The perfect library job for somebody…. Archivist for the Grateful Dead.
Too long, didn’t read.
The perfect library job for somebody…. Archivist for the Grateful Dead.
Too long, didn’t read.
And higher incidences of gonorrhea. Fooled you!
Darth Vader has a little fun with Luke Skywalker.
I’m Asian? Why didn’t anyone tell me????
A sad moment in Canadian naval history.
Thoughtful silverback is thoughtful.
New giraffe in Abbotsford. Cute!
New police brutality in Abbotsford. Not so cute!
Oh, how nice. The VPD will move into a building made for the Olympics.
Ashton Kutcher’s recent tweet: Barbra streisand is at my house. I have to admit I’m a little nervous. Ashton is aplusk on twitter. Yes, his spelling and capitalization suck; he’s an ecktor, not a friggin English teacher.
Also from twitter, William Gibson’s wife (whose name I should know but has not turned up in my research) recommends this video of an angry dude at a roadside pull over request. I’m sorry, even though I knew it was coming I still laughed. She also recommends this one too. I looked it up, Cullman Liquidation really exists. Also from Ser Gibson, the following link. Tibetan time lapse mandala. William Gibson is GreatDismal on Twitter.
I have written in homilies and other places about how the disappearance of a language is a marker for genocide. Here’s some good news internationally.
Check it out! It’s interviews with huge names in US TV.
In other news, Tommy Douglas is the man, and the US health care system is in CRISIS. This article flat out disgusted and angered me.
Man uses snake to ward off seizures.
1. Does this man have the right to use a service animal that will scare the shit out of a substantial fraction of the travelling public? Somebody coming on him unawares might have a panic attack and collapse. I was unable to find stats on ophidiophobia, but I personally know or knew three people who were very fearful of snakes, and I went to high school with a guy for whom a PICTURE of a snake triggered a panic attack. Does his right to any lawful treatment for his medical condition include the potential for serious emotional damage to other people?
2. How is a service animal currently defined – per jurisdiction – who gets to decide what a service animal can be?
3. Is it possible this guy is making the whole thing up, and that the snake is not actually feeling the onset of a seizure? I bet no.
4. Has he inadvertently stumbled on a nice research study?
5. If the snake can detect seizures, what is the snake detecting?
I bagged on the puddle yesterday, but in good news, I have lost ten pounds since I quit working and the trend continues. Who the hell knew that eating less and exercising more would work? I am looking forward to v..e..r..y slowly losing the rest of it. Keith is dragging me out to exercise today. Paul and Keith and Katie went jogging on Saturday, can you credit it? I thought it was happening at one, so I was shopping on Main St. I bought…. a pick guard. Two instrument wall hangers. A gig bag to replace the trashed one which Eddie whizzed on. It was trashed before Eddie whizzed on it; I hated the damned thing and the zippers were junk. I came this close to getting a guitar stand, but no. Margot continues to enjoy her cat toy, to the extent that she came and slept with it while it was charging on my bed last night. Although her appearance in my room was probably triggered by Eddie permacrabbing at her in the hallway last night. Yes, I permanently mounted a power bar a railing on my bunk bed. There are four items plugged into it currently, three of them chargers for various gadgetty things. Nascar yesterday. I am starting to like it, because when I watch it I go into this really creative zone. Whatever works. I solved a story problem while watching the race yesterday and went upstairs to write it down. At one point a car spun out, exploding grass divots into the air at 150 miles an hour, and then ‘wearing’ said grass divots as it went into Pit Road. Keith and I looked at each other, and Keith said, “Camouflage; you’re doing it wrong!” which cracked me up. It even went back onto the track with grass stuck in the bumper, reminding me irresistibly of a muscleman with spinach in his teeth. I can’t leave a message for Katie because Daxus filled her mailbox. Katie just shrugs. Since the phone’s in my name, I’m going to block it his number for her; she’s looking for work right now and it’s essential that she have access to her voicemail. Thursday Brian C. and Chari are coming over for dinner and la musica. Mike will be free that evening and bring that sweet electric twelve string he recently rescued from his parent’s basement. It makes everything sound like a Byrds song. Today…. all the things I haven’t been doing, like getting my taxes mailed off and booking a truck to empty the storage locker, and maybe, just maybe, knocking off another song.
It’s about dentistry and peak oil… bet you thought I’d stopped talking about that?
Lemming, Lemming, Lemming of the BDA
Unca Dave is in town this week for cancer treatment, and Paul and I went to see him at the Lodge downtown. It’s a really nice place although he says the one in Kelowna is nicer.
What can be said? It’s all management; of energy, of medications, of treatments, of emotions. He is as cheerful and forthright as ever, and it was great to see the names of his other visitors in the guest sheet. We had a cup of coffee and visited for a couple of hours. Paul will be taking him back to the airport today.
After the visit, we poked our heads into MEC, where I got two of these in black. (Always ask if they have some in the back… I had checked inventory and there were lots of black ones, but not on display.) Paul had loaned me a carrier and I fell madly in love with them and got two of my own. They are only fifteen liters but I got four bags of groceries into one on Wednesday… I had to get some. Also I got a map, because I like maps. They don’t have topos of the city any more, pity. Paul got raingear for his trip with Tish and Terry. After that we went to Pho Hong and I had one of these. Then we went to Rona and recut the keys that didn’t work.
pOp got himself hauled off to the emerg in Victoria in a most discomfiting fashion recently. He’s back at home looking forward (not) to further tests to find out which end of the malingering/mad-with-worry pole he should be attached to. And of course there are two other members of my family experiencing health problems that we know of – I light virtual candles for all them not because it will do a bit of good, but so I can turn my attention elsewhere. Really, hard core atheists don’t know what they’re missing out on with church. It’s just so comforting.
Fed the cats the free food that you get as a sample from the pet store for breakfast this morning. Margot makes the most astonishing assortment of grunts and duck calls when she eats – she literally quacks when she’s excited or disturbed. I put her on the Star Trek pinball but it’s too noisy for her, even though she did chase the ball a couple of times.
Doc Mehdi says her platelet count is so low that if he operated now she’d bleed out. Good thing I went for the pre-op screening. One of two things is going on. Either the results were f*cked up, AND they didn’t call me to tell us before Jeff took her in, or she’s genuinely sick (which, given her behaviour is virtually impossible to believe) and, I say again, how come nobody called? I quoted LM Montgomery when remonstrating with the doc this morning, “Sad mismanagement somewhere!” So I have to pay for yet more tests but they are keeping her overnight for free. Apparently no work is getting done in the office as all the assistants are ignoring the phone for a chance to play with her; she’s already giving orders and being carried about from place to place. Nobody who has met Miss Margot will fail to see that it’s just as well somebody as heartless and callous as me got her, or she’d be ruling the world by now. Honestly. She’s not a cat, she’s a benevolent dictatrix in feline form.
Anyway, I am so heartless that if it turns out she’s a goner, I’m going to keep her skull. It is an entirely remarkable shape, and I would mount it at the top of a staff as an extremely scary object. I mentioned this to Jeff earlier and he was grossed out. Hope you are too. Mind you, if she’s okay and they just screwed up her bloodwork, I’m going to find another vet, after the operation. She has to be spayed, she’d die if she ever was bred to anything but a very tiny male purebred. And in the meantime, if she doesn’t have cancer or untreatable thrombocytopenia, I guess I’m on the rack for a LOT of expensive vet bills. Cazart.