From her Instagram today: Sometimes I go for a walk on my lunch break and the light is hitting trees and things *just right*. #NotesFromThePandemic #yvr #PNW #StanleyPark #Vancouver #BlackAndWhitePhotography #BlackAndWhite #ThingsISeeOnMyWalks #Hipstamatic
Category: Family
Schopenhauer getting roasted by his mOm
I am still fighting with abdominal pain but it’s getting better and it isn’t affecting my ability to eat. I think I am taking so many pills suddenly that I’ve bruised my esophagus and am possibly working on a hiatus hernia. It’s also possible that this happened AT THE SAME TIME I gave myself costochondritis from shovelling every day for a week. If the pain continues I don’t know what I’ll do, the doctor’s gone for weeks.
My BP is excellent, and I’m about to eat a low sodium home made meal.
continued midsection weirdness
I’m fine this morning but once again had abdominal discomfort last night. Not exactly pain, just weirdness, in more or less the same place as before.
Didn’t stop me from making salad, chicken thighs and baked yams for tea.
Now waiting for the Expanse season/series finale on January 14. Please, no asteroids strike the planet between now and then (although we had another near miss last night, did you hear about that? 1/4 the distance to the moon, that little rock whipped by…)
I am going to quite openly state that although I am not at risk of self-harm and I’m not in any danger, my mental health is as bad as it’s been since the pandemic started. I just don’t feel like doing anything. What’s the point? my poor raddled body brain thinks. So if you get a phone call from me it’s because I’ve bobbed up through this state of mind long enough to contact someone and be civil… the rest of the time I don’t even want to imagine how a phone call might go. And despite all this Jeff and I are prioritizing being civil to each other. The idea of going through this pandemic without peace at home makes me feel like lightning.
I’m so worried for Alex. Ryker is breastfed and his mother’s vaccinated so he’ll likely be okay, but Alex has asthma and I’m so scared for him. Who knows when in class instruction will start again. (oh, apparently it has already o.O)
I was working on a poem about the Moloch energy and now I can’t because the child sacrificer is standing right in front of us all. It’s terrifying.
Saw the Fam today when Jeff and I took Alex’s computer over to Caspell Junction; he was thrilled and we actually had a family chinwag and it was so lovely.
Spoke to Peggy on the phone; I wish I could recount even a third of what we talked about, given how hard we were laughing but no, it’s all either not my story or unsuitable for repetition. It was good to hear her laugh.
Spoke to mOm on the phone and conveyed to her that we had a little window of family happiness today and it was lovely.
I am starting to have the strange feeling that this is a bone problem, not an innards problem. You will recollect that I fell in the spring and hurt my ribs. This is starting to feel similar. Anyway, I still have pain, but it may be just ordinary back pain with shovelling pain on top. And I can sleep so it’s not that bad.
BC is about to experience an atmospheric river AGAIN 72 hours of solid rain, on top of snow goddamn.
The Last Throwback Thursday of 2021
recent pictures for the parental units
how lucky
- I still have parents
- I like them and I’m still talking to them
- They’ve been married, as of today, 65 years.
- Isn’t that ludicrous?
- They certainly think so. Where the hell did 65 years go?
- And I’m lucky that I have the technology to pick up a phone and call them and felicitate them on 65 years of happiness.
- How lucky is that?
Today Jeff will help me move it to where it’s supposed to be, Peggy’s place, not my greedikum gullet.
Off to the dentist today to see if I need repairs for a molar chip.
Still puttering along on the fanfics. Submitted a poem for publication yesterday. I doubt it will be published but I had a lot of fun writing it and there’s some vivid language in it.
Omicron doubles in 2 days. Apparently the highest testing area in Canada is Vancouver Island right now and Keith’s off to the grands shortly to visit them so I hope he stays in his car for the ferry ride. He is currently employed, and I couldn’t be more pleased, although he sounded bagged the last time we spoke.
Christmas gathering this year will be a) takeout b) at Katie’s c) after Christmas Day and d) just immediate family.
Earthquake this morning off the coast, a leedle one. I woke up IMMEDIATELY after the posted time so it’s possible that’s what woke me, but I doubt it; Jeff knows I slept through when a raccoon dragged the plastic container full of cat food to the stairs and launched it gravity-wards so I probably did sleep throught it.
The only hospital left in Afghanistan that can treat covid just ran out of oxygen.
My Nut Hut order arrived; pecans for snacks, chocolate wafers for snacks, almonds for biscotti and 5 pounds sunflower seeds for the tweety birds.
It’s snowing, immense flakes, banging on down.
Asked Buster this morning. Brush? Treats? Door? Door it was.
Schlep this morning. Biggest ticket item was triple A batteries. Jeff stays back because there’s no reason to both go in. Wore my KN95 masks, as I do all the time now. As much as I love the SUPER COMFY triple layer kitty cat mask Jan Maxwell made for me (her xmas card turned up today as well) the epidemiology is pretty clear, the 95’s are better at keeping other people’s pathogens off you. Checked everything I picked up for sodium and man did I put a lot of shit back.
Black holes can make the suns orbiting them go 31 MILLION KPH. nnnnneeeeeeoOOWWWWW
Made mac and two cheeses with fried onions and capers yesterday… Paul came through and had a big bowl of it; he was dropping off his computer, which is illing, and we hung out and watched/listened to Tripping by Nils Frahm which is something mOm and pOp’d like it.
Alexander’s computer has been paid for and shipping confirmation received. So exciting! I’ll be rounding up the usual suspects looking for a contribution but I won’t be pressing anyone until my credit card bill comes in.
The Saveon hasn’t had pot barley in stock since August and literally does not know when more will come in. I am aghast. I finally found a soup everybody loves and got no ingredients!
I spent two days in bed after getting the booster shot (same day as the flu shot so yes both arms hurt like hell, nothing today except a tiny ache on the Pfizer side) and finally feel like a human being again this morning. My digestion was SO BAD – I actually sent an email to mOm to complain about it, and apologized …and I was hardly eating. Honestly, I felt worse than I’ve done when I was running a temperature, all my long bone joints ached like I’d been beaten. On the plus side, my BP was 133 over 87 this morning and that’s literally the best it’s been in more than a year.
Jeff has completed his repairs of the downstairs terlet. Rejoice, rejoice!
I am getting super sweet comments on my last fic posted, which is giving me life. Apparently I manifested something that one of the fans has been wishing for for a decade, so that’s some serious fan service. mOm said she enjoyed it. I’ve stopped writing the really porny stuff and now it’s just angsty domestic schmoop.
The three stories I’m working on right now (settings: Denver Airport during a blizzard, BC Highway 3 just after the middle of November, a tourist town in Maine) ARE NOT BEHAVING, so I’m having to retrace my steps a lot.
So much love in one room
ahoy 1967 Waskesiu

There were a pair of chairs that we brought to London from Ottawa. They were nasty red velvet upholstery and quite beat up, but the fOlks liked them so they were reupholstered, as seen. pOp is sitting under a lithograph of a woman ‘petit maman’ who looks like she might be a retired sex worker, and facing her is a brass rubbing of a grand lady that our friend Elizabeth made during a trip to the UK. That’s the door to Jeff’s room (aka the games room) behind him.
Elders are so precious
OMG my ontie Mary just sent me $25 in the mail to help defray my costs for sending her letters. SHE DEMANDS AT THE OUTSET THAT I AM TO ISSUE NEITHER COMPLAINT NOR DEMURRAL LA!
Someone should tell that rare and precious woman that she’s basically too good for me as a rellie and having said that I will top up the envelope supply; I’m fixed for stamps at the moment.
weird non coincidence
I called Peggy to ask if now was convenient to deliver some food.
Peggy said, “It’s remarkable that you called.” Peggy had a dream that I made her some fruit bread and I had to apologize because what I actually made her as soon as I got home this morning from the shop was shirazi salad (one container for her, one container for me and Jeff and probably Paul because he loves the stuff). I offered to deliver it and she counter-offered to pick it up because she has a lengthy car appointment and will be by later this afternoon. Technically tomatoes are a fruit. Isn’t the message on the wind the strangest thing?
My recipe:
five on the vine tomatoes
one English cuke
half a white onion
all the above chopped fairly small
juice of half a lemon
two sprigs of fresh mint chopped fine
two sprigs of fresh parsley chopped fine
The thing I love about this salad is that it is entirely devoid of salt and pepper, and maybe someday I’ll get some sumac (the spice, not the poisonous shit) and make it more authentically. This salad comes from Iran/Persia, after the introduction of tomatoes as a crop.