Think I’ll go see Birds of Prey today.
If I’m still feeling peppy I’ll head to the writers group after.
Think I’ll go see Birds of Prey today.
If I’m still feeling peppy I’ll head to the writers group after.
I got Alex for a couple of hours yesterday…. he’s about the same as always. He enjoyed Xenon for about half an hour and then we watched volcanoes explode and he watched a Baldi video (??!! wtf) and then we recorded sounds and made them echo and then he bonged on the hand pan for a good long while and then his mother and Keith appeared. I literally haven’t seen Keith since the last time I mentioned him on my blog and I wanted to hug him and squeeze him and Katie was in a mood to leave so I hardly got to see him and I went
d e f l a te
sigh. I neeed to walk over there.
do you know what I want a pop culture person to do? I want Billie Eilish in a black and dayglo green prairie dress with a tasteful fractal pattern and black and green combat boots and the extendamix version of holy shit nails because on her it would look like Tuesday
also I think that William Gillis is the modern Voltaire but fuck he’d hate me for saying it so so much
Katie and Alex aren’t well enough to go to Gibsons and I’m too much of a softie to take the transit there and back with all my clobber, so….
no cousin visit this weekend.
Stella doesn’t REALLY talk. She uses a technique called AAC and pushes buttons that do the talking for her.
A picture of a signboard saying What goes with the coronavirus. … Lyme disease! Ha!
and with climate change this person is quite possibly right
anyway the store took shit and changed the sign, but fuck people are on edge
This is Baby Yoda, in Chief Madeek’s own regalia. All honour to the chief and to the alliance between the We’tsuwe’ten and Gitxsan hereditary chiefs! Pipelines out! Land back!
COQUITLAM (NEWS 1130) — A driving student failed a sobriety test after being pulled over during a lesson for running a stop sign.
day drinking / in Coquitlam
baby it’s a thing
A Coquitlam RCMP officer stopped the car, which had a large ‘student driver’ sign displayed, around 1:30 p.m. on Feb. 2.
The student driver, a 44-year-old man from Coquitlam, then failed a roadside sobriety test. He was in the middle of a driving lesson.
day drinking / in Coquitlam
baby it’s a thing / when I’m driving
thirty five years of MADD PSA’s
Cannot stop the Coquitlam day drinking craze
“At that point, we got the student out of the car, did a field sobriety test, the instructor, as you can imagine was quite surprised or unnerved by this whole procedure, ” Cpl. Michael McLaughlin.
He added the officer on scene could also smell alcohol.
My driving instructor’s completely appalled
that the cops caught him snoozing on me having alcohol
All my bad habits, I could never quit them
I’m learning how to drive while day drinking in Coquitlam
(Ungodly yelling, buzzing and braying) MWAYYAAAAAAA! zzzzzzbbrrrrrrrrr
“Neither the driving student nor the instructor did their due diligence to be safe on the road. Our officer made sure to deliver immediate consequences.”
Dude diligence they didn’t do it dude
Dude diligence they didn’t do it dude
Dude diligence they didn’t do it dude
Dude diligence they didn’t do it dude
The student had his learner’s licence suspended for 90 days and received a ticket for not stopping at a stop sign.
In ninety days I’ll be back to terrorize the roads
but not with that instructor man he’d rather swallow toads
than get stuck in another learners car with an asshole such as me
and watch his livelihood towed away by the fucking RCMP
The driving instructor had his car impounded for 30 days.
Both the driver and the driving school could face a review from ICBC, McLaughlin said.
Dude diligence they didn’t do it dude
Dude diligence they didn’t do it dude
Dude diligence they didn’t do it dude
Dude diligence they didn’t do it dude
“You need to know the rules, particular rules for being a driving instructor. One of them is, you are responsible for that student behind the wheel, carefully evaluate them. If they are not safe to drive, don’t let them on the road.”
We watched Shakespeare and Hathaway and they were eating fish and chips and Jeff got up and went down the hill and got fish and chips for a late lunch and IT WAS NOM. Then I slept for the rest of the day, and we got up and watch some more telly and went back to bed at 9:40.
I need to get out the house today.
So Katie and I were going to go to the fOlks, but they already have house guests that weekend so no grandson for GGma this weekend; we’re going to go on a road trip and visit other rellies instead, more deets as they become available.
OH LOOK WHOSE NAME IS THERE OR look up Filkcast under Feb 12 2020 for a list of familiar names including whoops mine
so this is northbound on 8th in New West where it crosses 10th and this is one of the most dangerous intersections in the city so whyyyyy?
The most successful Shared Cinematic Universe of all time, to which new tie-in films are being added at the rate of several a year, eighty years in, is World War Two.
that fucking gem, that glowing coal, that peacock spider’s damn big fan, is via Adam-Troy Castro on twitter. He’s a writer of everything from horror to YA
My response:
need coffee before I read something that thought-provoking; so Iron Sky is canon, but in an alternate timeline, correct? I can feel 3000 words bubbling up like methane gas.
twice this morning he’s assaulted me, once with his claws and once with his body weight it isn’t even six am lawks HE WANTS PETS and I am hiding in my bedroom because he’s ranggy af
5:20 pm March 10th yay I actually actioned something from today’s doc appt.
137/82 is very happy making for me. I need to go get stabbed and squished, I dunno, but I managed to winkle six months of scrip out of her. I live in a goddamned earthquake, urban forest fire and flood zone, if my medicine keeps reasonably well and is non-narcotic I don’t see why I shouldn’t get it six month increments.
Alas my cholesterol is too high. Please oh great she elephant I do not want to give up dairy; life comes perilously close to not being worth it as it is. The big thing is stirring my stumps every day, which I have to anyway since this fucking house seems to be made out of stairs and the tv is always downstairs whereas the food, unfortunately, is always upstairs, unless I forgot to bring my plate back upstairs, in which case it’s downstairs.
I told the doctor my weight is stable at 200 pounds, why in christ’s name would I diet. Hauling my fat around
hey what did you call my brain
is the only exercise I get, although my knees and ankles would love it if the gravity eased up.
Why yes I do have an opinion on every subject, including an occasional strong presentiment that I should keep my typing hands in my pockets or perhaps choose other subjects.
I have composed a couple of short melodies on the circle of bongs, as I am referring the pan drum I purchased yesterday. It is bongulous; it is full of bongs. It is not quite tuned properly, which means that in sensitive people it will trigger intense unease. Possibly fetal posturing or homicidal rage. I don’t intend to play with it indoors, unless I’m practicing at home; I want people to be able to escape from it. I personally am enjoying it, and it’s certainly making my tinnitus seem even more choppy and insectoid than usual. I am enjoying striking it with mallets. One can get effects by ‘drifting’ the rubber mallet heads. Yes, this is me having fun.
I am going to edit for the next two weeks and stop trying to write things.