Snow and fog

It is still snowing, although not very hard, and there’s four inches of snow on my balcony.

I think my thyroid is packing it in.  I’ve been wondering if that was the case for the last couple of years but now three of the more common symptoms dogpiled me at once, so I’ll go off and get blood tests again and see if it’s true this time.

World news round up…. (not very round, but whatever…)
Leave Africa alone…. 

an interesting article on how getting the IMF out of African policies might be a damned good thing.

Ebola’s broken out in Uganda again. 

A group of francophones opine on the death of languages globally. 

(Items are translated).

Ukrainian crocodile dies after six months on the run.

Subprime mess is ‘poor judgement of a few’.  Indeed. 

Need to hear a cat purr? 

Aussies finally figure out about drinking and pregnancy. 

Who knew that Russian hoteliers had such a great sense of humour (NSFW pic) 

Royal Vancouver Pornographic Society

Yes, I can has invite!!!! I will be going to one of their by invitation only events on Thursday. Strictly for research purposes, of course.

And for those of you who can’t deal with porn, herewith Crying baby and Howling dog.

Baby cries. Dog howls, most affectedly and musically. Baby shuts up to watch the dog. Dog shuts up because baby has stopped crying. Baby starts crying again. Rinse, repeat. A classic demonstration of a feedback loop.

God bless France. 

And may god bless Hugh Laurie. 

Ain’t it the truth

Nerd party.

Been to parties like that.

Had a very pleasant conversation with a former coworker today.  Man, if there is anything funnier than taking a return authorization for a refurbished product when the person you’re giving the return authorization to DESIGNED the product, it doesn’t exist in the tech world.  AND we’re getting together for beers next week.  I love the guy, but as much as he likes me, it isn’t THAT way.  And I wish it was.  He’s the nicest, funniest, smartest, classiest, techiest, artiest and bestest cookingest guy evar.  Cute too, at least by my standards.  One time, he made country style French apple pie when he had me and Paul over for dinner, and Paul and I were still making “Wasn’t that a pie!?” comments six months later.  And he cooked us Pad Thai once, too.  Mmmmmm.

My kind of crazy.  From Fark.

It’s the strangest thing.  I could not get my new TV to play DVDs back in colour no matter how hard I tried.  It’s amazing what happens when you actually put the connectors in the right jacks.  All is good now.  You know what did it?  I couldn’t STAND the idea of watching House without seeing Hugh Laurie’s blue eyes.  He’s so incredibly yummy….

I now have the complete Asterix and Tin Tin comics.  Long live digital media.  I heart Obelix. I remember when the kids were little, and somebody said something supremely obvious, we’d all yell, “Does TinTin have a COWLICK??? Does Captain Haddock have a DRINKING PROBLEM???” and then we’d fall about laughing.

nautilus3’s radiation treatments have started.  She’s about a quarter of the way through.  Her continuing good humour is a great comfort to me.  Life is still good!

Cats in an exercise wheel.  I love Bengals.

My flabs in zero g

Well, not exactly.

Smell for comfort. 

I may have posted this already, but it’s still funny.

V. cool pic of deep sea urchins.

Human reproduction sure can be odd. 

Will Allegra stop providing links to articles about the collapse of the Yankee dollar?  Sadly, no.

Math Song Finite Simple Group of Order Two. 

In Victoria

Movies: Pink Floyd Live in Pompeii;

Children of Men

and we got half way through a CHERRY print of Robinson Crusoe on Mars

GRRR there was something wrong with the actual DVD; it stopped in the middle of a closeup on Mona’s face.

Yesterday, in church, bad puns broke out. It was very, very bad, mostly because Lady Miss Banjola and Dr Filk were not there to raise the insanity to ever higher levels.

Now I’m going to see if I can drag my bro out to breakfast. Nope – he’s made me oatmeal. Then the food shop….
The trip here started repulsive and got better and better; the weather was so much more clement it was very pleasant to stand it in while waiting briefly for Jeff. When I left my place at SFU it was howling a gale and slanting rain, and I lost my bus pass on the ground, and so missed the first bus retracing my steps to see what the hell I had done with it. I found it right out front of my apartment building (thank guh) and then spent three hours alternately waiting for a bus and riding one. It’s an $85 cab ride to the ferry terminal from my place (I did it once, partly to see how much it cost and partly because I was feeling quite worn out) but I don’t think I’ll be that self indulgent again if I can help it.
Jeff’s kitties are doing famously. They were both sitting in the window of the computer room this morning intently looking at something of cat interest.

Sundry and various

Door #1

Being: A stop motion cardboard box race taking place in a university library.

Door #2

Being: A brief, briefly surreal ad about why you should adopt a dog.

Door #3

Being: An ad for ‘anti-gravity boots’. Accurate if the ‘anti-gravity’ involved is how people will smirk when they see you wearing these…

Door #4

Being: A man sets up a neighborhood speed trap with a hair dryer, and records the results. I should have seen the punch line coming.

Door #5

Being: Further proof that a picture is worth a thousand words. You don’t need to speak German to ‘get’ this site.

Door #6

Being: Johann Lipowicz deconstructing a Paul Young song in mime. A lot funnier than it sounds, especially around 3:09.

Door #7

Being: How Australians deal with stupid tourist questions with joie de vivre.