Which is why I’m linking to it. Knitters unite! or unravel, as required.
Category: Cute
Physio and carrots
Physio kicked my ass this morning. My flexibility was deemed excellent and worthy of comment, but my lack of strength was considered troubling. Of course. At least I am well enough to start swimming again.
I am showing the cafe tonight, or so I fondly hope, wish me luck.
Keith dropped by last night, it was lovely to see him.
400 words on T4A yesterday.
I picked some organic carrots for snax…. they were yummy. It’s amazing how fast those suckers disappear when they are so slender and fresh.
Incremental progress
Good news first, I have been asked to come in and talk to a recruiter this afternoon. This is the closest I’ve gotten to genuine job hunting activity in months so I am obviously thrilled.
Bad news. I’ve lowered the price and still can’t get anybody interested in the cafe; I will have to break the lease. HEAVY HEAVY SIGH.
Tarot for Atheists, a couple of hundred words’ worth of progress.
Turkey soup is on the stove – I will adjust seasoning shortly and then start freezing it in containers. Jeff can’t stand the smell of the bones, and has no idea how this sentence would have ended if I hadn’t backspaced over it.
Replaced cpap machine with one that smells a little less disgusting. I must make a purchase decision within 2 weeks.
Completed writing down a song, converted it to midi and fired it off to mOm. I only have another hundred songs to write out. It really IS the Song That Never Ends.
Herewith today’s linkorama:
This guy and guys like him are why I make no further efforts to date.
If you rape a girl and leave her naked outside in freezing weather, and you work for your family’s restaurant, and your local prosecutor despite eyewitnesses and video refuses to prosecute, and then the whole town turns on the rape victim and burns her house down, well, the internet just might give bad reviews to your restaurant.
Eddie you old codger
Eddie is the senior cat in the household. He’s 15 or 16, and while his back end is starting to be saggy, he’s a very sleek and healthy cat who simply despises Miss Margot…. or pretends to.
Last night Jeff and I were watching the thrilling conclusion of the 1st season of Veronica Mars when Eddie started to howl.
Normally he howls when he’s caught something and brought it back into the house or he howls from existential angst. This time it was low, sad howls, and he didn’t want to move away from the cat door.
I looked at my brother and said in a horrified whisper, “Where is Margot?” Normally when we watch tv she’s parked at the top of the stairs or on the floor close to the tv.
The two of us leaped up and searched the house. Jeff popped the front door and Margot bolted into the house from her hiding place under my car, where she’d obviously been trapped by another cat.
Which is how we learned that he has a special call when Margot is in trouble, because that’s how he was the last time he rescued Margot (she got locked in the garage). He got many skritches for his assistance, and Margot of course is impervious to correction or comment.
Sundry and various
Brinicles. I had no idea such things existed.
Katie will be heading off for bloodwork this morning. She is fasting, and thus tired and cranky.
Izzy and I (the grandsnake) bonded nicely last night. He is one of the most hand tame snakes I ever interacted with, although I will never feel about him the way I feel about Speck, a little snake who hung out in my hat for an hour at a party, thus triggering the single funniest triple take I’ve ever seen in my life.
Margot is prowling around my room and quacking. Yesterday she got up in Creamy’s grill (he’s the Samoyed next door) by walking up to him when he was tethered outside, getting him to bark furiously, and then pelting away. What a jerk she can be.
Paul and Keith took me and Katie to supper last night at the Grand Buffet. In a stupefying and gratifying demonstration of customer service, the expensive sunglasses Keith left there a month ago were produced as soon as he appeared. You can bet Keith tipped the living shit out of those servers. The crab was particularly good.
I have found an internet radio station that plays bluegrass gospel, and it has no annoying commercials. That’s what we have on at the store now. It’s bright and bouncy and banjerrific.
Biz still slow and interestingly variable. Paul bought cherry biscotti, my latest creation, and took it to work, and there was much rejoicing. His work is going well. Per parental instructions I will be baking and shipping biscotti out to them by the end of the month.
All my friends from Ontario seem to be living through hellish times. I am not. I am having difficulties with certain aspects of my life, but these things tend to self correct. As mOm remarked, this too shall pass. In the meantime I have a loving family, a good place to live, choice friends, good health (even my back is whining less…) and the best stupid cat in the world. Hey, at least she’s keeping herself clean, although I still have to brush and de-eye-gunk her frequently.
I am now washing my hands forty times a day. It’s like acquiring OCD or something. Thank god for Uremol, and many thanks to LadyMissB for putting me on to it.
Off to work now.
Japanese TV sure is weird
Margot was calling for me after I left
… Or I should say squawking, according to Jeff.
I bought and brought back two packs of specially blended tea from Friday Afternoon, the Serenity blend and the Inara blend. The Serenity blend is extremely tasty (I’m consuming it right now) and the Inara blend we’ll have to wait to drink. Jeff and I have both now quit coffee so I’m looking for less caffeinated beverages to enjoy. It was Friday’s daughter who was the littlest filk wench. TTTO Away in a Manger
The littlest filk wench no corset she has
She jumped into the wenching with verve and pizzazz
With hair all of gold and eyes of bright blue
Just try not to bid when she’s gazing at you.
Mom’s in the dealer room all unawares
how her girl’s superpowers she now freely shares
The littlest filk wench said “LET’S DO THIS THING!”
and Douglas and J. heard the coffers ka-ching.
Seanan McGuire took the stage for a bid
Showing how a fan’s name she had cleverly hid
She said “and he might die quite horribly”
And the littlest filk wench cried “NO SPOILERS!” with glee.
She said “SAY ONE HUNDRED!” and the adults all quailed
We all came with a budget and once more we failed
Twas all for a good cause and we all shared a laugh
But how I wish I’d gotten that girl’s autograph!
Greg, overcome at church
The angler fish
Margot enquires as to why I immerse myself in nasty water.
an unusual discovery
Jeff was looking at the drives pOp gave him and there are slide shows. Oh, yeah. Here’s the best out of the lot.
Bean with bacon soup is simmering on the stove; I don’t have to cook any more today, yay, as there is lots in the fridge to eat and the soup will be ready by noon.
Snow has fallen – it was hailing earlier.
Jeff’s watching feetsball on the PVR and I’m trying to get my exciting song about bears recorded in some fashion. I hear people scraping off cars. I am amused. I will salt the walkway now, it’s the fiendly thing to do.
Steampunk octopus
Andrew forwards this for Xmas (from facebook/filker)
12 Wonka’s snarking
11 rants at Congress (Canadians use Harper)
10 McKayla’s scowling
9 Gangnams dancing
8 jokes a-milking
7 pics Takei-ing
6 geese from Farmville
4 game invites
3 LOLcats
2 friend requests
…and a cartoon from xkcd!