3.5 k yesterday

I walked 2 k to have coffee with Katie first thing and then 1.5 k to take advantage of my first seniors meal deal with my dear friend Sue.  She has auditioned for the role of Fraulein Schneider in Cabaret and I really hope she gets it.

My audition was completed without incident.  By the numbers I have a one in 5 chance of success as they only provide 8 licences and at least 40 people applied.  I’m just glad I got to do it.

Now I have to get back to my previously scheduled insanity….


I just walked 3.5 kilometres doing errands

I paid for Katie’s storage (and it’s great I won’t have to do that much longer), I mailed my application to be a busker at the post office, and I turned in my plates for my car insurance refund.  It isn’t much, but the last two days represent the first time money has come into the house that my fOlks didn’t give me in many moons. I did take the bus for 2.4 k up the hill from the insurance co to the storage co., but given how my feet are singing and how that is about a 300 foot elevation gain I am not really beating myself up over it.

I am now pleasantly weary and thinking about the next thing on my to do list.

And hoping it doesn’t actually involve, you know, standing up.


This is a very rude and funny commentary website on how top heavy webdesign is these days.

Fist bumps for health!

Apparently fist bumps are better epidemiologically.

Ziva is still unsold.  I will light a candle in church today.

Oh noes!  New show we’re watching is Burn Notice.  It’s like The Finder met MacGyver met a star who actually does have two black belts!  Bruce Campbell as the awesome buddy!  Gabrielle Anwar as the awesome crazy IRA chica! Jeffrey Donovan as a guy who can have crazy eyes and puppy dog eyes in a split second!  And they tell you how to make BOMBS IN EVERY EPISODE.  Happy.  Best of all they’ve aired the last episode, so we can watch the whole thing.

I didn’t go for a walk yesterday but I exercised HARD. My shoulder is still sore this morning.




Mattress today!

As part of the I need to be sleeping better plan (4 hours with cpap last night…) I have purchased a name brand properly sprung mattress which will be delivered today between 3 and 6 pm.

I have a tremendous craving for fish for lunch.  I think I will go get some… something like haddock or cod.

Katie slept over last night.

2020 says I need to replace this freaking mattress.


New things

I got the materials for my shoulder exercise pulley as well as ordering a new mattress for delivery on Wednesday next, as all of these health considerations move MUCH FASTER when you just go yeah, I have to do that and just quit whining…  Now I have to confer with Jeff about where to put the pulley – I’m hoping in the kitchen doorway.  Katie came along to keep me company – there are still an excess of relatives at Planet Bachelor.  She went out drinking last night and got home late but she’s in a cheerful frame of mind.

Rob is coming over to talk steampunk. That should be fun; we will be reviewing various kinds of fabrics for the purposes of a weskit.  (Rob owns more than one industrial sewing machine, which is wootable).

Keith and I have mutually apologized.  I must say I am very relieved.


Maybe there was something to Essiac…

Chipper sends word of dandelion tea and cancer…  and on November 2 updated me with this.  so NO dandelion in Essiac.  I always thought there was.

There have now been about thirty enquiries about the cafe… I know it’s a numbers game, but oh lord.

Here is a very good beginner level guide to layout and design.  

Velcro was developed for outer space, but it will be coming soon to an inner space near you…

And re resistant bacteria, more good news.  

Part of Miss Manners Has her Say, a song I wrote some years ago.

“You’re a very/religious person/offered drugs and porn/Enjoyment in/the evening is/repentance in the morn.”

And now there’s some science that is illuminating.




What between getting sleep in two hour bursts (all I can manage with the cpap, which I put on and took off three times last night), donating blood on Friday, and somewhat inadequate levels of exercising, Physio Luce is telling me that my flex is good but my strength sucks.  He totally bought that sleep deprivation has slowed me down… and loaded me up with more exercises.  Ainsi soit-il.

Today I will be adjusting the moisture content and seating of the mask on the cpap.

Dishwasher is running, sun is shining, Eddie is feeling much better.  He needs a special diet so we are attempting to feed  the cats separately and it’s kinda sorta working.  His thyroid is wonky but there are meds for that.  He is SUCH a good kitty.  He despises being pilled so much that when Jeff puts the pill in front of him, he consumes it rather than go through the gharstly struggle.  He was also a sweetheart the last time I trimmed his nails.  (Kitties shouldn’t click on floors).

I am assembling yet another project in Scrivener – Broad Hints.  It will be selected songs, poems, essays (no homilies though, that’s another project), humour, blog posts, recipes and miscellaneous writings (like band names, movie and concert reviews).  I have a ton of stuff in there already and it’s going to be book sized by the time I’m done. At the following URL (ya hafta scroll down) there’s my third fave pic of my grandpa: He’s a real cowboy with real First Nations….

Holy crap! some twin engined plane just went over the house at about 500 feet.  I hate when they do that.

Church yesterday was great, excepting that the split pea and ham soup I took for the meal afterwards overturned in the car trunk.  Fortunately I’d taped the lid on and it was still so cold that only the condensation from the defrosting came off it, plus I put the crockpot in a large garbage bag, so there was some leakage but not the HOLY FUCK disaster I thought it was when I leapt out of the car to investigate the gharstly noise.  I did the aesthetics and screwed it up, but Rob rescued me by leaping up and getting a taper for the service leader (Donna).  I don’t think aesthetically it was too bad.  We didn’t sing enough and there was a congregational discussion afterwards grump grump.  I’ve had to lower my pledge because, HEY no INCOME! which cheeses me off, but other delights await, including my return to delivering homilies!  And getting to sing the compost song first service in 2014, more or less hopefully.

I am going to go back to chores now.

We’re number one! In pipeline accidents.


Yanno…. I am rather proud of myself

I lost my Mac hard drive, and guess what?

None of my homilies are gone, they are on my site.

Only a couple of my written out songs are missing, because I backed everything up that had anything to do with music a couple of weeks ago.

My canonical list of songs was uploaded to the cloud the end of September, and I’ve only added a couple of things since.

The last couple of pieces of software I downloaded I had all my info, so I just downloaded them again, so I have Finale and Scrivener back no sweat.

Tarot for Atheists and Midnite Moving Co. are on the cloud (mostly… as I learned to my sorrow… but I may have emailed some of it to mOm and Chipper).

All the photos are gone.  That is a shame, and there’s no help for it unless I want to spend a whack of money for no guaranteed end.

I am going to be doing homilies in 2014 for church and will likely be participating in the Compost Communion first service of 2014, with my compost song.

No word back from the interview; I will take that as a no and move on.

I gave my seventh unit of blood yesterday.  I have to do it while I can; my blood pressure is just inside the line and I may not even get to my tenth unit before I have to stop.  But hey, I’ve saved a life or two in my time, and that makes me happy. Katie’s iron was two points too low; she was CHOKED.  And then she and I and Keith ate sushi that I didn’t have to pay for.  And I went to pay the rent on the storage locker to keep the family buffet in the family.  Yeah, I know.

Bone doc says I am progressing well and to keep up the physio.  I’m going back for my final review the end of December.




Physio and carrots

Physio kicked my ass this morning.  My flexibility was deemed excellent and worthy of comment, but my lack of strength was considered troubling.  Of course.  At least I am well enough to start swimming again.

I am showing the cafe tonight, or so I fondly hope, wish me luck.

Keith dropped by last night, it was lovely to see him.

400 words on T4A yesterday.

I picked some organic carrots for snax…. they were yummy.  It’s amazing how fast those suckers disappear when they are so slender and fresh.

Hot sauce!

Pugs for Halloween.

Five dollar Tuesday

I took Jeff to Gravity yesterday.  I enjoyed it, he hated it.  I’m hoping he does a full core dump on the subject, but like I say I really enjoyed it.  I found it interesting, on Google Plus, that one guy I know who has been in zero g (twice, fer reals) and is a self described space geek absolutely adored it.  Even Neil deGrasse Tyson liked it, fer cry eye. (Added later, but he ALSO critiqued the hell out of it.)

Very funny crossover graphic, safe for work.

I have a chest cold and my voice is now emerging from somewhere around my navel.

No word back about the cafe.

Giant insect fear films r us

Okay, it’s an arachnid, but what-e-ver.  Gotta love that sense of humour!

I made bacon and egg and salad wraps on home made naan bread for breakfast this morning. I was kinda mean, I told Jeff I’d take him for breakfast and then cooked it instead, but he’s a trouper and ate without comment…  I really really love home made naan. It’s comfort food.

I have no idea why, but my digestion instantly improved three days ago and I am very much enjoying it.  Further to my sudden improvement I purchased a book called Gutbliss by an American women gastroenterologist, in which she talks about all the things that can go wrong with a modern female gut and how you can put it right.  Her opening comments about how gastroenterology has lost the plot and turned into ‘the endoscopy biz’ were very revealing, and she also said she’s learned about the gut not just in school and from her patients, but from a large selection of non traditional healers.  She still plumps for the “I want to see the evidence” but her three rules of dealing with gut issues are:

Talk to the patient, take time with the patient

Most people aren’t crazy even if their symptoms don’t make sense.  (!!!)

Think outside the box.

I am enjoying her writing style, which is vigorous and plain-spoken.  Yes, she has a line of products.  But I don’t see her making extreme claims for them, which is always pleasant.

I am exercising my shoulder very hard every day.  I can now visualize a complete recovery.  I could not two weeks ago.  I think I am going to go back into the biscotti business.  This was a temporary setback, not the end of the world.  Both of the folks I showed the shop two recently haven’t called back.  It’s actually kind of freeing.  I will leave the ad up until a few weeks from now, and then get back into it.  Huge to do list….. that never stops. 

Somebody said on twitter this morning that offense is taken, not given, and I have to say that’s bullshit. It completely ignores the power differential that exists throughout the continuum of a life between you and the rest of the world.  Powerful people give offense all the time.  They just don’t call it that.

I slept a little with the new mask and the cpap machine last night, but at some point I ripped it off again.  I have some kind of dysphagia (as is almost always the case with me, not enough to come to the attention of a doctor) and what ends up happening is I can’t swallow my spit properly with the mask going.  I swallow, my ears pop like a mofo, the spit is still there, and I’m lying there feeling like I’m drowning in spit.  Also, my breathing mechanics change a lot with the cpap machine and I don’t feel like I’m breathing enough… nothing feels natural and I end up holding my breath… which feels very weird because the whole POINT of having a cpap is to get enough O².





The funny things the characters say

Jeff took me for breakfast… the leftovers will make a loverly brunch.  We also did a shop, including two for one standing rib roasts.  Nom.

Teaching the homeless to code.

I said I wouldn’t, but I did volunteer for something at church; I’m doing esthetics for Sally’s birthday (which is also a choir day so she can’t sing and set up at the same time).  I will be talking to Sue about what she wants, since the Board is doing the service that day. Sue returned my steampunk hat and we had a lovely visit.  It was weird; I thought of her because I knew she was back from vacation and I hadn’t talked to her in yonks, and she rang me up within seconds of this thought occurring.  Ah, the message in the wind.

Trip to Toronto is not yet booked, but it is tentatively 26th Nov to 5 Dec.

Good news for prostitutes and women at high risk of HIV everywhere.

I just had a character whisper in in my ear “Shiny is health, sparkle is magic”.  It made sense in context. (Kima, if anybody cares.)

Jeff and I are watching Cheers.  Shelley Long as Diane makes me want to alternately slap her and make counted crossstitch samplers of her dialogue, but the rest of the characters, especially Coach, are so funny my occasional cringes are worth it.  It’s one of the many shows in my tv blackout period so I never watched it the first time.

I am reading Foucault for Dummies.  There’s probably only one person who reads my blog on a regular basis who will find this amusing.

We are also watching Caprica, which is way, way better than I expected it to be.  As I remarked on another subject, all this and Bear McCreary too.

pOp is feeling poorly, so I am sending him a big hug and a wish that he recover his normal level of grumpiness with all due speed.