and I came home.

Epic version of What’s! on! my! camera!

Panorama at Miniature World

Hypocrasy – billions and billions served
Katie and Ziva in a characteristic pose
Patricia's bathroom floor
A lovely room full of lovely people - panorama of the church dance
Wood ducks and redwing blackbird at Burnaby Lake
Skunk cabbage along the trail at SFU
John Caspell Memorial Scrabble Game
An amphitheatre for Rats
Bumper owie
Space Station at Miniature World

And in other news, there are particles called ‘plasmarons’ fixed

Sheldon would be so pleased.

More Enceladus

Happy sigh.


Our universe, courtesy of Patricia.

Prometheus the space potato

Here’s a new raw pic from Cassini/Ciclops. Earlier I called it Enceladus, but I wuz wrong.