words and music and pictures

Conflikt Frog

(c)Onflikt is this weekend. All the filking will be done on Zoom. I hope to see the Talis Kimberly concert at least, although I’ll likely need a nap for the hour it’s at.

11179 on Best Roommate. Hug scene today if I can deal with it (this is only going to mean anything to my faithful readermOm.)

Made flower rolls yesterday (and pork patties) and the flower rolls are ALL GONE.

Letters will go off to Mary and Jan M and someone else, can’t now remember, so I’ll probably do a small shopping expotition while I’m out getting sufficient postage on Jan’s package, since I’m almost out of milk.

Effective immediately, no more cloth masks, only N95 or K95 while I’m out. The new variant is incredibly contagious and even if I got COVID in March I can still likely catch and carry it.

I see that some of my pre-posted stuff popped up already, and I don’t really understand how that happened, but I’m going to tuck them back in where they belong if I can.

I’LL BE ABLE TO CONVERT MY MIDI FILES. That is an IMMENSE relief because without that I’d have a hard time filling the entire year of tunes.

I need to review my list of songs again. It’s like an amorphous blob of pulsating weirdness how I don’t actually have a grip on the number.

Mira Furlan has passed at 65 of complications of West Nile Virus. Her role as Delenn was iconic and amazing and she was a hero to both kids, when the grandparents exposed them to B5. Rest in power, Ambassador.

Blues Bag Song-a-day

Get your own blues bag baby x 3

now ya got it/don’t ya drop it/don’t ya drop it baby x 2

Get your own sweet thing baby x 3

I blew the chorus, whatever….

long time local fans will recognize the instrument line as the same one ALMOST for ‘Spinal Clinic’ and if anyone wants to give me a hard time let’s think about how many revisionings of here comes the rain that the cult did LOLOLOL


anthony recorded it but I’m responsible for how shitty it is


Operator operator do I really need you
do I need you to put me through
do I need you holding open the line
do I need you show me some kind of sign
Throw me, throw me a lifeline
throw me a lifeline, right now
I said throw me, throw me a lifeline
throw me a lineline, right now

My beauty and my ugliness they went for a ride
Beauty said to ugly baby I gotta drive
Ugly said to beauty well I don’t mind that
Hit beauty in the head with a big ol’ baseball bat
Throw me, throw me a lifeline
throw me a lifeline, right now
I said throw me, throw me a lifeline
throw me a lineline, right now

You’re doing me a favour man when did you decide
To keep your mouth shut and your arms out wide
You could be complaining but you just let it ride
You’re the reason I came back to life after I died
Throw me, throw me a lifeline
throw me a lifeline, right now
I said throw me, throw me a lifeline
throw me a lineline, right now


this song is stupid lyrically and pointless emotionally and I have no relationship or feeling toward it anymore except I occasionally sing the chorus when it’s apropos. It was professionally recorded, that’s the best thing I can say about it. Paul W. (PD Wohl, Wohl of Sound) did a great job of adding instrument tracks back in 2005, very fine guitarist, much to my taste. Of course this is the Garageband version, if I find the one PD did I’ll post it here.

Song a Day -Time to Get Up – two versions

French horn version

Harp version

This is in four parts and was done with midi voiced instruments in Finale. The lyrics are nonsensical so I’m not including them.

The Happily Married Song

They say that it’s a sin to boast/well God can strike me dead/’Cause even when my day is toast/I got you in my bed/For skin and conversation/and comfort most serene/for dirty jokes and body work and everything between.

The years how they are passing/passing by the score/But I could never love you less and long to love you more/Champion, companion, conspirator and friend/As we were in the beginning, so we’ll be at the end.

This is a song of celebration to sing at weddings or as part of a Valentines or anniversary celebration.

well… what to say about this. Well, I wrote it for Tom and Peggy for a wedding anniversary of theirs back in the oughts and I’ve sung it at every wedding I’ve attended since I wrote it (three, I’ve been to three) with varying results. The response I got at the last two made it all worthwhile, because even though I wrote it for a cishet couple, it was very definitely and specifically written so that it will work for gay and non-binary couples, including couples who get dragon wings for wedding presents, although I don’t imagine asexuals will want to do anything but rewrite the lyrics at the first opportunity, although I do not specifically call out sex, just everything g-rated that happens with couples in bed. Good things this sucker’s not copyrighted honh? Mess with the lyrics all you like.

Also, I really can’t imagine mOm and pOp not understanding that this is pretty much always for them too. SNERRRRKKK must go off in corner and gently squonkface. Missed Maudlin Monday by that much.

Song a Day – One of these days

Yes, another very short one. I wrote this back in the 1980’s when it was good advice. YOU KNOW WHAT? It’s terrible, simply terrible advice now. School is 10 to 20 times more expensive than it was when I was a kid and without intergenerational wealth it’s hard to get through a professional degree.

One of these days/You will see through the haze/ and then you will roll in clover/Until that time, you stay in school/Until the recession is over.

Song a Day – Tickle Song

I wrote this song with the help of the kids back around 1990. I had read an Ann Landers advice column as a child in which she came out firmly against tickling children without their permission, and I’d noticed that kids love to be tickled but they can be overstimulated. This song allows children to have a metered amount of tickling and then recaptures consent at the end of every verse, or the tickling STOPS. Grownups can obey boundaries! BODILY AUTONOMY.

Also, I played this song at the kids concert at the Polyamory Camping trip Katie and I went to in 2012. Someone with a degree in early childhood education said she thought it was the best song that was played that night because most adults simply never think about children outside their own convenience and management requirements. And yes, the adult entertainment came out afterward, and the kids went to sleep.


If I tickle tickle tickle
you will wiggle wiggle wiggle
and you’ll jiggle jiggle jiggle
and you’ll giggle giggle giggle
and then sometime sometime sometime
you will yell yell yell

and I’ll stop, and you’ll say GO (or PLEASE GO)

If I tickle tickle tickle
you will wiggle wiggle wiggle
and you’ll jiggle jiggle jiggle
and you’ll giggle giggle giggle
and then sometime sometime sometime
you will yell yell yell

and I’ll stop, and you’ll say STOP (or PLEASE STOP, or NO MORE)

I’d Like To Ask all of the Smart People to Leave

This is the song you sing when the police are about to raid. It is not very cheerful about police. FULL DISCLOSURE I have never been injured by police, but I can name a lot of people who have been. I see you, Jan and Suzanne.


I’m going to have to ask the smart people to leave / why should they stay here for this crap? / I’m going to sing some stuff like you would not believe / You’ve been warned, it’s a trap! / Why would you want to listen to anything silly / like me attempting to sing about an armadillo’s will he? won’t he? / I’m going to have to ask the smart people to leave / and when you’re gone we’ll all have fun

We’ll have some more when we are done / the drugs alone weigh half a ton / so if the cops come BETTER

run like hell, run like hell / cops are coming, run like hell

Broke my nose, ripped my clothes / cops are coming, run like hell

Cheap cologne / *BROKE MY PH-O-O-ONE* / cops are coming, run like hell

I’m going to have to ask the smart people to leave / and when you’re gone we’ll all have fun….


song of the day HERE THEY COME

This is my zombie song, written on the way home from Conflikt 2011 in the car. Anthony said this was a banger in any genre which I most appreciated, especially since it isn’t true. But yes, this drifts into an approach of commercial viability. This song was inspired by Jeff playing Left 4 Dead for weeks at a time. ‘Reloading….reloading…reloading…’

I was going to post this later in the year but I was thinking about the people defending the Capitol calling the approaching mob zombies so… yeah.

Hold Fast – instrumental

I wrote this while the mob occupied the Capitol building on the 6th and recorded it the next day so forgive the jammin’ roughies. Also the diminuendo is me, not a volume knob, so I’m quite taken with that.

Hold fast to the open society, we may not climb out of the next fascist hole as easily as we did with the fucking Nazis.

Look what kids we’re raising in Alberta.