Miss Crankypants sits in her corner

I have lots and lots to complain about.  Like, lots.  But I’ve decided to save my best and purest bile for real live people instead of the intarboobs, and the saddest and teariest of complaints for other real live people, and the horrid consequences of brutal self-examination strictly to myself. Continue reading Miss Crankypants sits in her corner


  1. I learned that Margot fur is unbelievably flammable.  On a suggestion from Paul, I took some of her combed out fur and fired it up on the deck.  I expected it to self extinguish and it went up like an Olympic torch.  Just to prove how gloriously overbred and candidly fireplug stupid she is, Margot nosed the dying embers.  GAAA!  As you can imagine, I watched the lighting of the chalice candle for the growth meeting last night with some small anxiety.
  2. It was a very good meeting last night, and I’m glad I could host even if my house was a mess.  As I remarked to the folks, I started a full time job the same day my Granny died, so the place was clean enough to hold a meeting in but not up to spec for tidiness.
  3. Jeff and Paul will be renting a truck to fetch the last of Granny’s things on Friday.
  4. Keith interviewed for and got a part time job starting March 1st.  He will continue to work with Ted on weekends.
  5. Katie is still not working, but if I responded to boredom by getting facial piercings, however attractive, I might be making myself harder to employ as well.
  6. We’re working our way through BSG again.
  7. Work is good, except for some software bobbles.vv

I’m still wiping away tears

Greg and Tracey and Garry and Diane just sent me flowers for the ‘job well done’ for Granny’s memorial.  Words cannot adequately express what it means to me, so I’ll just say a) the flowers are gorgeous and b) that on top of the emotion of Canada scoring 6 zip on Norway is almost too much.

And I just pulled choc chip cookies from the oven, so I have lots to celebrate.

Tuesday WTF roundup

There is no gravity; the Earth sucks. Gravity does not exist as a separate property of matter, it’s a byproduct of entropy.  Go go gadget string theory!  Oh, and this is a neener neener to Jeff; I have supported string theory since the instant I first heard about it, and he pooh poohs the notion.

This is not gonna end well. DNA REV 2.0

Olympics, so no Castle.  Wah.

Italian hillside heads for the rhubarb.

Free trade (in quotes) and massive local corruption and crappy infrastructure make for African starvation.

All five of us (me, Paul, Keith, Kate and Jeff) were here last night eating, not drinking, and watching TV.  That’s right, Jeff let the beer run out.  Secretly I am pleased, but you wouldn’t have been able to tell from my undeviating stream of complaint last night.

Do you suppose Canada can actually learn from the mistakes of others?

Greece is hosed and the Euro dooooomed. Doomed I tell you.


Jeff and I bought a couch yesterday.  The couch in the media room is actually a loveseat which has seen better days, so we are going to arrange things so that 5 people can comfortably sit downstairs to watch the tube.  The couch should be delivered today.  Shopping at IKEA yesterday was nothing short of grisly, and I had to be stroppy to the server when he gave me the wrong paperwork for the delivery.  I wasn’t very stroppy, but I asked him if he’d recently considered another job.

I need to finish writing out some recipes for a church fundraiser.

Jeff will be renting a truck to get the rest of the furniture and boxes from Granny’s apartment.

The dryer quit.  It being CNY it’s not likely that anything much will happen around the replacement until mid next week, but at least the land peer knows about it.  I wish I had more clean clothes, but I should be able to get through the week if I iron some stuff.

I made very nice chocolate chip cookies yesterday, also bacon and eggs, also a roast beast with veg.  Now I have to make the kitchen look like none of these activities happened.

I am heading off to church in a couple of hours.

I am feeling better

My eyes are still itchy but I slept really well last night, and that always makes life an easier place.

Time to go downstairs and swap over laundry (I’d forgotten a load, bleaugh, but at least it wasn’t clothing) so we can have nice clean rugs in the kitchen.

Keith and Paul were over last night for an NCIS fest.  Gibbs yelling at Fornell about his car = win.

I will not in passing that I have an amalgam of a cold and allergies

But really, no one cares about it so I’ll go on to the other stuff.  I was supposed to take the mando to Tom’s but I cocooned downstairs with Jeff and blasted through some stuff on the PVR.  Tonight I am not convinced that going to choir is going to help my current state of sniffiness.  Feb 20 is the next housefilk at Tom and Peggy’s *yay*.  Jeff brought home a thumb drive full of pics of Granny so I can do the order of service.  And somewhere in there… Valentines.

Keith left at 4:18 this morning

It’s amazing how gaming can completely eat your brain.  I was awake because I had to wake up to sneeze.  You can’t sneeze when you’re asleep, which I kinda assumed because I’ve never seen or heard anybody sneeze in their sleep.

I am not quite breathing through my mouth yet but I am pretty stuffed up, which I am attributing to allergies.

I’ve been asked to blog for a local news site.  More on that later (if I ever get a password).

Well, if I’m going to get to work I’d better get a move on.