Fiction and non fiction

I am in the process of writing a near future / SF novel which contains a kind of computer virus called (in the story) a nukeworm.

Then I read this.

Would anybody care to speculate what Phase II is likely to be?  In my story, a politically (as in wanting to change behavior of certain individuals) not criminally (as in MONEY) motivated group of hackers uses the nukeworm to harvest social networking information.  In real life…… ai-yi.

weird frisson

I’m at kopper’s place (typed kipper, ha ha) as, scurvy little emotional parasite that I am, I didn’t want to be by myself the night before nautilus3’s surgery.  Also, I wanted a break from the non stop looking at responses to my Craigslist ad, which I can do now that I have located…. Dances with Sheep!  Yes, I ran the nickname by him and he kind of email rolled his eyes but he’s okay with it.  You can understand just how laid back he is from this exchange.  He will be referred to in short form as DwS.
The weird frisson was that I nearly logged in as kopper, which would have been really bizarre.

I have now had coffee and I have an hour to get to work. Wish me luck!!!

I will be thinking about my mOm a lot today.  She says she’s never been so well prepared for a major life event…. They really try to make sure you have everything you need in advance.

Kopper showed me her bow collection.  You know, the kind you kill things with.  As a member of the Consorority of the Brides of Lymond, having a girlfriend who can kill things with a bow and arrow is SWOONDERFUL.  Then I admired her ribbons…. gal’s good.

Violence and Video Games

People keep trying to sue to stop violent video games, and the courts in the US keep bitch slapping them.  Scanged from


Judge Richard A. Posner: ‘Violence has always been and remains a central interest of humankind and a recurrent, even obsessive theme of culture both high and low … It engages the interest of children from an early age, as anyone familiar with the classic fairy tales collected by Grimm, Andersen, and Perrault are aware. To shield children right up to the age of 18 from exposure to violent descriptions and images would not only be quixotic, but deforming; it would leave them unequipped to cope with the world as we know it.'”

Movies r us

Paul called to say he was safely on the ground in SF, which is prob’ly the last I’ll hear of him until Tuesday evening.

We WATCHED MOVIES.  Highly recommended, although violent and weird in spots, is Tsotsi

Even more highly recommended is Broken Trail – If you have ANY interest in Westerns this is a TV production you cannot afford to miss.  ALSO if you are a Firefly fan, it’s like the guys who wrote the soundtrack sat at Greg Edmundson’s feet to get the Chinese/Western crossover thing pitch perfect – that was an unexpected bonus.  The scenery is so gorgeous, and the script and acting so good, and the details…. And Robert Duvall is just plain AMAZING.  Gun enthusiasts will be pleased by the accurate use of period guns.  Horse enthusiasts will be interested…. Persons interested in history will be interested… and the bad guys GET THEIRS yeehaw. I have every intention of watching this again, but seeing as how Jeff brought 20 movies with him, it won’t be on this pass.

Now, off to the Big 6 for brekkie.