Diddy-wah GRR

Buster, you are a CRAZY MAKING CAT.

He came in, feet wet and filthy with more than the normal grime, and I decided to clean off his paws before he tracked the schmutz ev’y’where.  Without biting or scratching – a masterful demonstration of tension and torsion – he resisted so hard I pulled something and it feels like the last time I had costochondritis.  I grabbed the scruff of his neck and said, quietly, “You will do as you are told.”  He promptly lay on the floor and let me minister to him, and wipe his feet dry, with no further resistance.  Now I feel like I went nine rounds with a baby goat and all of its pointy little hooves, at 4 am, hallelujah.

On his account we bought toddler proofing for the cupboards…

Only half an hour last night.  Not sure what happened there.  I don’t remember taking the mask off.

400 words yesterday.

I have an interview Monday.


I’ve got a timer set for how long Ima suffer those fools.

  1. Turn your passion into a career. Work on planes & become an AME with hands-on training at the best facility in Canada

  2. Tweet text

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  3. There will definitely be job openings as the baby boomers retire en masse, but it’s still a pig’s life – with ghastly hours.

  4. But the jobs won’t last long. General aviation is doomed and commercial aviation is in a race to outsource to the cheapest bid.


I have an interview at an agency tomorrow.

The dresses I ordered are now in Cincinnati.  I have some hope that they will get to me early next week.

My church is going to start having pub nights and it’s at a bar that is very easy for me to get to and from.  Yeah!  Except they haven’t actually announced something useful, like a date.

Since I don’t really have any nice dresses for an interview I’m going to wander off to Value Village shortly and go schlepping.  I should likely walk….

Leo and Linda should be here soon (next days to weeks).  I have mowed the lawn and washed the guest bed sheets as well as removing much cruft from the guest room.

The Further Adventures of Keith as told by Keith

Work: Hey Keith, clean out the Fire Urchin tank.

Keith: Can do!

Work: Also, fyi, Fire Urchins are lethally toxic.


-Five minutes later-

Keith: Ouch… uh oh.

Work: Oh you’re okay. The long spines aren’t toxic, just really painful. Are you having trouble breathing? No? Yup, you’re fine.

Keith: Working in an exotic fish store is fun!

Yeah, my brush with death for the day.




This is for Keith’s 28th birthday.  Love ya!

hullo, goodbye

They got me a YODA GOING AWAY CARD.  They really got me.  It’s so frickin sad, but somehow so awesome too.

There was a bagpiper on the Fraser right next to the office.

Jeff loaned me MR2, so I had a good ride in and will get home to BEER quickly.


Everybody be good and play nice!

Shhh, thinking.

Cognitive Bias illustrations.

How big is the solar system???

Came home from work yesterday, almost crying on the bus, overwhelmed by feelings of failure.  I should just suck it up.  I was looking at all of the other workers.  I’m one of about three white women on the bus.  Daily on the ride home I see exhausted men of every background in conspicuity vests, students and travellers coming back from the airport; drawn looking women from all over Asia speaking a dozen different languages as they (from the sounds of it) talk to their sisters or argue with their kids or check in with their husbands.  Most people play on their phones or listen to music.  I jerk back and forth, back and forth, my spine sliding first this way and that, and get off the bus sometimes barely able to step down, my back hurts so much.

Today I’ll be alone downstairs; the boss is working from home and if the phones decide to explode (the way you do when you can’t afford to spend a single minute on the phone) I’ll be hard pressed.  At least there’s leftover takeout in the fridge. And a stellar bunch of coworkers; they are darling and intelligent and it’s really been a privilege.  And that’s a factor in what makes me a leedle weepy, too.

I’m in town for the weekend (I’d better be, I’m doing coffee at church on Sunday) and then I’ll be off to Victoria with Katie as walk ons the first of the week.

Nothing feels right.  George calls to me, pats me with his social tentacle, and I’m too tired to focus to write; all I can do is BLORT this out in a parody of creativity.



Failure is always an option

I am wishing that this week was over.  My coworkers really like me and are talking about a special healthy foods going away afternoon tea on Friday.  Why?  Honestly, the most pleasant and hardworking and intelligent women I’ve worked with in ages (at least since Patricia and I quit hanging at the big X), and I can’t deal with the blessed commute because I’m such a little flower.  I had a seat this morning and it was still absolutely ghastly, got off the bus aching and stiff.

I made oven roasted potatoes for Jeff this morning.  I was supposed to do it last night and couldn’t get my shit together after I got home from work.  Met up with Katie last night and we hung very briefly.  I am hoping to get a copy of the ultrasound soon.  She and Suzanne both think it’s a boy.

I have so many thotz in my head…..

Last gasp

This next two weeks is going to be very challenging.  Tina being gone means I’m doing a lot of order entry and phone answering; next week the office manager is gone and I haven’t been trained on a lot of her activities, so I suspect I’ll be very busy and very off balance.

However, there are only 8 more work days to live through, and I can do it.




Today I say goodbye to a wonderful coworker; she resigned shortly before I did.  I am about to design a farewell card but I only have about half an hour to unleash my creativity before I have to leave.

Went to a crochet meetup last night. It was pleasant, but I need individualized instruction.

There’s other stuff going on in the background as usual but none of it is fit for a public forum.

ScaryClown got an award for outstanding employee contribution handed to him by somebody who didn’t know he’d just resigned.  BWA HA HA,  runs out of air, BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA.

New victims

Poor Margot. We’ve locked the cat door and Keith and Paul let her out last night not knowing she wasn’t going to get back in again until I got up around 5:30 (a good night’s sleep).

I have discovered that I am a lot more sentimental than I thought.  Keith got me a Mother’s Day card, which would have been sufficient, but also a gift card.  I burst into tears.  It’s just so nice to be loved.

Then we exposed them to Rick and Morty. NEW VICTIMS.

I am full of plans about what I’ll do when I’m off work again.  I do feel a lot more confident about the job hunt; I was doing things wrong and I admit that now, so it will go better.  I have a lovely new resume which should help, and I’ll be tailoring it a lot more.  It’s true, the bots looking through resumes don’t give a shit about me, and the po faced mental midgets who sort through them after the bots have done their jobs can’t assemble a sentence without turning into bleating morons.  However, it’s a game, it has rules, and I can’t win if I don’t play by the rules.  The rest of this paragraph has been erased on the strenuous and plaintive request of counsel.

On my list of things to do is a concert at Wreck Beach.  Don’t feel bad if you’re not invited.