I’d like to thank pOp

For bringing Leo, and then Linda into my life. (And setting me up to be pro Suomi for all my life!!!) Leo and pOp were one-two in terms of marks in their Ryerson class, back at the dawn of time. So to honour that I noticed that Jackie H posted this on facebook (yes, after all my posturing, I went back) and POP MUST SEE IT as part of my thank you.

Jeff and I went for a walk yesterday morning so I didn’t go walking with Paul, but he came over and I cut his hair just like the old days and fed him an early lunch and tea, and then he watched Nürburgring with Jeff for a while.

16788 words.

Blood pressure has been EXCELLENT every time I’ve taken it of late. I am very relieved. Young master Alex loves taking his blood pressure. Which is normal.

Cooked up the last of the young spuds yesterday morning. I do like them roasted with rosemary and a little salt. Trying to find something that Jeff can comfortably eat since his stomach is being crass.

Hullo to my ten daily readers! the numbers have gone down again, but that’s good news – I can quit trying to cater to that brief weird influx of people who actually prefer me on twitter.


Suzanne plus Alex plus Katie

& I spoke with Mike today. The cup is full, the house is much cleaner. I love the world right now and need to sleep.

New Kaos: b.38/g10/bpm20/C_/gyp (music for a video game, a slow heartbeat sound quite ominous) … can you tell Alex was playing with it today and got me all inspired. Absolutely shredded Gelis and Niccolo today, I got sounds a guitar doesn’t readily make.  And I wrote a hundred words today, and washed the rugs, and made Alex lunch, and watched Elementary with Jeff. This is what a successful day looks like.

Weather quite variable today but mostly not windy, and warm.

COVID is still kicking the world’s ass. Monkeypox is established in at least twenty countries with a thousand known cases and an obscured iceberg of infections not currently recorded or understood; plus the presentation is different than the textbooks which is really not helping.

I grieve with Ukraine, what an unholy mess.


Tim Horton’s has been scolded by the Privacy Commissioner MAN I’VE NEVER BEEN SO GLAD NOT TO HAVE A CELL PHONE

Leo and Linda have safely arrived back in Victoria. Or so I assume, no wild phone calls.

Duggy Sluggy got back in in Ontario. The media and Russian money really are doing a number on Canadian politics. I predict that disabled people will be killing themselves en masse on his doorstep before this is all over.

16166 words

JUST FOUND OUT ALEX IS GOING TO BE HERE SATURDAY because he’s having a sleepover with grammy Suzanne and we rearranged cleaning dates this week so he’ll be with her. SO CHUFFED. I am so glad she’s part of my family. She didn’t have to ask but she did because she’s CIVILIZED which I told her.

The Addams Family in Japan by Matsuyama Miyabi scanged from tumblr user dduane


lovely visit

And of course prior to Alex’s most excellent visit we eating our faces off at Peggy’s, SOP!

Her youngest is moving in to the house with all his attendant clobber. (s/o, stepdaughters, Greg once in a while) and I’m very happy about that. She’ll be on the ground floor where her knee won’t be bugging her about the stairs quite so much.

Alex is just a lovely boy now, I so appreciate him. I told mOm a story about him which made both of us really contemplate what kind of a solid citizen Katie is raising. And he loves his brother SO MUCH.

Leo and Linda will arrive today for a visit. Haven’t seen them in a while, it is highly anticipated.

Jeff and I did a shop this morning to ensure that there’s enough breakfast cereal in the house.

Feeling MUCH better today, I got an excellent night of sleep and my brain appears to be doing what it’s supposed to again.


Alex is here

Right now he’s playing the only game I ever bought for the xBox – Plants Vs. Zombies. Grunkle Jeff just got him set up.

We had a reasonably good night of sleep. In an hour or so we’ll walk over to the Timmy Ho’s and get Alex a treat while the adults look the other way.

that lentil soup is nommers

I’m going to make more soup today so I have instant meals when Leo and Linda come CHICKN BARELY! I meean, chicken barley.

This afternoon, me, Cindy (Hopes hopes) and Peggy will get together to sing and play PEGGY WILL BE HEFTING BASS I am so happy.

Leo and Linda have been to the mines at Britannia Bay – and I’ve been living here decades and never been, although Paul and the kids have.

Confidential to mOm I think I'm going to write a scene in which the wicket stepbro asks Omar if 'he's going to let her' (her being Blossom) 'get away with that' and he and Brad are going to slap each other laughing like frat boys and say NO YOU DON'T GET IT SHE'S THE BOSS and then she's going to say, in 'visiting professor' intonations "I THOUGHT WE WERE AN AUTONOMOUS COLLECTIVE" and they all lay about laughing. It's stupid but every time I imagine it I smile. I think I know how this is going to end now. The story logic is INEVITABLE.

I need another 15-20k to get there though. 15,302 is current count

lentil soup has been achieved

green lentils and tomatoes, bouillon, garlic cloves, half a lime, lots of cumin, cayenne for a little heat. Very nice and should get nicer as it rests comfortably in the fridge.

15115. I’ve done my brain training for the morning.

The weather was gross for about fifteen minutes, high winds and what sounded quite a bit like small hail, maybe graupel. I’ve never heard of graupel falling at night before, but we’re living in weird times.

The school shooting in Uvalde TX is even worse that it was originally thought. I grieve with the parents.

clean sheets

Two loads of laundry and the dishes yesterday. I ordered in a very expensive meal to cheer myself up; I ate the leftovers this morning and YES it did cheer me up. (Jeff got a meal too, I’d never order something without consulting him.)

Now it will be lentil stew for a week!

15110 words – feel sort of stuck on the story but I know I’ll get over it soon enough.

Katie and I spoke on the phone early yesterday about the most recent school shooting in the US, and we were both crying. We love our kids, but they’re just tokens in a violent game sometimes, and we want better for them, but what can we do? Hope, keep hoping, remember that hope is less expensive than despair.

Good morning, morning, blues how do you do

not all pigs are beautiful (sus barbatus)

15010 words Brad is such a weirdo I love him.

It’s another beautiful day in Vancouver.

Yesterday the winds in Toronto were turning trucks over on the highway; I was talking to Dave and he reported nothing like that in his end of Toronto. As he pointed out it’s a large city.

However parts of Toronto are without power for 24 hours and the sound of chainsaws in some neighbourhoods is pretty much continuous.

Liz from London says they experienced darkness at noon and the wind blew something terrific.

I will get Alex next weekend for an overnight, hoping the crick don’t rise.