It’s from Gaiman’s Sandman
Month: August 2019
November 2004 is done
Picked up my new scrip for inderal yesterday.
Walked to Timmy Ho’s with Jeff. I should not be drinking coffee or eating sugar but hey it got us out of the house and I’m supposed to be walking 150 minutes a week minimum for health benefits.
Slept well. Still haven’t set up the CPAP again. Jeff suggests getting it adjusted.
Beautiful hot day. Pride today. Downtown will be a cluster.
I light candles for the dead, bereaved and injured of El Paso and Canton.
October 2004 now complete
I’ve copied everything over to WordPress.
I was a different person then.
A worker was trimming roses at New West Quay yesterday and I got some to take home. We had a lovely walk, and I got a teensy bit of shopping in.
Paul’s 70 next month; we’re having a shindig at his place. I have a short list of people to call to invite. He wants sushi and something in the Instant Pot so that will be easy to wrangle. I’m slowly assembling a list of things to do.
It’s been four years since I stopped talking to Sandy. I miss her, but not enough to pick up the phone or email her. She’s still plugging away at Red Deer according to social media.
It’s been almost 18 months since I quit facebook. I’m good with that.
I didn’t realize I’ve actually quit church three times now. I’m not going back and this time I think it took.
Weird to review 2004.
You know that I have lots to say
But I don’t necessarily say it.
Found a love letter I wrote to a friend ten years ago. I never gave it to them for reasons that make sense to me, and didn’t give it after because our friendship altered, many times. I don’t know how appropriate it would be to give it over now, but it’s quite a piece of writing, so I’m transcribing it.
Almost finished reposting September 2004 into this WordPress blog. Lots of amazing pictures. Note to self, more pictures.
gaw damn
So the government having spun and ground and popped its neck vertebrae has now coughtèd up another 2700 dollars this time for GST/HST.
Unbelievable. Jeff suggested sending fleurs to the woman at RevCan and I’m seriously considering it… anonymous, of course, so as to not have the appearance of a bribe.
Her voice – so peaceful and kind.
The exact opposite of what you’d expect.
Finally did a word count on HOTM can you believe it the rewrite is now almost 30K long!!!
paper girl
I bought art supplies, pens and paper yesterday, thanks to Paul. We went on an expotition. Also I helped him with some government paperwork. It was a papery day. Also got a bullet journal. Wrote 850 words on Conversion, the chapter in which Michel, Oddi and Harri kidnap Sissy to take her back to stand trial in Vancouver, and things go wrong three different ways, but not entirely. Wrote another thousand words on a fic that is going so poorly I think I’d rather work on main projects today.
Time to take biscotti out.
Time to put biscotti in. This will be my last bake for a while. I’m on the Dash diet, apparently. Essentially it is a death diet; there’s nothing worth living for and you quietly starve yourself to the grave while worshipping your dropping BMI and blood pressure.
Time to take biscotti out.
Back to the doc on the ninth August. Still no dementia test – she thought it was better to tell me how I’ve got three times the normal chances of popping my clogs or stroking out. Gee thanks but hey, reality.
Now I shall tell the truth. Couple of days ago I turned the yellow clingstone plums that Peggy gave me into plum sauce AND THAT WAS A WHOLE SCENE because it changed colours four times while I was cooking it. First it was orange and then it was pink and then it was green and then it was, well, plum coloured. It changed colour partly because I put a lot of baking soda in it and it foamed up and turned green I felt like I was at Hogwarts. I cooked pork tenderloin in it and gave it to the folks at planet bachelor because Katie should not be stuck doing the cooking all the time. I RECYCLED THE PLUM SAUCE and cooked Jeff’s birthday dinner of chicken thighs in it. GOD THEY TURNED OUT WELL. Then I recycled the sauce, I know when to quit. The rest of the plum sauce (there were MANY PLUMS) I’m going to turn into some kind of low salt dessert, I just haven’t figured out how. OR MAYBE I’LL FREEZE IT I dunno.