A new melody

This is called “It’s Time To Get Up.”  I wish it didn’t sound quite as much like Bittersweet Symphony by Verve but shit happens.

There are four voices, all sounding like Midi harp in this example.

The mother is the alto:

Hm, Hm, Hm, it’s time to get up, it’s time to get up, I know you’re grumpy and your bed is lumpy, but it’s time to get up.

The son is the tenor:

One more hour, mother, one more hour father, I’m so tired mother, One more hour mother.

The daughter is the soprano:

Today I’m gonna have to look pretty, you know it, today I’m gonna have to look pretty, you know it, I’m gonna have to look fine, fine, fine, I’m gonna make that boy mine mine mine.

The father is the bass:

Time to get up, Time to get up, I’ve said it once I won’t say it again, Time to get up!

Time to get up

Here’s the same tune voiced in French Horn – you can actually hear the bass line.

Time to get up french horn

The two aren’t connected but happy birthday Loki.

New homily on Home

This morning I’d like to talk a bit about home; what it means to us and how it relates to our spiritual lives.

This morning I welcome all of you, whether new or long-standing friends of Beacon, to our church home.   We who are friends and members of Beacon have certainly had our share of anxiety about where our church home, which means so much to us, was going to be.  It puts me in mind of Luke 9:58; from the New International Version:  Jesus replied, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”

Continue reading New homily on Home

Hello, breakfast

I finished the homily at 8 this morning and went back to bed to warm up.  Then I flew out the door and delivered it.

Just as I stood up to speak, a great blue heron landed on the metal and glass gazebo outside the sanctuary, visible to about a third of the congregation and invisible to me and everyone else.  The way people were pointing and gasping, and the fact I could hear no noise, made me think “A hot air balloon!  How nice.” And then I started talking and got kind of engrossed.  Tom dashed up to me immediately after the service and with a twinkle in his eye told me what had happened.  I had to be home before I figured it out – the heron was using this perch, well out of the way of bothersome hoomins, to case the adjacent pond for koi and other west coast delicacies / breakfast.  There being none, it took off.  See, nothing miraculous or spooky to see here, move along.

Chatted briefly with Patricia the other day, and that was fun. We will fire up the rusty old Cavalcade of Cheese… man she serves good cheese.

Spoke to Catherine today; she confirmed the presence of Sue’s last sock, and once I send her my address she’ll forward it to me.  I don’t want to lose it.  It’s the last thing I have to connect me with Sue Gillespie, of blessed memory.

I’d like to thank Paul for the lift in to both the church and the congregational dinner last night.  In two weeks the church will be closer! I’ll quit bugging people for rides! Beacon is moving to New West!  I talked about that a fair amount in the service today… telling people that we’re doing okay, in fact better than okay, because we can do church on a shoe string.  Did I mention I signed the book again (ie I rejoined)?  I volunteered semi sorta for the Worship Services Committee.  So happily, so cheerfully wacky these days.

I just watched The Man in the White Suit! I loved it!  I am not being sarcastic!

I got a copy of a song that I’ve wanted since the day I heard it.  It’s a live recording (heart heart heart) with Woodhead on bass (heart heart ooo so hearty heart) of Garnet Rogers singing Night Drive, the song he wrote for Stan Rogers, and I thought about John, and cried and cried and cried.  I saw Garnet perform it live.  I cried while I watched it and was still high on emotion when I left the concert.