…. so their grandchildren can all starve to death. Or so my misgivings tell me.
Category: Politics
Stan Goff discusses something… theoretically of course
I read that he had read Neal Stephenson’s Zodiac (one of my all time favourite books) and the discussion went south from there….
A rollover map of obesity in the US
This is very thought provoking. As daughter Katie has discovered, poverty is inextricably linked with obesity in the first world; this is a map of poverty.
Bruce Schneier says read this
So I’m passing it along. Why Terrorism Doesn’t Work.
From Cousin Gerald
Chinese recall list
And these are just the ones we know about. (link removed for safety)
The best statistics video evar
Into statistics?????
I frikking KNEW this would happen
And when does he do it, in the summer, on the just before July 4th weekend. I weep for the American justice system. But you gotta admire Bush’s loyalty, whaddaya say?
pure EVIL
electile dysfunction? Take INCARCEREX
News roundup
Hurricane forecast accuracy is reduced, but you’re not supposed to complain about it.
Alcohol protects against rheumatoid arthritis? I’ll drink to that !! Ooh, and further down it says that breastfeeding longer than 13 months protects against rheumatoid arthritis as well! (May protect, anyway, according to preliminary research…)
Monty Python was wrong…. there is no Universally Funny Joke.
In breaking international news
Valdis Zatlers defeated Aivars Endzins in the Latvian presidential election. I double dog dare you to say THAT fast.
The battle continues
Like Peggy, I think the question “Does God exist?” is not a useful one. Here’s a skeptic talking about the ineradicability of human belief….
good points and the best part is the comments
The “niliverse” comes to light. I have already kicked the Cato Institute for not taking the long view, but this is also interesting.
Remember folks, it’s all about the breeding rights. If lying allows you to control more resources, and your resources allow you to access a richer / prettier / better connected breeding partner (or hell, partners), you will do it, because it’s a genetically viable option.
BUT if you’re not a Repoopagain duckwit with a sense of entitlement even bigger than mine (and that’s making a statement…) you will eckshully consider the downline costs to your grands and great grands. So it’s the same game, played out by people with different timelines. Those crazy capitalism-constricting econuts are thinking about breeding rights, but not with their gonads….
Oh, and did you hear that Cindy Sheehan quit!? Good for her! She found out the hard way that the Democraps are just as inclined to bail on their promises as the Repulsagains.
Proof of evil
after you stop laughing, find the flaw in his argument
If healthcare was prostitution
Difficulty level – No calling it sexist or insensitive OR saying “that could never happen in Canada”.
Forwarded by Rob of Nine.