6.7 times sillier

You’ll see.

John Cleese, genius of physical comedy!

Rewatched Contagion yesterday. Remarkably prescient and science oriented for a work of fiction.

I had my mammogram yesterday, we’ll get results in 2-3 weeks. To treat myself I went to a Japanese restaurant, Kiku, and oh my god their sushi is so much better than our local I nearly screeched in ecstasy while I was eating it.

You can’t socially distance yourself from somebody jammin’ yer tit in between two sides of a vice….

The latest Capilano review is FANTASTIC, as always, there’s a series of photographs that’s pure fire and also BEAU DICK‘S MASKS omg omg omg they are so frickin gorgeous and … anyway…..

Coughing in public is considered gauche now.

emailed a friend

went for a walk with her

Missed out on a chance to walk with Alex…. sigh

Beautiful sunny Sunday.



Virus replication is aided by arginine and slowed by Lysine

anecdotally it shaves a couple of days off a bout

Eat these Foods Rich in Lysine (and low in arginine)

  • Yogurt
  • Most cheese (and other dairy products)
  • Apples, mangoes, apricots, pears (and many other fruits).
  • Fish (especially flounder)
  • Most poultry and meat

Avoid these foods rich in Arginine (and low in lysine)

  • Most nuts
  • Most seeds
  • Many grains (including oats and wheat).
  • Jello
  • Chocolate

Or just take supplements

a few thotz

When I look back on the ways our parents didn’t consider us to be property I realize how unbelievably lucky we were. Privacy is hardbaked into my conception of a family. We look after each other and leave each other the fuck alone, and those actions co-exist without difficulty.

Two generations of not being required to do math for real world situations have really fucked up the American Health care shitstem. You try to explain exponential growth on the basis of R 2.5 and doubling every 6 days and you LITERALLY have people tell you that you don’t understand math and you’re an alarmist. The person providing the info TEACHES MATHEMATICS AT THE UNIVERSITY LEVEL. The other person is an antivaxxer.

We shall see what becomes of the antivaxx movement after Darwin’s latest winnowing fan comes through.

late post

lovely brekky at De Dutch with Paul and Keith and Katie and no Alex. Katie got her taxes back so founded the feast.

@CryptoNature, today, on twitter: Creature in the woods. 100 degrees in winter. Tall with calcium from the soil. Red with the mountain’s iron. Awake in the name of sea salt and summer rain. Pattern watcher. You who burden nature with names, then lift it up in song. Remember who you are. They can’t make you small.

bless the Spaniards

The Spanish, because their public health people are a) funded and b) adequately fixed for cerebration have started autopsying folks what died of Pneumonia of unknown origin and guess what, the first person to die of Coronavirus in Spain was February 13, a 69 year old man who had recently flown in from Nepal.

In consequence of this they know what iteration of the virus is circulating and have a long list of folks to contact, the way you’re supposed to.

Whereas in the US, 45 says everything’s cool and his son is organizing a donor meet at Mar-a-Lago in August, at which I hope the Masque of the Red Fucking Death shows up (hat tip to Bae’d Runner on twitter for that).

Please don’t say that the coronavirus will only kill the elderly and disabled. My best people are elderly and disabled.

I’m taking Jeff out to brekky this morning and then we will do a small shop.