Ick, hormones for Valentines

Despite it all, my TMI meter still seems to be working, so I won’t bother with the deets.  I just feel wrung out and not particularly brainy at the moment.  On the positive side my back and leg aren’t hurting me too much at the moment; I’ve been getting by without painkillers.

I wish my phone hadn’t died just as I was coming home yesterday.  The sunset was so glorious, so spectacular, so awe-inspiring, I wanted to phone Jeff and tell him to step out on the back deck.  Also, he’d picked up beer that day so I didn’t actually have to go into the mall.  But I’ve got beer, so really, wherefore the plaints?

I started writing my Valentines day cards today.  More after the cut.  Please note that I am using my just freshly created font so the appearance on this blog of those staves will look very different from how it will look when I print them out.  I have no idea what font they will appear in.  Also, they all run together because Google docs knocked the formatting out.  But I think I’m doing very well with the office coworker valentine’s this year – I won’t be doing individual ones but I think I’ll be able to keep everybody reasonably happy.

One thing that troubles me…. Should I give any to the new squid overlords?  I’m going to go talk to HR about that.  I mean, I’ve been giving out office Valentines for YONKS now, and if they tell me I have to stop I should probably do it anyway, but only give them to the people who are a) expecting them – because at this point, they do and b) really don’t give a roasted rat’s tuchis what HR thinks. then OR now.

I lost my bank card.  I have to report it now.  I don’t want another one, but oh well.

Healing is itchy work.

I’ve been re-reading George Carlin.  That man was a genius, and he left us too soon.

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