RIP Herbert Lom

Died in bed at 95 in London.  May his memory be blessed with laughter and tears.

Stupid bill re recriminalizing abortion did not pass; the Minister responsible for the Status of Women should be escorted from the Commons in the electoral equivalent of chains.

Although the title and the illo are THOUGHTLESSLY hyperbolic, this is a good article about privilege. 2020 says Hugo Schwyzer turned out to be rillllly problematic, but I’m leaving this here as evidence of progress, and it’s amazing given the drubbing he took that this writing is still available

I have a very heavy day of appointments and church related work in front of me.

VCon starts, I’m not going.  All I will do is spend stupid amounts of money on clothes.  Hilariously, RobW called me last night to complain about the Vcon website; this does not bode well for how good the con will be.

Paul and Katie and I had a lovely walk in Deer Lake Park on Wednesday; we saw a dozen frogs, a juvenile eagle, a Douglas squirrel and possibly a baby bunny, who did not linger to make our acquaintance.  I got some video of the frogs but it’s basically a streak heading for the rushes.  I also got a pic of the Douglas squirrel but not at very high resolution, even though the little guy POSED in TWO SEPARATE POSES for me.  We also picked up a hawk feather, which I stuck in Margot’s fur when I got home and resulted in a couple of charming pictures, one of which I posted to twitter. 2020 says that was a flicker feather, not a hawk feather, no kidding.

I’m going to ask Jeff to help me figure out how to post pics directly to my blog through WordPress, although possibly not today.

After many months of being okay, my temperature regulation at night has gone off the rails.  I have acceptably ordinary physiological reasons for this but waking up poaching in my own bed a couple of times a night is harshing my mellow.  This too shall pass.

Yet another sports figure is being accused of sexual and physical abuse of youngsters in his care.  The way it’s being reported in the press is quite bizarre.  I guess we’ll let the courts sort it out; the reporter had more than half a dozen affidavits detailing misconduct in hand before writing the story, and while we all know that there are false abuse allegations, it’s not the way to bet, especially since we’re talking about a Catholic residential school for falsely imprisoned young aboriginals.

Raincoaster just tweeted that an alarm went off close to her and a stern voice is speaking in German.  Helluva way to get woken up, unless of course she was already awake.  She and I trade tweets in the middle of the night fairly often.

What’s up on facebook:  18 billion reposts from reddit, mine among them, and people commenting about the things that make them upset – relatives dying abruptly in car accidents leaving young children, angst about how this is the first time her only child is out with the non-custodial parent on a football game day, the fact that 27 million people globally live in slavery, and me attempting to get a copy of (this poster). 2020 says it was something cool by Matt Danger but now it’s gone.

A mad wor(l)d my masters

Snoop Dogg went to JaMAIca and came back a Rasta.  He now goes by Snoop Lion and his next album will be entirely reggae.  Tis fabulous news!  Hope he covers at least one Sublime tune…

OMG  I just spent two hours reading RADFem and Transfem blogs and the hate and bigotry are so tiresome and frightening that I went to a Men’s Rights blog for a while to help me get my bearings.

Unclear on the concept – private company tries to trademark Anonymous.

Paul’s back from Ontario, brown as a walnut and sporting a rather luxurious multicolored beard.  He poked his head in briefly last night and it was good to see him in such good spirits!  Then he had to go to work….

Eddie haz a sad.  He hates it when Jeff is gone for any length of time.

Had brekky with the lovely and everblooming Sue, and how good it was to spend some time with her.

Now, back to work.  I have learned that when you’re writing trombone lines, you need lots of places for players to take breaths, as they need more air than any other brass instrument.



Tru dat

What psychologists consider five crucial aspects of wise reasoning: willingness to seek opportunities to resolve conflict; willingness to search for compromise; recognition of the limits of personal knowledge; awareness that more than one perspective on a problem can exist; and appreciation of the fact that things may get worse before they get better.


2020 says why the hell are you using AAVE Allegra

Why I really despise the generalist theory of mind

In the very last analysis, there is truth to the generalist theory of mind, in that one mind is generally in one body, and certainly only demonstrably in one body.  But as for the rest of it psittacosis and pish tosh.  Mind is not run by a big computer, whose job it is to run the mind; it is a series of ever more complicated and intertwined subroutines, all cobbled together in the Darwinian now, the correct operation of which dances on a knife edge of probabilities, diet, mental hygiene, (which is a damnably vague term but by which I mean all mood and emotional regulation states, good or bad, which might have a feedback effect on the operation of any part of cognition, and yes I consider mood part of cognition)  hormones and whatever happened to you in the first two years of your life.  Oh yeah, and I left out genes, epigenetic factors, locale, employment, forced migration, social support structure, status, weather effects, fitness, weight, moon phases, disease, radiation, poison, allergens, artificial light, noise pollution, pet ownership and television. (Notice that I left out gender, Richard?)  These, as I hope I am making clear, are all able to affect the ability of the human body to ‘run’ anything resembling a mind.

I will speak of something else which I know about the mind.  I had the privilege of working with the Arrowsmith Cohen School in Toronto when I was in my early twenties. (Josh Cohen, who never recovered from the divorce, died in New York City and it’s now the Arrowsmith School).  I was exposed to some dazzling ideas and saw scientifically replicable evidence about the inherent plasticity of the human brain.  The consequence of all that I learned was that I started to really believe that the human brain is busted out into cognitive departments; some parts of your brain deal with what’s coming in and some with what’s going out and some with what’s in the middle. These ‘parts’ are not imaginary but based in physical locations in the brain, which vary somewhat from person to person but are usefully similar in most people.  I sat with this knowledge, or I should say altered perception, of cognition, for many years, turning it over and over in my mind like an old primate looking at a particularly interesting rock.  It was possible to change the brain.  To learn what had been considered unlearnable; to unlock different personalities in children as different cognitive abilities bloomed.

When I looked at the idea of a physical idea of mind and looked at it side by side with all the things which affect the mind, I began to see cognition as this immense matrix of, as I said, probabilities, and each outcome was affected by the physical status of the brain versus what was cognitively required of the human organism at that time.


So.  The point I stagger towards with drunken resolve is that armed with this information it should be possible not just to come up with a theory of mind, but it should be possible to come up with a theory of your OWN mind.  You would do this by experimenting on yourself.  What effects do various life situations have on your cognition?  You can measure it, and at the end of it, especially if you have enough buddies doing the same thing, (giving you a sample against which you may judge what is going on) you will know, whether or not you’ve had a drop to drink, if you are good to drive.  Because you won’t just be thinking about blowing over; you will know for a fact that if you’ve experienced a number of events which upset your cognition or ability to respond in driving situations.  Even if you’re upset you’ll still be able to make a judgment, because you’ll have a theory of your own mind.  God is not outside you; it’s the human ability to detach from the meat and consider the whole that makes the notion of God even possible.  Or so I think, I’ve been wrong, and I’ll think something else tomorrow anyway.

Another example.  If you know when you are ovulating, you will be able to tell what effect this extremely important event is having on your cognition.  It will make you want to participate in pre pregnancy activities; do you want to go with it, or do the consequences appall?  It’s better to be able to think about it.  You can force yourself to think about it.

Another example.  You are making a life changing decision.  You have an hour to make it in and then the opportunity or challenge will be gone.  Do you eat something before you make a decision, and under what circumstances is it better to eat nothing than eat something that will upset your cognition?

Another example.  You have learned that getting enough exercise is absolutely crucial for the proper functioning of your cognition, and yet you do not do it.  What do you have to do and which parts of your brain do you need to stoke to be able to make, break, reset and make emotional adjustments to long term habits?

You are living in a basement with one window and there is black mold in the bathroom.  You are unemployed and you can’t even surf the internet at home so you’re watching a lot of TV, that being the only amenity in your ‘apartment’.  You can’t eat anything unless you microwave it as you have no real cooking facilities.  Your girlfriend just broke up with you, two of your brothers are currently not speaking to you because of something your best friend did at a family wedding, your mother has cancer and your dad is a drunken jackass.  You live with your parents but you have to use a separate entrance because you’re “not welcome upstairs unless invited” and you aren’t often invited; in fact sometimes they have family meals without inviting you.  You are terrified of spiders and your room is full of them.

To improve your cognition… what should you address first?

If you really had a practical model of mind, you could answer that question.  The answer would be different for each person.  I think that it’s actually possible to come up with a personalized mind matrix which would yield useful results about 80 percent of the time.  That makes me crazy, and I hope everybody understands that it doesn’t make any of the really amazing things in life worse or less poetic.  I write songs continuously; every time I see a bird fly my heart sings and breaks simultaneously at the beauty and impermanence of things; and yet I sometimes wish I had an angel of my own construction sitting on my shoulder and guiding my deeds on the basis of which activities would lead me to have the best cognition.

When you have an overview, as I feel I do, sometimes tested by experience and mostly supported by science, of how your own mind works, you realize that there is not one overseeing program.  Everything about you, from your personality to the way you sleep, is run by a separate part of your brain, or coordinated parts of your brain.  The coordination efforts are like friends holding hands and walking forward into the dark; there isn’t one big ‘overseeing body’; it can look like that when all the friends are working together well.  And when they work together, it’s flow, and it’s beautiful, and powerful, and outside of time and place.  If something weird with bloodflow or plaques or nutrition or oxygen supply or whacky proteins or enzymes occurs, mind can come to a hiccuping halt.

Like this rant.  Thanks for stopping by.

Added bonus.


Memo to the world if I’m ever killed in a terrorist attack

Memo to the world if I’m ever killed in a terrorist attack.

I’d like to deliver a pre-event FUCK YOU to the media, sort of a “Panopticon friendly living will”.

I am an atheist, so please don’t drag God into it.  God had nothing to do with mining the uranium out of the ground, or fabricating the explosives, or manufacturing the ricin, or in any way constructing whatever method blew me to bits or poisoned or drowned or suffocated me.  Nope it was people, mostly men, who put me in the ludicrous position of trying to speak to you from my grave.

I don’t want the government to use my death as an excuse to harass people of colour; people who look different from my variously pink and white corpus; people who never had the complex edifices of hereditary and colonial privilege which are my daily and mostly unrecognized portion.  The war on terror is a failure; my death is proof of that, but this proof will get drowned in a sea of wall to wall “How awful, how terrible, buy my hot chocolate pls” coverage.  Besides, as I see it, I’m more likely to get killed by a domestic terrorist, lone wolves with grudges can walk into any church and start blasting away, and they don’t even need a coherent world view to act.

I don’t want the people I love to use it as an excuse to hate anybody.  Fifty-two years on this ball o’ mud have taught me that only about 1 percent, maybe fewer, of human beings have the power to withstand social pressure when surrounded by the tribal emblems and ranting anthems and religious indoctrination that we grow up in, wherever we are; whether it’s the Inerrant Holy Text or the cult of Apple, we need our tribes and their shibboleths – and all the wit and good intentions and scientific advancement of 20 centuries means squat in the face of that drive.  We try, we fail, we try again.  A child is born; we vow to try again.  A loved one dies, we rededicate ourselves.  We are puny, but it’s hardly an excuse.

I have tried to join a tribe — or tribes — that at least look at human suffering and try to diminish it.  I am angry, as angry as a human can be, at the starvation and false imprisonment and environmental destruction of people across the globe, but I don’t want to make it worse by running out and killing folks in revenge, even if I think they deserve it.

So my tribe of filkers (look it up, I’m tired of explaining it) sings and brings the making and sharing of beauty into its heart, and my family tries to integrate a lot of different world-views without breaking, and my tribe of Unitarians tries to stay cheerful, motivated and active for justice in the face of a lot of angst and doubt, and my tribe of coworkers tries very hard to make and support good products, although the way the global supply chain is looking that’s harder every year.

And now I’m dead, and my tribes will miss me.  I’ll get a paragraph when they do a write up about the dead.  Well let ‘em know.  I loved the world, and I was sorry to leave it with so much undone.  But I didn’t want revenge, and I want any grief to work its way into a useful memorial for the benefit of the world.  And, FUCK YOU, mass media. Whatever you do, whatever you say, you’re going to get it wrong.

Oooh, I just had an idea for a tshirt

Believe me, the artwork I’ve made up to go with this makes this even more offensive – and I do it all with line art and print.

When we get to discussing

imaginary friends,

my God’s not a dick.

I thought of another one, but it’s even ruder, and I know mein pOp will thank me for keeping it air.

Another one

Of course I made God in my own image;

we all need a girlfriend with a sense of humour.

There are a number of possibilities

I am either a) no longer crazy b) seeing an incompetent psychologist or c) broke. My folks gave me money to go see a counsellor, and providentially I ran out of cake about the time the psychologist pronounced me in markedly better shape than when I showed up in February.  I’d like to thank LTGW for getting me the referral, Peggy and the krewe at church for being the soul of lovingkindness, Jeff, folks and kinder for being supportive, sometimes rather more pointedly than I’d like, but whatever.   I’ve got Tony’s number and I will definitely go see him if I start going off the skids again.  In the meantime, nothing can touch me, for yea, though I walk through the valley of piles of paperwork, I shall fear no angry customers, for the Buzz is with me, and He Fucking Shreds.

Miss Margot goes for a walk

Astonishingly, she came out the front door with me last night as I was on my way to Peggy’s to pick up soup (which I am going to now eat for lunch) and walked TWO WHOLE HOUSEWIDTHS down the sidewalk with me.

As soon as her house was out of eyeshot she sat down, nonplussed, and we slowly walked back to the house.  She has lost a lot of weight (for her) and is astonishingly frisky.  The same thing happened last spring, too.

Saw the psychologist today.  The meeting today seemed to have more relevance to church than home, work or ‘personal’ but it was still really useful.  He’s a good egg.

Research Stephen O’Rahilly sez…

“To be blunt, in today’s society it’s definitely not ok to be racist or sexist and it’s increasingly not ok to be ageist which is all to the good — but it still seems to be quite ok to be fattist even, and perhaps especially, in highly educated circles. This isn’t helping us with the serious science that will help provide some answers.”

Face blindness

I just took a face blindness test at and got 71 out of 72 faces correct.  I always would have thought myself better at recognizing faces than average, but to avoid bias I put myself down as average.  I’m going to ask family members to take the test.

Saw Jessica yesterday at the store.  She gave me a big hug, which is always welcome.

Church was awesome.  I for one give very ‘Apollonian’ homilies and this one “What I learned from Photography” was NOT intellectual at all, very heart centered and beauty centered, and a nice change it was.

Talked to Tammy, and how good to hear her voice.

I can haz clean clothes. Also got rid of 2 bags of clothes and gave my guitar tie dye shirt to one of the youths at church.

The soup for the soup lunch went over very well.  I stayed for clean up as I didn’t notice anybody volunteering for that, and then I drove Carol home.  Made hazelnut biscotti and chicken in gravy.




Here’s the triggering article from the LA Times.

Any article of popcult-moaning regarding the lout, without at least pulling a few examples of acceptable contemporary femininity, like, say, that appalling creature Snooki from the Jersey Shore who is so Ms Everywhere on the Scanalyzer that even I, who would rather get a day’s worth of dental work than watch Jersey Shore, cannot avoid her, is missing a point.  One point among many.

As humans continue the ongoing experiment of self domesticating themselves,

an experiment that degrades the human experience from birth by pressuring women to participate in da inhumane folly of unnecessarily invasive first world childbearing practices, kicks it up a notch with virtually no support for breastfeeding, kicks it up a notch with our ludicrous notions that we can protect our children from all harm by caging them (while saying on dog rearing websites that puppies raised in a cage are not capable of being properly socialized if you cage them longer than 16 weeks, HELLO does anybody see two points with a connecting line here? apparently not) and driving them everywhere, kicks it up a notch by parking the kids in front of a television from the minute they’ll sit still for it until the minute they find better things to do, kicks it up a notch by giving them inane and useless and actively degrading and mean-to-active-children schooling, kicks it up a notch by publicly rewarding assholes, goofs, drama queens of every gender, phat beat whiners and dictators, kicks it up by actively mocking those enjoy solving problems instead of making them, kicks it up a notch by providing actively anti-social activities…. like Xbox computer games and porn for boys, and computer games on facebook and reality tv for girls…..

we’re getting the kids we’ve bred.  If they behave badly, it’s because they were trained to, and not punished for being rude and rewarded for being polite.  It’s that simple. We are the subjects and objects of an experiment, and the experiment is COMING WRONG.

If you have kids, raise them properly – teach them that life is a story; it has a beginning/middle/end.  Even if the story is sad or hard, it’s a better story if you have manners, and hang around with other people with manners, who love you and who are lovable.  If you can’t do that, DON’T FUCKING WELL HAVE CHILDREN.  And certainly don’t expect this violent, mercenary and child unfriendly culture to do the heavy lifting for you if you do.

There are thousands of sex-trafficking victims in Canada.  They are forced migrants, aboriginal children and runaways of every description.  Anybody who thinks Canada is a child friendly place has only to look at our ability to convict child-sex traffickers and the truth of the lout is revealed.

Why would a lout want the trouble of a real woman when for a bit of cash he can have a 16 year hot Asian chick being pimped out of a massage parlour across from Metrotown?

It’s always the unspoken assumptions that trouble me.

I briefly mentioned porn.  I know men who have destroyed their ability to relate appropriately to women (as in, have normative heterosexual intercourse…) because of porn.  They retreat into loutish behaviour because they know things are not going to come right in the bedroom.

I also meant to mention that over the last 50 years, an increasing amount of troubling chemicals have wound their way into our lives and hormone balances.  There are wholesale behavioral shifts in human activities, sexual expression and gender identification which I think are bigger than what would be caused by talking about things on the daytime agony columns like Oprah or Jerry Springer.  There’s something much more basic going on in my view, and I’ll be talking about that more in later posts.

Flowers flowers flowers on my desk. Bwa ha ha!

Jeff and mOm and pOp sent me flowers. Oh, the convulsions of jealousy! 

Yeah, doesn’t take much.

ANOTHER two delurkers have emailed me.  This time it’s a bracing and unexpected and heartmelting serious of comments, and I just feel very loved right now.  You never know when people are going to be affected by what you do!  It gets better, etc. etc.  But as human beings keep going through the same series of emotions and trials, it’s necessary to be reminded.  And just in case – I AM SORRY I hurt anybody or caused them to lose sleep.

Because, yanno, sleep’s imPORtant.