Today is beautiful!
Category: Domestic Life
Plugging away
Jeff Keith and Paul took me for a walk down at the Quay yesterday, and that was lovely. Dentist appointment today, and continuing to plug away at projects. George has gone quiet so I worked on Tarot for Atheists and continued on working on a couple of new airs, plus we’re trying to get caught up on Bones.
I’ve made some lovely rice pudding, and we had pork patties and other noms for dinner.
For a couple of people
I struggle with wanting you all the time, so please don’t mistake my silence for indifference. It’s just I have to hold myself back because I feel too much. Too often. Too wildly out of my control.
–Tina Tran, “My words don’t say much at all”
Katie quoted John Hiatt on facebook this morning, that’s never a good sign. I hope she’s okay.
Today I am going to look at the clock and wonder why I’m awake. Then I’ll check the moon phases and understand that the moon is doing it….
I’m probably going to Ontario 1st week of July or thereabouts. Depends on my teeth situation. And employment situation, but it’s going to take months for the right job to pop up, so patience is good.
No responses from any job applications yet, but that’s really no surprise.
Haven’t had the chance to go ramble and look at salamanders up at SFU as planned earlier this week.
I’ve started taking vitamin D again.
Pork chops for breakfast!
I may be heading to Ontario in July; that’s the current plan but I have some appointments to get through first.
There is ice cream!
Across Canada people are wearing red to commemorate the Mounties who were killed in Moncton. It was horrible that it happened, and I really wish the Mounties gave better firearms training to their staff.
Today, laundry, writing and practicing. I’ve already done my applying for jobs for the day.
unchurch was delightful
/// but I still had to wash dishes, LOL.
I am feeling kind of icky still but definitely better than late last week, when all I wanted to do was take to my bed.
I’ve been practicing a lot. Otto sounds great. The housefilk on Saturday evening was fun even if I bailed early. If I was going to sleep over that would have been different. Jeri Lynn and Jeff were there which meant there was cello (SO AWESOME ON THE HERE THEY COME ZOMBIE SONG!!!) and Appalachian dulcimer, which is just the sweetest sounding instrument.
Jeff and I bought another awning and sprayed it with anti UV goop in a hopefully successful attempt to get the material to survive more than four years.
This week… job applications and selling more stuff, I hope. Also a walk around Burnaby Mountain and a quote for a replacement awning.
We’re off to Crappy Tire to buy an awning – the awning we bought to shelter Headwater for the birthday gig they did for Jeff has gone the way of all awnings. I may retain a friend to make another cover as there’s nothing wrong with the frame on the old one.
I’m into the list of Human Universals. The Sixers share many of the human universals but where they are different from us it’s like the bottom dropped out. They aren’t materialists because they don’t need anything and can’t be made to need anything they can’t get from their environment, unless their thinking is disordered by religious fanaticism. They don’t experience the incest taboo, or groups larger than about 5 people living in one place, although they gather in groups to mate because it’s convenient. They don’t care about sharing food. There are no tabooed utterances or hierarchies; males and females travel the same amount over their lifespans and are equally likely to take leadership roles on the rare occasions enough Sixers agree that a leader is required – mostly it’s when Bossypants decides to take action and then grinds conspecifics into agreeing. They don’t have proper names, they don’t have polysemetic words (at least in the social linkage language) and part of George’s sophistication is that he recognizes puns. I’m having a gas with the list because it’s allowing me to see just how different the Sixers are from us, and how similar.
My facebook buddy Sean Haugh is a libertarian running for office. Fox News just found out about him. They hate him because OH NOES He’s a WORKING CLASS LIBERTARIAN. I didn’t think I could hate Fux Newsishness more.
He’s principled, funny, an SF fan, and a feminist libertarian (for realsies). And he drinks beer. If I lived in his district I’d work for his campaign. If I was a US citizen I’d donate to his campaign. I will be sending him funds earmarked for beer for his campaign workers after the results are in.
I feel somewhat less burdened by physical ickiness today. What I want more than anything is a really long road trip.
My scariest aliens
1. The alien from Alien. I wrote a one sentence movie review for this film “Do not watch this film unless it is with someone whose profile you admire.”
2. The aliens from Pitch Black. Those things scare the crap out of me.
3. Everything from Dead Space, the video game. BRRRR. I don’t know how Jeff can play it.
4. He’s not really an alien but the holey man from First Man Into Space scared the PISS out of me when I was a kid.
5. The Martians from Mars Attacks.
Yesterday I ran errands and made pulled pork. Today, church and laundry and a get together with the landlady.
still happy
Sun shining, feeling accomplished, looking forward to finding a better job, glad Jeff is home, happy that Katie looks so good, glad Keith is coming home, happy with a warm happiness.
Which doesn’t last, so I bless it while it lasts.
background and foreground
Foreground is work and the ordinary run of domestic stuff; in the background, there are romantic rumblings, projects being thought about, and a prayer for the dejunking fairy to kick my ass into something resembling activity.
Other than that, I haven’t much to say. As I get older, I wait for more news before commenting. By the time I get it I find I was right not to get too upset.
Here I am at the end of another week
It is NOT as if time was crawling when I was unemployed, but now it’s going so fast I’m feeling like every second is a blur of paper.
I am making stupid mistakes and good catches at work. I hope it averages out to continued employment. You just don’t get a team like this every day… everybody is so civilized and hardworking (compared to me). I could whine about the variability of it, but that’s what food is like. Prices go up and down in the cycle of the seasons and nothing stays the same.
One of my fave coworkers is off in her homeland visiting rellies. I miss her because she is one of the most intelligent and yet sunny tempered individuals I have recently met. (I keep wanting to introduce her to my son, which would be grossly inappropriate in so many ways). I miss her because the most administrative portion of her job fell to me in her absence and it’s fussy and important. So, nervous.
I am going to work on crochet and forgiveness this weekend; along with some stuff I should have attended to ages ago. Although I am tired all the time, certain kinds of energy I didn’t have last fall have come back into my life.
I am having better communication with people I am intimate with, and that makes me calmer. I don’t feel like everybody should be able to read my mind any more. I know I can be a sore trial as a friend sometimes, when I’m not expansive and entertaining.
Jeff loaned me the vehicle yesterday. I got home much faster than usual and it made a big difference to my mood all day. I am very grateful, especially since it did inconvenience him.
Keith is apparently hiking off to Edmonton in mid May. I will miss him, but he’s at the point in his life when he’s going to take off and adventure, and that’s good.
I learned from Katie that the baby will take her last name. That was a calming bit of news. I had lunch with her on Sunday as I was checking out. It was a blessing to see her. She’s still not showing; yet the ultrasound shows what looks to be a very robust looking kiddo.
Rob W phoned last night and we talked writing. I don’t know what makes me an expert, except that I do more of it. Volume is not necessarily a good aspect of production – think farts and you’ll know what I mean. And yet it is by writing crap that we open the channels to the good stuff.
Well, off to find clothes and bus tickets and get out the door. Boss lady is back today and much activity is in store.
Cuppa Joe serves the best hot chocolate in the city. Srsly.
Laundry weekend.
Apart from running dishes, talking to friends on the phone and laundry, this was an even lazier weekend than last weekend. Oh, and I made pork patties and fresh green beans for dinner last night.
I has a gladsad
My son is going to check out Edmonton for work. I am very pleased, and also just downcast. If he likes it he will probably be gone by the beginning of May, and if he doesn’t, he’ll be unemployed, which he has not much use for at all.
He and Paul are away so I have to do cat care tonight on the way home from work.
Time to get dressed and be off to work. I’m dressed, it’s just the wrong clothing.
I have another homily in May, Theology at the Movies.
A good week
I’ve had another great week at work; we’re doing a bunch of training for a new computer system and after Epicor’s Avante it’ll seem like roasting marshmallows and drinking beer.
And I got paid.
Gotta like that!
I descuzzed the kitchen surfaces (except the sink, Jeff got to it before I did) and now am contemplating the agony of getting on the floor and cleaning out the fridge, which smells like Something Dead, since bending knees and back does not suit me. I have had to learn how to step down off the bus all over again; if I lead with my right foot I nearly collapse on the ground from the pain, so I have to remember it’s left foot first.
Jeff and I are very much enjoying Downton Abbey and recommend it.
Coming up – last episodes of Warehouse 13, the season ender for Justified, more Archer and hopefully more Rick & Morty. And Game of Thrones starts up again tomorrow night.
I need to transfer some music onto my phone to relieve the tedium of the bus ride, and also maybe some TED talks or books on tape. Apparently the Dunnett novels are all available but of course I haven’t found a free one.
I opened up the novel again and worked away at it for a bit last night. I’ve booked the Easter weekend to do nothing but write, but that’s two weekends away. Maybe I’ll even finish it; there’s a novella length single scene I have to write for close to the beginning of the book, and it’s going to be hopelessly and most soppily romantic, so I’ll have to really be in the mood.
Haven’t heard from Katie lately, but apparently she’s not throwing up constantly any more, so yay. She lost a lot of weight, poor lamb, and that is never good. It’s as well that we’re made of tough stuff.
I answered the door today to a couple of Xtian types wearing my screaming blue “I am on the side of the scientists’ t-shirt, which I acquired from a geekgrrl at Conflikt VI. Happy days! Declined their dead tree, have enough of my own thanks.
It has been more or less unremarked that the first climate change refugees left their Pacific Island this week. Very sad.
The global banana crop is about to fail due to a pathogen which has now been found on every continent. Also, sad.
It wasn’t very good banana bread
But it all got et anyway. It certainly wasn’t good enough for church but Jeff didn’t mind. I took some nice bag tea into church, and Sue did too. Soup lunch was yummy.
Yesterday was a laundry and church and mini relaxicon kinda day, with phone calls interspersed to various people. I am woeing at the moment over various things, but I had a nice long talk with Sandy yesterday. We were messing about with tarot again. She asked recently for pull cards for purpose in life of various family members. The deck was messing with me again and most of the cards were correct if reversed. I said to the deck, are you for real???? and pulled a card she hadn’t asked for, for her. It was the same card we pulled the last time, which had me laughing most immoderately, because that is what the deck is like. Just at the point everything is random and screwed up, it reminds me to look harder.
Then I pulled the Hierophant for me. (Sandra said, what you haven’t already? I am incurious about some things.) Well well, telling me I’m an institutionally based spiritual authority less than a month after my last homily is not exactly a slap, but it was pretty funny, and got me thinking. I know that UUism is my spiritual home but it’s annoying. Do I set myself up in authority? If so, what can I do to stop being like that? I’m not a minister or even a good candidate for ministry (although given my gabbiness in the pulpit I get asked about it occasionally).
I was proud and humbled when this was read in church on Sunday. This is part of the context for the anti racism curriculum.
Brother Jerome called me! He congratulated me on my new job. (Woke me up from a sound sleep too, but other people are not responsible for keeping track of my goofy sleeping hours). I forgot to tell him about how the Green Man came back into my life since he’s one of the few people who’d appreciate it. I am so blessed in my friends, they’ve been really good to me.
Did cat coverage for Paul this weekend, Ayesha is a sweetie.
Yuck, I’ve had two spiders crawl across me in the last twenty four hours. I flung the last one onto the floor. I hate killing them.
There is brie in the house. And fresh sourdough bread. And smoky, luscious Russian Caravan tea. I know what I’m having for breakfast!
bits and bobbles
Jeff and I are off to Thrifty’s once he wakes up.
I have been thinking about what I like in an actor.
A good actor works consistently and takes time off only when she must. She tries different roles and treats everything about herself as a component of performance. She can differentiate between the toxic pixie dusts of celebrity and notoriety, interviews graciously, is courteous to fans and professional with coworkers. She is judicious in her use of alcohol and drugs. She leaves her personal life out of her work unless it helps to bring snap to the performance, recognizes and honours excellence in others, never stops learning and protects those aspects of herself which make for great performances against all comers. She can take direction and make suggestions. She understands as much about the business of acting as she needs to. She takes every job seriously, even the fun ones. And the only time you hear about her when you aren’t actually watching her is when she’s promoting a role; she saves the interesting stuff for the screen and stays out of the fricking tabloids. A good actor is a working actor. A good actor balances knowing what she does best with working in a challenging role, knowing she might fail spectacularly. A good actor is too busy working to worry about the last blazing success or ignominious turkey.
Soup lunch today. I may bake something if I feel energetic enough.
I have decided that I am an Assam person, not a Darjeeling person. I may blend the two teas together; that’s pretty much how they make English breakfast tea anyway. Proper loose leaf tea is really a thing of beauty.
Were you aware that the global price of coffee is going to triple over the next five years? If you can bring yourself to stop drinking it except as a treat you’ll be doing the planet and your wallet a favour.
The California drought is going to end. Whether it will be enough to save the almond plantations is an open question.