You ever get the feeling that you MUST learn what the lyrics are?

I have had the worst 7777ing case of “mondegreen” for the last 6 weeks or so.  The playlist on my MP3 player currently includes the B52’s Love Shack.  Towards the end Cindy yells ….. something.  Honestly, I knew it wasn’t Tanned and Rested, but that’s the only thing my auditory skills could make of the syllables.  It’s actually Tinned roof, rusted.  Now how the hell was I s’posed to figure that out?

Keith here for supper, to pick up the coffee maker and AGAIN forget his taxes (something he’d stop doing if he ever read this blog and learned the manner in which his uncle was mercilessly mocking all but his split screen geekery) and of course I haven’t done mine, so I can hardly lampoon anybody.

The low ebb continues.

The downstairs neighbours’ dog jumped on me.  Basically if the dog sees me it jumps on me.  There’s nothing mean or threatening about it, Meadow’s an adorable dog, just really really poorly trained.

Spaghetti and meat sauce for dinner.  Crudites on the side.

I hear crying from the basement.  Now yelling.  Certain areas of the downstairs resonate more than others.

It’s hard to practice.  I’m going to give the guitar a whirl and see if it stayed in tune.