Furbabies & Gilgamesh

This morning, while Eddie was grumbling the whole time, Eddie and Miss Margot played over the same little  stuffed mouse.  I am trying to train Miss Margot to run along a track (which is interesting, because once she has ‘prey’ in sight she’s indefatigable, like a squat and furry greyhound) and Eddie got into the act.  Then, grumbling still, he walked away.  Twice or three times this morning he’s bopped her on the head.  She never says a thing, just flops on the ground.  She’s 1/3rd his weight, it hardly seems fair.  Gizmo never hisses at or hits her.

Yesterday I wrote another tune.  The recorder was sitting in front of me. I recorded it.  What was so hard about that?  Why have I not done that before?

A zillion years ago Loki told me that the oldest story was the epic of Gilgamesh.  It’s been on my list of things to read since I was a small child.    The most recent reworking of Gilgamesh is by Stephen Mitchell, a noted scholar, writer, translator, and custodian of wisdom literature.  I heard about it when the book was released on the CBC and put it on my list; it seemed that finally the translation, or retelling, worth reading now existed.

Yesterday I went to the library, because the *^%&$$ ICBC finally got off its duff and sent me my address change, without which I would not be able to get an update to my library card.  I did so, and Gilgamesh was waiting for me; that and a number of other fine books and movies.

I highly recommend it.  I wish a really good animation studio would bring it to life; there’s no way you could do it as a live action film, in my view.  What a different world that was, even in the mythic retelling.  To read the flood myth…  a snake stealing the  plant of immortality…. to feel Gilgamesh’s grief when Enkidu dies…. to shake one’s head how the gods cluster round the first offerings after the flood – they are so hungry because their humans are all dead and there’s no one to make offerings …. to smile at the wisdom of the tavernkeeper Shiduri, taking shelter on the roof of her tavern when Gilgamesh shows up, not wanting to be killed by the powerful and crazed-with-grief man…. it was all very beautiful, and very strange.

I have had dreams about Uruk, the city of Gilgamesh.  I just didn’t know that’s what I was dreaming about at the time.

I had a productive and happy day yesterday.  I ran errands on my bicycle, and Jeff and Keith and I watched The Adventures of Robin Hood with Errol Flynn, saw Katie, and Paul briefly, and Mike came over for dinner.  Mike’s kilt came, so I gave it to him and he was VERY happy and immediately donned it. Best gag of the day – BOTH KIDS assumed we were watching Court Jester, because there’s Basil Rathbone in the same sets.  Anybody ever notice how Una O’Connor and Mildred Natwick look awful similar?  I didn’t until yesterday.  And Errol Flynn is among the hottest men who ever lived.

Anyway, if you like costumes, you have to see Robin Hood.  Olivia de Havilland’s gowns are swoonderful.

We watched Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey (the documentary by Sam Dunn, which like his followup Global Metal, was awesome… and SO Canadian) and we celebrated Jeff’s birthday by eating barbecued chicken, and steak, and heart of summer salad with blackberry vinaigrette, and home made garlic bread, and bear claw ice cream.

This morning Jeff walked to 7-11 and they were OUT OF MILK.  Why?  Because their fridges were not able to maintain safe temps for dairy.  Kinda tells you what the last week in the GVRD has been like.  So he went to the other 7-11, which is a bit closer as it turns out, and they had some, and I made Jeff waffles and bacon for brekky.

Here is the recipe for heart of summer salad.

1 mango

1 small purple onion

1 tomato

1 orange pepper

1 red pepper

Cut everything into half inch pieces and drizzle either store bought raspberry dressing or home made blackberry dressing over top.  Take a tablespoon each of Tom’s blackberry jelly and olive oil and three tablespoons of vinegar, add basil, parsley and garlic to taste, then mix well.  If it sounds yummy, it is.

If I was making it in quantity I would likely add half an english cuke and more tomato.

Robert Longo’s All You Zombies:Truth Before God

Jeff gave me a book many moons ago called “The Gendered Cyborg” which is a bunch of feminist art critique.  I found most of the book incomprehensible (use smaller words, in context, puhlease), some of it actively offensive (in the ‘inhaling your own exhaust’ sense), and the rest of it mildly disturbing/thought provoking.  But if you want REALLY disturbing, check out this piece of art, which I think is one of the best of the 20th century.  And I never would have known about it if Jeff hadn’t given me the book.

Robert Longo’s All You Zombies:Truth Before God

As you may have guessed, zombies are much on my mind these days.

Don’t take this seriously…

AC Grayling is the son of a bitch atheist who is writing an atheist bible.  In other words, he’s my competition.  (In my tiny, feeble, twitching mind.)  And really, he’s not my competition because he’s actually, like, a published author with a track record, and I’m just somebody trying to come up with 52 Sundays worth of atheistic bleating in book format to try to cash in on what I see as an atheist publishing gravy train.  Except that I really believe in what I’m doing, I just can’t help being po-mo about it.  And I can’t help thinking that atheists like Roger Waters ought to be incorporated into a liturgy, don’t you?  And there’s a big difference between an atheist bible and a liturgy, they are really complementary aren’t they?  See how fast my point collapses, like spaghetti after it hits the boiling water.

Anyway, he’s written a DANDY rebuttal to Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor’s attack on secularism, and here’s the link.

And speakin’ of atheists, have you seen Pat Condell’s latest?  It’s BRILL.

Finished “Anybody talk”

So at least I’m being smart and working in the cool of the day. Having accomplished that I can now go about the rest of my day, which involves errands, blech.  Katie says she has a line on an apprenticeship position.  Later…. Yay, errands all done. Did you know, I didn’t have a single pair of shorts?  Outrageous, in this weather.

Mike’s Utilikilt is on its way

As an act of compleat frickin insanity, I ordered Mike a Utilikilt for his birthday.  Yes, I ordered it too late, but on the other hand, it’s never too late.  Yes, a black one, is there any other kind?  A Chinese guy in a kilt?  Well, what else is he supposed to wear for occasions like this?  Not to mention fetish night, or any time he has to work outdoors.  It’ll be good for Wreck Beach, too.

Anyway, they just emailed me the tracking number, so I am assuming from this that I should see it in a couple of days – it’s only coming from Seattle.  And then, I get to see him model it.  A utilikilt has a thousand uses, and in this heat…. yeah.  Let the boys swing free!!!

I can think of at least eight guys I would love to see in a Utilikilt.  Mike McG (hell, he’s got the right last name); Robof9; LTGW; Keith; Tom L.; Tom U.; Paul (of course); and Battery.  The idea of a Maori in a kilt isn’t as strange as you might think.