
My wretched night’s sleep was not improved by the fax that chimed in around 1:40 in the morning.  I curse you, Imperial Data!

I am always so pumped when I get home I can’t sleep right away.  I spent a happy couple of hours downloading cheap Mac software and then cursing 12 ways from Sunday trying to get it authenticated and installed, but this morning I have much cool software, including some games.

Ladies and gentlemen, you are looking at the future

This came out of the fabricator at work. I found the file on the internet, sent the link to me colleague, and we were getting rid of that toner anyway because it had been recycled too much, and here you go.  It is sitting on a dvd so you get some idea of the scale.  Robof9 made one for himself, too.  I had a long talk with the manager who ‘owns’ the fabber, and he allayed my fears as to my robbing the company – it was a trivial amount of toner and no big deal in terms of wear and tear on the machine.  The machine itself has saved the company a couple of hundred thousand dollars since we purchased it.dodecahedron.jpg
Me very very happy.

Katies here

Both of the Katies were here last night… Katie K was only too happy to collect a massage on my NEW MASSAGE TABLE and daughter Katie had to be talked into it. I made shrimp salad for dinner and then daughter Katie worked on my leftovers.   I think all the way around everybody slept better last night. I woke up at 7:40!!! Now I have to jet or I will be late for work.

I light a candle for my granny, who is poorly (not, I hasten to add, mortal poorly) and for my mOm, whose back is owie, and for people experiencing unexpected and unhappy making breakups.

Persepolis was wonderful, see it if you can, unless you hate movies with subtitles.

Oooh, a Lego Ezra Pound

Man, he was hotter than a two dollar pistol when he was young.  And yes, he was a foul racist blatherer sometimes with skewed up ideas about economics, but he was a damned fine poet.  I can’t remember where I scanged this from.

I’m off to see Persepolis this aft with Keith, and afterwards I’m calling daughter Katie and dragging her over here for a massage.  She sounds beat, baffed, bent, bewildered and entirely tharn. 

In Case of Emergency

I was reading Lifehacker about six months ago and it advised to put “In Case of Emergency” in your phone (which I did).  Debbie has sent me an email reminder to do this, so I’m letting everybody know.

If you carry a phone, put a number in called ‘in case of emergency’ and have it point to whoever on you contact list you would want contacted in case your phone was conscious and you weren’t.   This has been a public service announcement care of Debbie.  Thanks y’all.