w00t! Invitation to VCon

I’ve been invited to be a panelist at VCon.  Filk panelist, of course.  I just sent my bio and the panels I’m volunteering for off to the folks on the Con Committee.

Hm, wonder if I should revive my long dead “Con Committee Waltz” song?  I’ve thought of it from time to time, it being mostly inspired by the dry comments of Catherine C and Alan R back in the day in Toronto.  It would have all new lyrics now, only the choon has stuck in me ed.

And I told a lie on my bio.  I’m supposed to have more than one filk tune on Youtube – s’pose I can remedy that before the beginning of October?  Maybe I can remedy that today.  But not before I have a shower.  Minimal standards must be observed.

4 am thoughts

  • The expression “Be careful what you wish for” just morphed from “Your thoughts have the power to change reality” to “If you wish for something bad on someone else and it happens, you will have to deal with how it makes you feel as a person about yourself” – I mean, unless you are really clueless. I have been wishing for emotional pain to land on somebody I don’t like for a while. I don’t know whether it’s happening or not, but I woke up at 3 am thinking, “You know, I’d feel awful it it happened, because I know what it’s like.” I’d like to think that the buckets of tears I’ve cried over the last two years have meant something; at very least that I’ll be more careful about putting myself into situations where tears appear necessary. Maybe that I’m trying to be more compassionate. Anyway, I’ve tossed some emotional baggage over the side, and while not always accompanied by tears, such thoughts seem to dovetail neatly with insomnia.
  • I had twelve unpacked boxes. Maybe sixteen… I still can’t find what I’m looking for, but I’ve unpacked some more. Soon more stuff can go into storage. Jeff found it amusing that I hadn’t realized all those boxes in the middle room were mine. Duh….
  • I really enjoy having friends drop by. Jeff keeps the public areas of the house comfortably tidy, so I never feel freaked out if people come over. And if you have beer or biscotti to stuff into them when they arrive that generally bodes well.
  • Tonight was the first night I got woken up by multiple sirens. Where I used to live in East Burnaby, we got sirens practically every night, and ALWAYS on Fridays and Saturdays. When I went to live up the hill, it became so still every night that it sometimes seemed rather post-apocalyptic, what with the fog and the eerie stillness. When I get woken by sirens, I pray for a good outcome, and experience gratitude that I live someplace where somebody cares enough to come rescue me if I screw up. Yes, atheists pray; that’s what I call what’s going on in my mind every time I wish for something I don’t have the capacity to make happen. I’m not praying to the, a or any God; we haven’t been introduced so asking him.her.it.they for something seems a little presumptuous.
  • I get to see little Darwin today!
  • I get to eat dinner and schmooze with Kopper and then she and I and Peggy will see jazz today!
  • I have only been up half an hour and I’ve already let the cats in and out three times each. Cazart!
  • Daughter Katie is out of town for three days at an in-laws wedding. All the rest of Suzanne’s kids bailed on her; the date was set three months ago; Katie couldn’t be in two places at once; so she sends her regrets with respect to seeing Darwin but she really did have a previous commitment.
  • The soundtrack for Juno is adorable. I found it on the network drive at work. Does this mean that somebody’s about to kick my door in, or is that in September when the new law takes effect?
  • I have been seesawing back and forth about my job. LTGW said yesterday apropos of nothing, “Is anybody really happy at work?” and I just sat there stupefied that he would ask such a thing. When I collected my wits, I said, “I don’t know. I don’t think so.” Then I thought some more and realized that the two things I like best about my job are direct contact with end user customers and my coworkers. As long as I have those, I’m staying put.
  • Jeff and LTGW appear to be favourably impressed with each other. I’m not expecting all my friends to like Jeff and vice versa, but it makes my life easier if they do. Besides, collectively, my friends have godlike powers to make extraordinary shit happen with exhilarating speed and deftness, yow!
  • I’m on twitter as allegras, if anybody cares. I only check on line.
  • Tammy told me something her boyfriend said that was so romantic and mature that I just kvelled.
  • Downstairs neighbour let me cut in line for the laundry. Thank you!
  • I don’t like listening to people yell at their kids.  I’m getting it from two directions these days.  Of course I yelled at mine but I don’t believe I did it as a steady diet.
  • I’m going to ride my bike someplace today, I just haven’t figured out where. I don’t think this rain will last – it looks like clearing somewhat.
  • A two stroke fired up close to our front door yesterday and Jeff said, what the hell’s dat noise? I looked. When I came back I said, “Somebody is burning oil to take care of his lawn.” It was a compactor or some such device. In ten to wenty years, only the supremely rich will even bother – everybody else will be growing food in the same space. Every day I see things that make me think, “Won’t have THAT as an annoyance much longer…”
  • It now being 5 am, I’m going to head back to my comfy bed and try to grab some more shut-eye.

Sonic treats and domestic life

Jeff and I had the identical reaction when we heard this.

See if you can guess what it was.

The rest of the site, starting here is quirky, laid out by an amateur (NO, I have no pretensions to excellence wrt web layout, thanks) and easily killed 15 minutes as I browsed through the odd instruments.

LTGW dropped by with Darwin’s previously paid for prezzie and hung out for precisely one beer, and just like an English play, he cleared the door moments before Tom and Peggy dropped by with a lesbian mystery manuscript for my editing eye (written by a third party), and Tom consumed two of the previously unmentioned chocolate hazelnut biscotti I made up last night and cooked this morning and Peggy dispensed a hug.  Oh, and Jeff and I did a shop starting at about 8 am this morning and I did laundry today and made up burgers which Jeff cooked and then we watchd Buffy S1E4 and before that Jeff took me to Brentwood and I finally ditched the Telus modem so they can stop charging me for it and picked up more beer.  Oh, and I made split pea with ham soup today and now Jeff’s (this unnecessarily graphic description of my cooking’s effect on my brother’s digestion is cut upon the insistence of all right thinking people) but he’s forgiven me because I cut up strawberries. This paragraph has been brought to you by the Temporal of Bureau Distortion.

The cats continue to be healthy and demanding; they appear to have stopped running up and down the damned halls at night.  Is there a connection between this fact and locking them out at night?  There could be!

My back feels better. I am so craving cigarettes though, it’s dreadful.  Nothing stays easy for long.

I am having a wonderful and productive weekend so far.

Mars images and animation

Boston.com has a bunch of Mars images from Phoenix and other recent probes:

I also recently discovered that the Phoenix lander posts reports to Twitter.com. Twitter is a goofy little web service that lets people tell the world what they’re doing. Never saw the point of it until now. Here’s an example of a recent Twitter post by Phoenix:

Whoohoo! Was keeping my eye on some chunks of bright stuff & they disappeared! Sublimated! So it can’t be salt, it’s ice: http://is.gd/lFa 05:23 PM June 19, 2008 from web

Of course, it’s not really the lander itself sending the reports, but they’re fun anyway. I’ve got my Twitter account set up to send Phoenix reports to my cell phone!


After the fabric was sitting around for a couple of weeks (and the Luddite bailed on last evening due to not feeling 100%) and finally getting the sewing machine last weekend (I kept forgetting to ask to borrow it) I finally said “Basta!” and assembled the blackout curtains.  Jeff seemed to think it would take hours, but it’s all straight seams.  I sewed and put hooks in and he hung them, and just in time for solstice we have something that will improve both sleeping and watching movies in the living room.  I sewed one side incorrectly – the panels aren’t mirror images of each other – and sewed about 30 centimetres with the wrong side facing out – but these are either of no great moment or easily fixed.  Happy sigh.

Holy crap, look at the time.  Off to work.  Wonder if we’ll be walking in the woods at lunch today.

The Dandy Warhols

I am so so glad I went to that show.  I danced like an idiot, talked a bit with Doug and Jeff, and Whoo hoo hoo! as a line from one of their songs (NOT SAFE FOR WORK, ‘KAY??) goes.  The best live shows are a sonic cleansing, and that it definitely was.  The Upside Down, who opened for them, redefine rock meedy-ock.

As for the venue, Richard’s on Richards has no doors on two of the ladies washroom stalls.  The place is getting torn down soon and there is ZERO maintenance happening.  Jeff’s description of the men’s room was a costive making horror.

Incursion by kitty

Who the heck is that?Eddie\'s all fluffed out

This orange cat has poked itself inside our house on occasion, but has never before been so bold as to start exploring the bedrooms. Eddie fluffed out his tail and howled, while Gizmo mostly just stared. It was a stalemate, so I had to encourage the alien cat to leave. At that point all I saw was a cartoon furball heading for the back door. Eddie sat on the stairs and sang a sad song, while Gizmo chased the orange cat across the alley.

The Buffster has landed

Mike was over for dinner last night and Jeff, Mike, Keith and I all watched the first episode of Buffy. So resign yourselves to many many fluffy Buffy references over the next while, unless Jeff decides to bail on the whole enterprise, in which case I’m going to watch my fave episodes again anyway.

The other day Katie says she and two girlfriends brought some guy they’d met in a bar back to her girlfriends’ place to chill. I’m sure he thought he’d died and gone to heaven – three cute chicks, woo hoo – and what did they DO? Watched the Buffy musical Once More with Feeling YET AGAIN, audience karaoke style, and creeped him out so badly he ran away. You’re welcome.

Dandy Warhols tonight! I can hardly wait. Nothing skedded for Thursday, the Luddite on Friday, Baby Shower on Sunday, Hilario Duran on Sunday. June is shaping up to be a busy and happy month.

I think I figured out why I’ve been so blue of late. I just passed my second anniversary of screwing up my back (which is better the more exercise I get, surprise, surprise) and I’ve noticed that my body remembers these life events, even if my mind doesn’t. Anyway, I don’t feel blue at the moment, which is a distinct plus. Thoughtful, yes, but even the greyness of the skies can’t bother me, because Keith showed me this last night. Don’t watch if you’re grossed out by cartoon violence.