yeah, not great.
Finally mailed the letter to Alex. Got one letter to go out today, to mOm.
Very creative days musically. Very small amounts of writing, nothing noteworthy except section 7 (or possibly 16, or 11) is drafted for The Dark Book.
yeah, not great.
Finally mailed the letter to Alex. Got one letter to go out today, to mOm.
Very creative days musically. Very small amounts of writing, nothing noteworthy except section 7 (or possibly 16, or 11) is drafted for The Dark Book.
Twitter HAS ERUPTED over the supernatural series finale. It is UNIVERSALLY DECRIED AS BEING ABSOLUTE SHIT.
Honestly, given the mass trauma event that occurred last night I’m disinclined to watch it.
AFTER TWO YEARS I’m finally sending her the midwifery poster. All part of my “Clean everything out and get everything into a 10 x 10 x 10 foot cube!” plan.
Holy Crap cereal for breakfast. I’m not going to say this stuff leaves me in a state of ‘enteric rapture’ (Dunnett quote) but I’m having smooth moves, that’s for sure. I eat it with 5% milkfat greek yogurt and a scant teaspoon of maple syrup, and it is nom, although it is seedy stuff.
This is … not accurate, but devilish diverting.
I have no idea which anime this came from.
This one came from GNOMES
Here’s some new content:
I fail to see how the Left could be more inflamed than this chud’s necrotic cerebellum
whereas one of the up and coming Democrats AOC says this, which is pure fucking fire
on twitter, about Kamala Harris I said
Desi Girls Rule
Given that she loves cops I probably shouldn’t have
I merely here ack my inner fash.
Trump Pence and Ivanka shipped off to the “Phantom Zone” like Zod from Superman
what the brazilians and kurds think of the election:
Humour, bad but there it is:
More Start Rek humour:
shown above, Trump at the Trump National Golf course on November 7 2020 photo AP Patrick Semansky
Pic shown above hows Liberty peeking out from her plinth with “It’s okay it’s safe to come out now” as the tagline
also miss liberty:
This Gargalo cartoon shows Liberty slingshotting Trump with a large blue medical mask.
Live your life in such a way that the entire planet doesn’t dance in the streets when you lose your job.
Followed Trump long enough to take this snapshot from twitter, with the hilarious notations provided by twitter.
who told him? He is having a narcissistic break. If you’ve ever seen it, it’s quite something. They have no more lies. They have no more ways to turn it around on you
More twitter memes
Gritty, again
what more Gritty?
yes more Gritty (and these are all just from today)
yup more Gritty
Joe Biden a career politician who has voted scarcely at all for legislation that would halt climate change is probably the next President of the United States. probably.
Evan Vucci Associated Press
Okay, this photo in Philly shows Gritty (the Philadelphia Flyers mascot, fucking lunatic and twitter superstar) dressed on a placard as Lady Olenna from Game of Thrones. In the show she’s about to die of poison, but before she goes she passes along a message for villainess Queen Cersei. This is ….. this is Philadelphia claiming that they’re the ones who put paid to Donald…. SO FUNNY)
and others:
Also I’m SO FUCKING ANGRY about last night’s Supernatural episode that I can’t even talk about it rantily let alone rationally. You can only be a gay couple if one of you is dead? Eleven.fucking.years.of.queerbaiting? I HATE YOU BOBO BEHRENS
Yes, there was an election. No, it isn’t settled. Even if the worst happens, the world survived before, and it will keep surviving. My story isn’t done, neither is yours.
This is a long boring text-heavy oversharing post, ya been told.
We don’t know how odd, disturbing and loud things are going to get, so here’s some good advice.
6,531 words on ‘Snow Under Starlight’
this one to Jan in Toronto
I practiced this morning, that’s a plus, also reprinted the lyrics for Shit’s Fucked Up, because it annoys me that I went to all the trouble to work up an arrangement and can never remember the freaking lyrics.
I am feeling very wretched and frightened of the future, but Mike made soup two months ago and I’m eating it today and it is so very good.
Cold and overcast and miserable here today.
Paul’s out of quarantine.
So I get to take a walk down the hill to vote today in a church. I will take the folding seat and my voting card.
During the Poop Patrol I did not train Buster for more than a minute, so hopefully we’ll be back on the training today. He was showing indications yesterday of missing it. Or the treats.
Totally sold on Kim’s Convenience now, plus every time I see those big blue street signs from Toronto I nearly die of nostalgia.
Highest daily total of new infections ever in the us, something stupid, over 80K.
When I think about the flu pandemic in 1918-19, the scientists fought against it without having a complete understanding of the disease, recommending masks because they worked, even if we didn’t understand exactly how; now we understand viral diseases a lot better but social distancing and people staying home doesn’t work for capitalism so we end up with shills for capitalism standing in front of the press and saying everything’s cool……….. cool cool cool.