3.5 k yesterday

I walked 2 k to have coffee with Katie first thing and then 1.5 k to take advantage of my first seniors meal deal with my dear friend Sue.  She has auditioned for the role of Fraulein Schneider in Cabaret and I really hope she gets it.

My audition was completed without incident.  By the numbers I have a one in 5 chance of success as they only provide 8 licences and at least 40 people applied.  I’m just glad I got to do it.

Now I have to get back to my previously scheduled insanity….


balls in the air

I haven’t been able to sleep with the cpap machine for the last couple of nights because I’m a little stuffed up.  I may take a decongestant at bed time to see if that helps.

Walked two k yesterday with my instrument on my back.  May as well get used to that. Paul and I sang and played for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon.  He put some extremely tasty guitar behind “When You Play the Game of Thrones” and “It takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to cry” and in general we had a very good time.  He talked a bit about retirement but it’s still a ways away, and as always we traded notes about the kids because they are not consistent about what they say to us and sometimes we have to piece things together afterwards.  Paul is continuing to be an awesome dad; I am not sure if Katie really comprehends how lucky she is.  I promised not to refer to the crazy making incident which nearly tipped her into homelessness again, but what with her being employed and helpful Paul has no complaints and Keith is too smart to talk to me about it.

The audition is today.  It is by no means a sure thing but I feel like I at least have a chance.  I will need to come up with warm and comfy clothes for when it’s cold outside and possible some kind of rolling device to convey things from point a to point b.

I am working on  a Southern boogie rock tune set in the Burn Notice universe called ‘Kick your door down’.



Average day, situation normal

Your enemies smile and your loved ones frown

Not much need to be very formal

They’re gonna come back and kick your door down


This guy Westen is a pain in the ass

Thinks he’s a hero and his friends are no better

Oliver Peoples with the shatterproof glass

Fi needs help so he’s gonna go get her


Sam comes hard with the rolling guns and ammo

Westen doesn’t think his tactics are sound

Time gets tight and the package goes blammo

and they’re gonna come back and kick your door down.






I may be a busker in a future life!

I am thrilled to report that Translink accepted my application and I’ll be auditioning on the morrow. I’ll have to spend money on the licence and the RCMP background check, but I think those are reasonable expenses.  Now I have to figure out where I get to stand and how I keep me and my instrument warm enough to play….

Showed the shop yesterday.


Walking to church today

Hey, it’s less than 5 k. I have to stop off at Thrifty’s and get veggies for the soup lunch.

Yesterday Paul and Mike (Nita’s so) and Jim and Jan walked in the woods behind my old building.  After we got ourselves good and wet in the rain and from examining honderds of decaying fungi, we went to the Himalayan Peak.

Here’s something cool about reproducing the techniques of Vermeer.  It’s got art, magic, obsession and technology.

Burn Notice continues to eat my brain.

No movement on selling the cafe.