I really do be enjoying it. What the hell is wrong with me? LOL.
Wordle in 4, no words but lots of thinking, lumosity not done yet two top five scores.
I really do be enjoying it. What the hell is wrong with me? LOL.
Wordle in 4, no words but lots of thinking, lumosity not done yet two top five scores.
Wordle in 6 (yikes), 3 personal best scores in Lumosity, about 138 words on TB, no other project work to speak of. Managed to run the dishwasher, match some socks and take Paul for a walk in the neighbourhood. My urge to dejunk tanked as soon as the sun went behind a cloud and now I’m just trying to gut it out. Still six boxes, sigh.
The family meeting is for noon. I sure hope there’s an agenda.
The cedar and juniper are in full burst, but the alder has died back a little so I can think again. Whatever’s blooming right now has stuck Jeff under a thumbtack of blankness. Why can’t we get a cold nap LOL and freeze some of this gunk out of the air?
Oh well, it’s going to rain all weekend (at times ‘heavily’ so I guess we’ll have to check the back drain at some point). So perhaps we shall get some relief.
Sounds like me and Keith are going to church this weekend.
Dishwasher’s running, trained Buster, made peppermint tea for Jeff, got dressed, took my meds, reheated coffee, brushed my teeth.
Lumosity 1 top 5 score, wordle in 4, no words. Dejunking and organizing stuff for the garage sale. I wrote the ad for the garage sale and sent it off to Keith and Kate for word approval (since they live in that house). Once they approve it I’ll talk to their downstairs neighbours.
jfc, this doordash driver seems to be determined to drive up and down every laneway before she brings us our food; it’s been almost an hour so I imagine everything will be stone cold when she gets here.
Spoke to Jackie, Paul and Keith today. Suzanne was here for the enshinening. She left with some of the diatomaceous earth, too, plus that bag o’ walnuts. It’s been a day of surprises and realizations.
I need to run some errands tomorrow and get a grand planning board off the ground. For the Yard Sale.
I couldn’t get an audio file to convert through Finale, no surprise because as software ages it gets less useful (I was successfully able to do it previously, which was annoying when alluvasudden…) And he fixed it for me.
So here’s the little sucker. The ‘experiments in glissando’ part is the vocal chorus sliding around and giving an ‘original Star Trek’ feel (sorry.) It took about thirteen seconds to write, I was just noodling, but I got sounds I really enjoyed and spent far more time reassigning instruments than actually making the tune happen.
Honestly I could play with Finale all day but I don’t usually get something useable that fast; unless I know exactly what tune I am recording.
Yesterday I found my copy of Machine Language, the one Dave self-printed, and it had silverfish damage. But that’s okay, I got diatomaceous earth yesterday.
ALSO…. I shouted down the stairs, “Hey Jeff I’m going to Rona want me to get anything!?” because we’re housemates and housemates look after each other’s interests. For 14 YEARS WE BEEN LIVING IN THIS HOUSE and we NEVER REPLACED THE INCREDIBLY SCRATCHED UP PEEPHOLE AT THE FRONT DOOR.
Jeff bounded up the stairs like a man on a mission and said, “Eckshully, yes.” We took measurements but the easiest was just removing it. He did, and I took to Rona. Then when I got there I met Barbara THE WONDER WORKER and she found me the diatomaceous earth and the identical peephole to the one I was replacing in (I’m not joking) 30 seconds. It took me longer to check out by far than get the stuff I needed. She said please review my performance and possibly win a thousand bucks of hardware store stuff and so I went home and did precisely that. We’ve gone from being blind to being able to see where Buster is sitting on the stairs. IT IS JEFF’S DOING AND MARVELLOUS IN OUR EYES.
Buster did SEVEN pawclaps this morning in an almost unprecedented second training session. HE BUMPED MY LEFT SHIN WITH HIS HEAD REPEATEDLY, his signal for TRAINING NOW. Then we did run and chase and he loved that too. What an excellent felis cattus he is.
Started Endeavour on Dave’s recommendation, really liking it so far. Medium continues to be VERY ENJOYABLE in a lot of different ways; the scripts and the performances continue to be top tier.
Finished Mary’s letter and printed it, hope to get it mailed today.
Wordle in 4, fallow on the writing still unless you count that Finale squib, ha ha, I don’t, and Lumosity was my lowest scores in forever which is funny because I feel quite perky.
I made coffee, now to drink it while it’s still hot.
@dandantransient on twitter: Missionary work is just crowd sourced genocide
I told mOm about it, but I’ll tell all of you because there’s aspects of grandmotherhood that are not perfect, but then grandmother activates her superpower: waiting.
When Alex was born I got to hold him. Then I didn’t get to go near him until he was talking, because he was an anxious baby and only his mother would do. But I waited. I didn’t argue with his mom (over a baby? wow, to make mom unhappy) or scold the baby for not liking me or take to social media about how his parents were keeping him from me, I waited.
And now we have the funniest and tenderest conversations lying in the dark when he comes over for a sleepover, and he only comes over when he wants to. To be liked by a child because you’re family and you love them and you’re just part of their world is a very steadying and grounding thing.
So when I watch Ryker, who’s being looked after three days a week by Suzanne (who says it’s exhausting, and I know that is true) as he SL O O W LY wakes up after his nap by repeatedly banging his forehead into the unpadded collarbones and shoulder bones of her chest, while occasionally sitting up to giggle, I am not filled with resentment at being usurped. I am filled with contentment that my grandson has all the care he needs, that he is safe, and that he sometimes giggles sleepily to himself for no other reason that he’s happy to be alive, and if it’s Suzanne prompting those giggles, I’ll share in them soon enough.
He’s starting to talk. He says ‘up’, and babbles a bit. Paul says he’s a screamer, but I got no evidence of that yesterday.
Paul was at his volunteer job at the thrift store, but Keith and Suzanne and I had a brief convo about ‘the situation’ and the garage sale, and I filled Dax in as he might have something he wanted to put in the sale. I ran an errand after – I finally have big envelopes for the big letters in large print I send to people, as well as chunks of manuscript for mOm – and I got another reel for the label-maker. Damn !! going in to Staples is hazardous, but apart from the big bag of Wine Gums I left with what I was erranding for.
I only did a small amount of decrufting yesterday, but I am working at it every day and I can see progress. I’ll see a LOT MORE progress once I get Grandad’s desk cleared off.
Wordle in 5 – it was a bear – and I’m supposed to get up and do a shop and I only just woke up LOL. Lumosity and other stuff later I guess.
Just shopped. Opened the Nut Hut delivery and they sent me $15 of organic walnuts FOR FREE. So I’m giving the whole bag to Suzanne when she comes tomorrow because they are the nicest walnuts EVAR.
Everyone have a fantastic day.
THERE ARE SO MANY! the same quantity in family calendars.
some of them have had pages very lightly et by silverfish so I have to get on the diatomaceous earth asap. No sense having family history that I can’t access cause it got et.
I thought before I went to sleep I’d do something in Finale: I tried to get ‘experiments in Glissando’ to post here but I couldn’t get it to work with the audio player. Sigh. It sounds like bandits approaching a temple.
The UConn Huskies won it all at ‘Squeaky-Squeaky Time’ which is how we refer to March Madness.
Two best of scores in Lumosity, Wordle in 3 and it only took 20 seconds, and I think I wrote two words yesterday.
Since I was up at 1 after going to bed at the regular time, I napped quite extensively. Got a coffee in my belleh right now and I’m about to label some of the family history books mOm sent us and then take them to their new home downstairs since I poached the shelf they were in for my own room.
We ordered fish for supper. It was really good.
Ran the dishwasher, emptied and refilled it, also did me a load of laundry so I am ONCE AGAIN CAUGHT UP …. can you fathom it.
For Trotsky Tuesday, enjoy: A rebellion.
A reminder that I wouldn’t have my current crop of grandchildren if Paul’s Great grandmother hadn’t refused to get on the Titanic.
Today I’m off to Caspell Junction in the morning to make travel arrangements for Jim’s Celebration of Life and talk about the garage sale. I’ll either take Paul for a walk or we’ll run errands somewhere in there. Moar Later.
I read on reddit that a great way to deal with paper if you don’t want to shred it (Jeff has a shredder but I have A LOT OF PAPER TO SHRED) is to turn it into papier mâché and yup, that works – I experimented with 20 year old tax returns yesterday.
Happy Easter for those who celebrate! Reread (or read, lol) my King Jesus homily if you’re in the mood.
I did my normal morning stuff and then communicated a bunch with Katie. I got a couple of rental applications queried and took what I’d printed out over to her to fill it out (I checked her work) and provided all the stamps and envelopes and put it in the mailbox for her. It was lovely to interact with her because she was un-surrounded by children and could complete a thought. It was sad to interact with her because she once again has to pack up her entire life and move on and can look forward to a lot of domestic strife in the meantime. Anyway I was helping her look for coops inside a three km radius, so that kept me busy part of the day.
I am resolutely going to ignore the turmoil that’s happening in my family right now with housing and communication issues and continue to put mismatched socks into pairs and dejunk my room.
Heard from Mike. Multiple layoffs at work and the customer service department has been decimated. There’s no longer any engineering support for the products and he’s pretty sure he’s next on the chopping block. The only good thing about it is that he’s liable to get a goodly sized severance. The bad thing about it is that they may take months to actually drop the hammer so in the meantime he’s forced TO TAKE HIS OWN DESK INTO WORK two days a week and work between 10 and 12 hours every weekday and emails on weekends. There’s an extremely slim possibility that he will come see us on Sunday night but I’m not sanguine.
April Fools. Ha ha don’t care.
Someone who’s a Dunnett fan wrote some music for the end of one of the books so I friended him on facebook and sent him a link to Gelis and Niccolò; he’s also a novel cover designer and his portfolio looks superbulous.
Tried to watch the first episode of Gotham Knights and I bailed almost instantly. It’s a CW show and I didn’t even manage to wait until Misha Collins turns up as Harvey Dent; rich kid youngster angst that doesn’t involve anarchism and gender goofiness is not for me.
Wordle in 5, Lumosity one top five one best of, no writing.
I just have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. But it’s okay. I’m safe, warm and well-fed and I can afford my rent and medications.
I will try to help out as I can with the housing situation with the kids but good god. My mind is just whirling. And it could be me and Jeff in a minute, so it’s really making me into a VAST vat of STEW. (Keith whomped up some of his thyme flavoured stew yesterday. My only contribution was washing the spuds. I tried the Beyond Meat burger but texturally it just doesn’t do it, I prefer it in chili.)
But I can’t DO anything. Not at the moment. I must find other things to do than stew. I did talk to Paul about a garage sale and he seemed glad of the offer of help.
Oreo shoulder surfed on me yesterday THREE TIMES. Purring ferociously the entire time. She did it long enough that Paul took a picture but I haven’t received it yet because I had to text it to Katie using Paul’s phone and she’s a little thrawn at the moment.
Alex has bright dyed red hair now. He loves it.
The last of the laundry is dry but not put away – this last load was almost entirely mismatched socks LOL. I can stop buy socks if I have enough of them, and pretty soon I will.
Leftover palak paneer for breakfast; cooked pork chomps, taters, broccoli, mushrooms and carrots for supper last night. Should be some sign of my mental state coming home yesterday that I didn’t think to consult with Jeff, who had already eaten… Today marinated ginger tofu with beansprouts and rice vermicelli in some kind sauce. And I got to eat that half melon.
Only 1 top score in Lumosity (again, tanking scores…) and the only writing yesterday was social media and an attempt to make a poem out of a several years old and quite expired to do list.
Trans Day of Visibility today. There’s a rally at Grandview Park at 3:30.
wordle in three, I will not be writing today and didn’t yesterday, Lumosity scores IN THE TANK, schlep this morning now that Jeff’s back, I’m going to update the master shopping list with the aisle numbers of the grocery store (eventually), one more load of laundry to do and then literally my only dirty clothes will be the ones I’m wearing, bedding all changed and comfy (slept admirably well last night)…
I gaze at the Three Piles Paper Cruft and sigh heavily. At least I know where my INCREDIBLY out of date will is. I have actually updated it. Keith never answered me about being my executor. I think I’ll ask Kate. Later. She said yes. She also told me she’s being renovicted, along with everyone else at Caspell Junction, by August of this year. Three months to find space in one of the worst rental markets in global history.
also my fingers, I took the photo with the computer. I still have about a day of work to decruft papers and get my granddad’s desk to Surface Zero.
Also…. silverfish et Tish’s last letter to me. I am abashed. Literally illegible now. Time to haul off to the hardware store and get diatomaceous earth.
Also…. today I am going to take a bunch of stuff to the thrift store. Perhaps I will be able to wheedle Jeff into going as well, although he usually needs a day to recover from getting home from the ferry. The drivers in this town are quite something…
Seriously thinking about going to the Trans Day of Visibility rally in Grandview Park tomorrow, but I also want to not go alone.