Writing along

“And we want to remind you American and Canadian citizens, that you are still our guests here and we are still your hosts.”

– Beau Dick, featured on “Skoden” by Snotty Nose Rez Kids (2017)

Beau Dick made a brief visit to this blog March 11 2020.

Eighteen hundred words yesterday and today on the cursed object story; in this short span I have managed humour, horror and character introductions, with about a hundred show tropes layered in, and all in broad daylight in an alleyway.

We’ve started a rewatch of Fringe. That show really flies out of the gate at 100kph. So we’re watching two JJ shows at the same time, since we’re rewatching PoI.

just knowing

For the peoples, lands and waters; I give thanks to be in MST country, may I be a good guest and visitor.

Just knowing that the picture exists….

My last post was very inspirational to me. I considered, for a moment, that I would be allowed to go to a peeler bar, a noted local establishment catering the devotees of ecdysiasts, were I accoutred with this ! As a person who is easily inspired (even more easily downcast, sadly) I was pleased to be inspired to download my vaccination certificate.

Just imagine- that what inspired me to do it was NOT my mOm telling me about her recent acquisition of same, and pOp’s, along with much waggery about how she did not want to go to any such establishment which was now, by all accounts, slavering over her custom now that ‘the pandemic is over’ which just sounds like a complete failure of the 5th estate to me. In her view and mine there’s nothing in those places she could want that would be worth not understanding her husband’s conversation! and along with that princely bargain getting a chance to swap respiratory particles, fomites and the dog shit other people have walked through with every other overexcited stranger in the joint. Gee thanks says mOm but no, and even if the prospect of being surrounded by raucous strangers doesn’t appeal, there’s the whole yelling at the servers thing and what’s with how hard they make it to pee, anyhow. So my mOm tried to lead by example but only the thrill of once again being able to attend a peeler bar made it possible for me to ACT.

It seems clear to me, not to anyone else, that sometimes the BC government is my un-indicted co-conspirator and sometimes it’s selling my data to shadowy hypertoxic arms of the Chinese Army and sometimes I want to protest the RCMP but mostly I just want to disband them from the comfort of my own home, an idea that any serving member of the RCMP would find: one of a) boring b) asinine, given the positive impact of the RCMP on the course of my life c) aggravating d) indicative that I need to die. You can’t expect the critter you need to stop drawing your blood to enjoy your attempts to unfasten them.

Plum shortcake in 20 minutes

Dang those are nice plums.

Crows demanded food this morning, so I put out some almonds and closed the blind on the kitchen window so they can’t see me as I walk back and forth cooking.

Started a letter to my folks.

I’m a couple of hundred more words into ‘the Haunted Sideboard’. By the end of it it’s going to be a grand festival of community burning of cursed items, big kumbaya energy, plus romance.

Spoke to Mike. He’s a week into being off nicotine (he said he was lying awake at night listening to his lungs rattle and it was either quit vaping or die) and absolutely wild with rage at absolutely everything, plus, work is so gross that it’s honestly worse than quitting a major body fuck drug like nicotine. My coughing, after a day of being calm, has taken off again, so no Mike tomorrow simply because I don’t wish this on anyone SORRY JEFF.

Jeff has pronounced the Plum shortcake to be edible.


the plums

are freestone. I was anticipating ghastly prep but I’ve processed most of them already, they come apart with a single swift slice of the knife

Burritos are coming, or so I piously hope, I certainly paid for them.

1/2 an hour later…..

well i fucking jinxed us, we got the wrong order and I guess I’m out the money.  i tried to raise hell with Doordash but once I realized where the call centre was I decided to say fuck it, so I have now requested a refund. Goddamn it.

Can’t criticize China

Poor Simu Liu. The idea that the Chinese government believes it owns anyone of Chinese descent seems a little propertarian for the twenty-first century. But if anyone reading this doesn’t understand what the implications are for a city like Vancouver, then you probably won’t like UPSUN very much.

PLUMS appeared on my doorstep yesterday. They were grown in the yard of one of Peggy’s friends and I got four pounds of them. Plum duff today.

5450 words. The graphomania, along with the migraine symptoms, seems to be dying back.

Cleaned most of the dead stuff out of the fridge. What a ghastly ordeal.

Made ovenbaked chicken thighs paired up with store-bought cole slaw and potato salad, nom.

WORST REDDIT TYPO OF THE DAY content warning slur alert

Crip tonight.

I nearly tore my eyelashes off in horrrrorrrr JFC.

then I start thinking about punchlines for jokes because I can hold two opposed ideas in my mind at the same time


Buster caught a teeny weeny rat outside the building this morning, then took it inside and either ate it or let it go. Hopefully it’s not curled up dead someplace, I find dead rat odour to be one of the most trying things psychologically.

Storm Ida had a few things to say about rats too.

If the link disappears, apparently the storm drowned almost every rat in NYC.

That’s what happens when you get too much water. How about just enough?

Above noted link is about how reintroducing water to a dried out river in Tucson has had stunning ecological effects. I prefer dragonflies over rats.

Ever notice how white ladies love to steal Indigenous ancestry?

WHERE IS YOUR KOKUM, KIES. I prefer people who don’t lie about their ancestry over rats.



Jeff and I were just desperate for coffee yesterday so we picked up brekky at IHOP. I mean we would have been fine with coffee alone but I insisted. I think it will be a while before we eat out again. AND we got coffee this am.

The Mu variant is in Vancouver, apparently. Now we wait to see whether it drives the Delta variant off the pitch.

Steve Martin, Selena Gomez and Martin Short have a new show called Only Murders in the Building and apparently it’s really funny. Looking forward to it.

The story, obviously, (4563) is continuing to come along nicely. I have also started another story which is tentatively called ‘The Haunted Sideboard.” It’s about a guy who tries to give away a cursed piece of furniture and the neighbourhood man who convinces him to salt and burn it instead. Then everyone else in the neighbourhood decides it’s BURN YOUR CURST OBJECT DAY and well, you know, shit gets both weird and romantic.

Fuck the police. Seriously. I mean I’d settle for them wearing masks but they don’t want to do that either.

new story

2700 words (3192) (3516) (3945) of a new story so far. I just cannot stop writing stories about men being loving and supportive to each other; it’s not like it’s happening that much in real life so this is very powerfully fictional and massively therapeutic.

Other people’s fanfic complaint. ELICIT IS NOT ILLICIT. GAWDAM, PEOPLE.

It’s possible that graphomania is a migraine symptom. Given how weirdly distant from reality I’m feeling at the moment (sort of cotton woolley) it seems possible.

I printed off the Advanced Care Directive document / worksheet for Paul yesterday after our walk in the school park, and Katie called me last night and we had a chat and among other things she said Paul seems to be studying it. I marked my copy up quite a bit but I’m nowhere near done; I’ll talk to Jeff and the kids when I am done. Alex was burbling continuously in the background while we were talking.

Beautiful weather yesterday, perfect clear sunny almost fall day.

In the middle ages the places that maintained civil society better than others in Europe during the Great Pestilence were places where the notaries were allowed to do their jobs, and transfers of wealth happened in an orderly fashion. No comparison of course to what’s going on now.

Bunk/Wendell talks about Omar / Michael

Can a clothing store be racist.

Redneck Darwin.

And the worst part is that I have to fly two miles with it and then barf it up again

If you don’t like the post title, you won’t want to watch the video.

However if this was taken when they say it was the herons are off the nest already and mama heron’s keeping that ratshawarma for hersel’, she will not be casting up accounts for any babbies. NYC Great Blue Herons ARE METAL AF.

I’m 1300 (okay now 2028 words 2533 words I should close this tab) words into my third fanfic in 3 days WARNING GRAPHOMANIA IN PROCESS. La la la. So easy.