oh ho, aha! Trill! Squee!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me happy.
me very very very happy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Katie went and got the last of her stuff from Daxus’ place and moved in with uh, someone else, not me, and I met her new housemates tonight and I’m THRILLED. It appears Katie agreed to marry Daxus under something called duress, or while planning on getting the hell out.
Katie and I had the briefest long chat in recorded history (man, did we cover a lot of ground in four minutes) and then my mandolin teacher and Keith showed up and we all interacted somewhat. So to answer your page, pOp, NEVER. Does NEVER work for you? Works for me. Besides, she’s living across from the school now – an extra hour of sleep each night!!!
I know that Daxus is wild with grief and anger right now, and I feel sorry for him. But he’s young and strong and he’ll get over it. Suzanne is pretty disappointed with Katie too. I understand that.
I light a candle for Tom, who is apparently healing up with great speed and effectiveness.
I light a candle for Yvonne, who turned over a big pile of the work she used to do and left it all clean and shiny so I could pick up the traces easily.
I light a candle for Tanya & Battery, having fun in Hawai’i!!! snorkel with a dolphin for me, kiddo. Yes, I know someone named Battery, and it’s pronounced Battry, thanks. Kia ora!
I light a candle for Kelsey with a side of hugs.
I light a candle for every struggling family and for the future of our planet.