
All I did yesterday was change my clothes, post to my blog, roast all the remaining almonds (fit for three batches of biscotti), do the Wordle, complete Lumosity training for the day, get Jeff some tea and a fried egg sammy (I just had the eggs with the bell peppers I roasted the other day), take my pills, throw out some compostables, empty the sink, train the cat with paw claps and running catches, police up my eyebrows, run the dishwasher, watch TV including the most recent TLoU and Vera, talk to Aunt Mary on the phone, work on Totally Boned, post shit on twitter and facebook, and order Japanese food (finally got the amount right, we had virtually no leftovers.)

I also read a lot of stuff on the internet about long COVID. Anyone reading this has survived a mass disabling event, and we’re either irritable or transfixed with our grief. When will we come to an understanding that we’ve globally:

Normalized people dropping dead from cardiovascular issues…. at any age.

increased the number of children who will never be able to pursue gainful employment in a fashion that is useful to end stage capitalism due to thymus collapse; as adults they will be immunocompromised for their entire lives.  You know how in Victorian times there were ‘delicate children’, well, this kid over here will have had a stroke at age three and have a withered arm; this kid over there will die if she doesn’t get her allergy medication and her albuterol; that kid over there had a series of mini strokes in utero and will never take herself to the toilet unassisted; this kid over here will move to the city with his parents at the age of five and never be healthy again; these kids will catch fungal infections from playing in contaminated water after an earthquake and slowly die as their lungs turn black from the inside out; and all these kids here and there will die of childhood ailments because no group of people is consistently vaccinating against them any more and water treatment will get harder and harder as there’s less and less water.

reduced the fertility of the smallest upcoming generation in history and so we will thus be subjected, over and over, in family after family, to our own little version of the ‘children of men’. The current fertility data for younger people is horrifying. Many young men simply aren’t producing enough motile and healthy sperm to be able to count on fathering children if they get the opportunity. For young women, the problem will not so much be getting pregnant (although anecdotally this seems to be an issue) as maintaining a pregnancy for 8 months and then not dying of the consequences of gestational diabetes, like eclampsia, or losing the child late in the pregnancy. Eclampsia events during pregnancy have increased (according to the CDC (US)) by 30 PERCENT IN THE LAST SEVERAL YEARS. (If you don’t hear the original Star Trek klaxon at this point you’re not getting me, here.) Since the pando started. COVID hides in reproductive tissues as easily as anywhere else in the human body. Fertility gods and goddesses are planning a comeback.


and so ….in sum …. we’ve fixed it so that we’ll, as a species, have fewer kids and more of them will be born disabled, or sacrificed to disability after they’re born because of terrible public health policies.

The people who will bear the brunt of all this are women. Because we carry children. Because we birth them. Because we care for them. And because the patriarchy would rather that we women die and the children be born.

So my mood is bleak, on this day after ‘family day.’



Late post

The smell of roasting bell peppers (for sammiches) is filling the house. They were brought by Keith, who’s starting a buyer’s coop for costco runs. We had a lovely and information-dense convo.

Spoke to Paul briefly yesterday. Janice was having car trouble so he got put on a bus and got back Thursday. This required Keith to move the BRAIN IMAGING APPOINTMENT again, so the less I say about that the better.

Mike and Jeff and I watched Samsara (2001) and Mike had already seen and loved it but Jeff and I were blown away.

Just started watching “Poker Face”; Rian Johnson writing what Natasha Lyonne says? YES PLEASE THANK YOU.


Alex and the guitar

His dad bought him a half-sized guitar and mentioned I could help him put new strings on it. While the strings were off I polished the guitar. Alex put four out of the six strings on and took to it like a duck to water, massively enjoying using the guitar tool for all of its uses. Handy little thing. Then I tuned it, warned him it wouldn’t stay in tune and then we fixed the guitar bag. The bag had two broken zipper pulls so I handmade replacements out of leather thongs I got during my “spend money on steampunkish things” days and a steampunk style heart and a gear (Alex picked what he wanted out of the pile and picked the thong colour so it’s to his specifications). Now all the pulls work and the guitar is back in the bag. It will go home so the folks can admire all the work he did, but come back here to live when he next comes over.

We made our walk to Timmy Ho’s but I almost didn’t make it – walking so close to taking my BP meds leaves me pretty wrung out. However I managed to rejoin my party after about ten minutes of lying down once we got home. I could hear Jeff and Alex talking and laughing, which is just so homey…..

My digestion right now is completely shot. I need to not drink coffee when I’m marginal, That Much I KNow for sURe.

In a second I’ll run back downstairs and fire up Peggle on the xBox. That game is almost twenty years old, amazing. It’s on the same disc as Plants Vs Zombies and Zuma.

Everyone have a good day, y’all, and if you’re feeling poorly remember you can always call me and I’ll say ‘there there’ to absolutely no effect, but I will say it.

Special love today for Sue G., who keeps crossing my thoughtways, Derry, who will be missed by our family as long as one of us remembers her, and Susie H, who was an awesome mother, grandmother and great-grandmother and whose kindness and skill is ever a beacon of memory.

Delightful visit

He is playing on his tablet currently and we’re marshalling the energy to walk over to Timmy Ho’s. When we get back we’re going to put strings on the kid’s sized guitar his dad got him; Mike bought me a second restringing tool a few weeks back so that will make it all much easier. I may leave it in an open tuning so it’s more fun for him to play, then again maybe not.

I thought I put too much ham in the split pea with ham soup and Jeff says naw sis. It’s really damned good.

Slept much better downstairs than I normally do because I hauled the weighted blanket Keith and Kate gave me downstairs.  What a difference.

Spoke to Dave yesterday.

19619 words. Sent some to mOm.

Alex is coming

Alex will be here for a sleepover tonight.

Two loads of laundry. 19336 words.

I made split pea with ham soup yesterday. I’d bought the ingredients but hadn’t got my shit together to make it. The soup filled the house with a heavenly aroma; then the flatus begins.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

posted these yesterday on social media

I would rather adjust my life to your absence, than adjust my boundaries to accommodate your disrespect.

graffiti from Esquimalt, FART ON COPS

REASONS TO LIVE BOOKSHOP ADVERTISING STICKER  my other car suddenly has its alarm going off onboard the queen of surrey while en route to Reasons to Live books and records



Hot spots

Russian conscripts, barely trained, are being thrown into the meatgrinder of eastern Ukraine with meagre equipment and terrible food. I don’t know what Putin is doing, but perhaps he thinks it’s better to make Russian martyrs for the time being than to whip out a nuke which will make the people closest to him fear for their lives, should he be so bloody minded as to use it.

More hot spots below.

Continue reading Hot spots

Pray for us sinners

Keith and I are on deck to look after Ryker today since Suzanne is ill. I didn’t get any calls or emails yesterday saying she’s coming so I’ll be heading out in an hour.

I am looking forward to it but I know I’m going to be a wreck when I get home har de har.

Keith and Paul had a successful expotition. Janice is driving Paul back in a couple of days and then visiting for a few days, and Keith as mentioned is back and prepping for a day full of Ryker hopefully by being completely unconscious at the moment (it’s 4:51 am). I’ll be asking Katie for his routine and feeding schedule when I get over there.

19207 words.

I’m blowing hot and cold on taking the laptop. I think I’ll take the new uke. Of course that will drive Keith nuts but oh well.

One of my dearest dears on twitter is an MSU grad and the shooting took place in her old dorm (3 dead, shooter unalived himself) and so I woke up to twitter this morning this dear woman who is a therapist herself needing therapy herself and literally not knowing who to call after a white night. She doesn’t think she can work today…..

another quiet day

Made marinated tofu with bok choi and carrot over chow mein noodles. The marinade was malt vinegar, sesame oil, sugar, cayenne, garlic powder, veggie bouillon paste and soy sauce. Fried stuff up separately and then assembled it; it was too bland so I dumped in the marinade and after that it was quite tasty. Because Jeff is great he put it away when I forgot to. Forgot the ginger and onions because I’m a fool.

Watched the Super Bowl. If Rihanna wasn’t high as humans get, I’ll eat my shoe – her first live show in 7 years by all accounts. It was actually a pretty good game and Mahomes and Hurts were very entertaining to watch.

I hope you all have a lovely day. I’m going to continue to work away on the new uke, Argella.

18653 words.

addendum to Ohio derailment dive

Jesus Iced Christ. Story of how Norfolk Southern, A COMPANY WITH A MARKET CAPITALIZATION OF 55 BILLION DOLLARS US, has sent a cheque for $25000 (less than 5 bucks per resident) to help out the citizens of East Palestine FLEE THE FUCKING TOWN they DESTROYED with an airborne toxic event of vinyl chloride and phosphene gas subsequent to a derailment that the railway unions have been predicting for the best part of a decade. I wanna go medieval on the leaders of the company.

Today’s evaluation of Norfolk Southern:

Market Summary > Norfolk Southern Corp

55.26 billion

Market capitalization
From google search on the question WHAT IS THE MARKET CAP OF NORFOLK SOUTHERN

Bathtub dive into the 2023 Ohio train derailment

The wikipedia article: Is Here.

Most of these other links will degrade over time but the above-noted, although it may get renamed, is the anchor point.


A list of the class action suits already in the works: Is here.

Reporter arrested for doing his job, story here.

Why those chemicals are so deadly and why we need to break our plastics addiction: story here.

Snapshot of air quality currently (please note there’s no air quality index monitor right in the city, as shown.) Click on it to embiggen it.

East Palestine OH AQI Feb 12


No problem picking up the lad

Alex and Katie and Dax got family time, Ryker’s off at Dad Mike’s until 4 pm today, Keith and Paul safely arrived at Hank’s and things are okay here, too. The most interesting thing about Alex from yesterday is that he has an irrational fear of alleyways. Was NOT expecting that.

17888 words.

The US shot down a UFO over Cumtown, Alaska, 69 days before 4/20.  Whoever’s running this simulation has a simply terrible sense of humour and should be chided with great chidings. Apparently the UFO was the size of a car, moving independently ‘but erratically’ and nobody is saying a goddamned thing about who might be behind it.

Jeff and I fell face down into the show on Netflix called “The Sinner”. We’re basically bingeing it. I don’t recommend it unless you like noir, recovered memories, police procedural … that sort of thing. Bill Pullman is terrifyingly good. You think ‘well he’s not really doing anything’ but his exhaustion and anguish and desperation is always an eyelash flick away from the surface. I’m glad I’m watching it because Ronit Kirchman, who wrote the score and theme, really knows what the hell she’s doing and comes up with some apposite industrial and non-standard soundtrack music. With her stuff you’re either not even hearing it because it so closely matches the events on screen it’s seamless, or it’s so good you wish that part could play longer…

I did almost none of the things I said I’d do yesterday, but candidly any day I don’t run out into the street starkers yelling bushwah is a day on the positive side of the ledger.

Walmart Canada has apparently removed its dressing rooms because ‘they were causing too much trouble’. WUT. Okay you know how it’s legal in Canada for a woman to have her tiddies out publiquement, just none of us DO it? well I don’t unless I’m at Wreck Beach, but whatever. I was just thinking legal boobs, no changing room, art prank, Walmart: GO!

I slept okay til about two, and now I’m trying to degrump myself to prepare for the schlep since Jeff has agreed that’s the plan. I’m setting my alarm so I don’t sleep thru the departure time again, like yesterday ….