Royal Vancouver Pornographic Society

Yes, I can has invite!!!! I will be going to one of their by invitation only events on Thursday. Strictly for research purposes, of course.

And for those of you who can’t deal with porn, herewith Crying baby and Howling dog.

Baby cries. Dog howls, most affectedly and musically. Baby shuts up to watch the dog. Dog shuts up because baby has stopped crying. Baby starts crying again. Rinse, repeat. A classic demonstration of a feedback loop.

God bless France. 

And may god bless Hugh Laurie. 

Ain’t it the truth

Nerd party.

Been to parties like that.

Had a very pleasant conversation with a former coworker today.  Man, if there is anything funnier than taking a return authorization for a refurbished product when the person you’re giving the return authorization to DESIGNED the product, it doesn’t exist in the tech world.  AND we’re getting together for beers next week.  I love the guy, but as much as he likes me, it isn’t THAT way.  And I wish it was.  He’s the nicest, funniest, smartest, classiest, techiest, artiest and bestest cookingest guy evar.  Cute too, at least by my standards.  One time, he made country style French apple pie when he had me and Paul over for dinner, and Paul and I were still making “Wasn’t that a pie!?” comments six months later.  And he cooked us Pad Thai once, too.  Mmmmmm.

My kind of crazy.  From Fark.

It’s the strangest thing.  I could not get my new TV to play DVDs back in colour no matter how hard I tried.  It’s amazing what happens when you actually put the connectors in the right jacks.  All is good now.  You know what did it?  I couldn’t STAND the idea of watching House without seeing Hugh Laurie’s blue eyes.  He’s so incredibly yummy….

I now have the complete Asterix and Tin Tin comics.  Long live digital media.  I heart Obelix. I remember when the kids were little, and somebody said something supremely obvious, we’d all yell, “Does TinTin have a COWLICK??? Does Captain Haddock have a DRINKING PROBLEM???” and then we’d fall about laughing.

nautilus3’s radiation treatments have started.  She’s about a quarter of the way through.  Her continuing good humour is a great comfort to me.  Life is still good!

Cats in an exercise wheel.  I love Bengals.

last impressions

This morning, Miriam funnelling Bloody Marys into Katie at Las Carambolas, our favourite bar at the resort (I stuck with beer). Last night, lightning flashes in the distance around 1 am when we emerged from the disco.  A night heron who posed for us, but who, when we first saw him, appeared to be mesmerised by the music coming out of the disco (he was actually using the lights to hunt crabs).  I walked up to him slowly and he ran like the hammers for the water but did not consider taking off.  Then he came back and eyed the moths longingly. 

Walking in the waves with the brilliant stars overhead speculating on when the next nova that will be visible in the daytime will occur.  Then a DAMNED BIG COCKROACH.  Outside.  And proud as anything; she scarcely moved when I tapped the railing next to her.

This morning, we called for the big lizard (about an 8 inch body), who greeted us every morning for three days and then inexplicably vanished – and there he was, running along the path to say goodbye.  Katie finally catching a glimpse of the enormous hummingbirds.  A woodpecker in the palms.  Check out ludicrously easy and they gave me my change in American money, which, if you knew how f*****g hard it was yesterday to get enough US money together to leave the country, was as laughable as how painless the checkout was after the extended agony of my interactions with the front desk over the course of the last week.

Now I’m sitting in the internet cafe and I just forked over about 20 bucks for Katie to get braids.

Happy birthday to me.

My flabs in zero g

Well, not exactly.

Smell for comfort. 

I may have posted this already, but it’s still funny.

V. cool pic of deep sea urchins.

Human reproduction sure can be odd. 

Will Allegra stop providing links to articles about the collapse of the Yankee dollar?  Sadly, no.

Math Song Finite Simple Group of Order Two. 

Today the whole world blogs about the environment

Allegra’s tips for the environment.

Join a car co-op – sure works for me!

Join to get & recycle an amazing variety of goods in your community.

Join Bookcrossing to recycle books.

Keep your spent batteries in a jar and then take them back to places such as The Source or, believe it or not, many cell phone kiosks in malls.  At a pinch they go to the toxic recycling facility locally.

Stop using paper tissues.  Recycled cotton clothing works great for hankies, ‘sexwipes’ (WAY nicer than tissues, blecch), cleaning windows and mirrors, etc etc.

For those still ‘running with the moon’ buy a cup instead of killing a sequoia with every period.  Works great, and now that I know you can clean it with tooth whitening gel I’m the happiest woman on the planet.

Quit dying your hair.  That stuff is gross, stains everything in the bathroom like a bastard, stinks to high heaven and is not nice for the water supply.

Quit using makeup.  Almost all of it is toxic crap with horrific amounts of plastic packaging.

Learn to cultivate and save seed from heritage plants.  I especially recommend corn, beans, squash, wheat, barley, hops, tomatoes, potatoes and medicinal perennials.  Mmm.  Beer.

Use vinegar to clean and deodorize things.  It’s gross, but only momentarily and it doesn’t make horrible aerosols.